I’m The King

Chapter 454: : Poison bait wrapped in honey

In Niulanshan Daying, Tan Feng’s face was as sinking as water. Chun Yuyan, who had returned from Langya County, was not very good-looking. In Langya, he touched a big nail. After learning about Chun Yuyan’s coming, Ye Tiannan swept him out extremely unceremoniously. . Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it!" Ye Tiannan sneered and said to Chun Yuyan: "It's not the first time you want to plot high, no matter what you want to do, my husband and son will follow. But I want to take such a clever arrogance. , But I can't even think about it."

Tan Feng snorted, "He really said that? I really didn't see the coffin without tears. I thought it was in the face of the king, but I wanted to give him some face. If that's the case, then I shouldn't blame me for waiting."

"Is it sure about this matter?" Chun Yuyan said worriedly: "Ye Tiannan is not an ordinary person, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no back player, and there is really no problem at the high-end side. If you let Gao Yuan out of trouble, things will not end well."

Tan Feng smiled faintly: "Zhou Yu has been out for more than half a month. In the letter yesterday, he had already set a snare, and he waited for Gao Yuan to bump into him. Zhang Junbao and Ji Kui had already set off. At present, traces of Gao Yuan’s nest in the grassland have been found. Now he is heading there, and in the capital, the king has also removed Ye Zhong’s position as the commander of the Guards. Right now, Ye Zhong has left Jicheng and returned to Langya. Another general of the Ye family, Xun Xiu, has not moved for the time being. He, but it doesn't matter, Xun Xiu can't afford to turn a big wave. Master Chunyu, this matter is already on the line and has to be sent."

"That's good, I'm afraid that I won't die if I kill the snake, and I will be backlashed. At the beginning, Taiwei Zhou and Master Ning failed to assassinate Gaoyuan in Jicheng. In a blink of an eye, Gaoyuan became a climate. Confronting Dayan. Now that Dayan is facing a dangerous situation, it is inevitable to add another strong enemy." Chun Yuyan nodded.

"There are few soldiers in the distance, and I can't say that it is Dayan's strong enemy." Tan Feng smiled, "Master Chunyu is waiting for the good news."

"Zhao Guo and Zhao Mu are acting frequently now. I can't help but worry about it."

"The Jiang Junshou of Yuyang has been ready. His son Jiang Xinliang has led 10,000 elites into the city. Zhao Mu will not act rashly, and I have another arrangement in Handan to keep Zhao Mu's hands and feet, everything Hand in hand. Zhao Mu is indeed talented, but he ran into a very jealous King Zhao, plus a talented Zhao Qi, Zhao Mu was very talented, and it would be great if he could play half of it." Tan Feng laughed.

"The trick to divorce?" Chun Yuyan asked.

Tan Feng snorted, "Wang Zhao had to use Zhao Mu, but he was jealous of him. He was worried that he would collude with Zilan, so when Zhao Mu was re-appointed, Zhao Qi, who was defeated because of the previous defeat, will be ousted. Once again, I recruited Handan as the Yushi doctor, who was in charge of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. After Zilan resigned and returned to Daizhou, he wanted to manage his own fief. Therefore, I sent people to Handan to spread rumors and bribe officials. Let the fire in Wang Zhao's heart burn even harder."

"Who is it going to? A person who can preside over such a big event must stand alone."

"Master Chunyu recognizes this person." Tan Feng laughed and said, "Master Chunyu, you can guess."

Chun Yuyan looked at Tan Feng’s vigorous face with some triumphant smiles, and could not help being a little surprised. Although Tan Feng controlled Yan Lingwei, the spy network of Yan Lingwei distributed in various countries still still Not completely subdued, and even many people are still hostile to Tan Feng. Those people were arranged by Ning Zecheng before, such as the Yan Lingwei of Zhao State, and also in the Yan Lingwei branch of Zhao State. It is the largest force besides the opening of the headquarters of the Kingdom of Yan, because the Kingdom of Zhao has always been the enemy of the Kingdom of Yan, and Ning Zecheng has made great efforts within the Kingdom of Zhao. At the moment, the heads of the espionage networks lurking in various countries are all possible. It was staring at the State of Zhao. If Tan Feng could take the State of Zhao in one fell swoop, then he could truly control all of Yan Lingwei's strength, and Yan Lingwei could truly operate.

Looking at Tan Feng's appearance, she seemed to be confident, Chun Yuyan's heart moved, she thought of one person, but an incredible expression appeared on her face, "Could it be Li Yuncong?"

Tan Feng clasped his palms and laughed, "Sure enough, it is my Dayan's internal history. I have a seven-orifice and exquisite heart. You can guess it. It is Li Yuncong. With this person, my Yanlingwei who is lurking in Zhao country can completely Resurrected."

"Don't worry?" Looking at Tan Feng, Chun Yuyan asked gently.

"What's not to worry about!" Tan Feng narrowed his smile and said lightly: "Li Yuncong is indeed the confidant of Master Ning, but it is also my Yan, he is a wise man who knows how to choose, not to mention his family. My relatives are all in Jicheng. Apart from doing my best, Dayan, what tricks can I dig out? I can give him this opportunity, but he is grateful! This person is talented, and of course he has to reuse it, not to mention. , I don’t doubt about employing people, and if suspects don’t need it, I dare to use him, naturally I am not afraid of him turning back."

"If Li Yuncong really works hard, it is really reassuring." Chun Yuyan looked at Tan Feng with a sigh, and couldn't help but admire. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and the new generation replaced the old, compared to Ning Zecheng. This group of elderly people think about their family and their own interests beforehand. Tan Feng, Zhou Yu, a group of newcomers, are really full of vigor, mind the world, and dare to be the first. This time, if all of their plans were successful, Dayan would really have a new look. Even if there was something wrong, it would be enough to feel comforted by the current achievements.

West Liaoning and Fenzhou were now under the direct control of the imperial court, and Langya seemed to be in a short time. However, in Hejian, Yan Shenghao was hit continuously by Gao Yuan, and his strength had long ceased to exist. Returning to the imperial court was only a matter of time. In this way, Dayan is not far from the big unification.

"Five years, as long as I wait for five years, my Dayan will definitely change his old appearance, Master Chunyu, you are my Dayan's internal history, in charge of foreign affairs, in these few years, I have to ask you to run around for me. Dayan creates a good external environment!" Looking at Chun Yuyan, Tan Feng said earnestly.

"I know, make friends with Qin Chu, think of Austrian aid, and use Zhao as the enemy to build morale in the country. Show the weakness of Qi country, temporarily retreat." Chun Yuyan nodded: "These strategies, I have repeatedly considered these strategies in my heart, waiting for Donghu's side. , I set off."

"Time, we need time!" Tan Feng sighed up to the sky, "If we win this battle for Donghu, we wouldn't have to worry about it. But now, we can only do that. Maybe, we have to go to Donghu. Kneeling, it makes people feel bored to think about it."

"To endure the momentary humiliation, in exchange for the future, the sea and the sky will be brighter." Chun Yuyan said sensibly, "My Dayan will finally have the day to spread its wings and soar."

"Master Chunyu, let's encourage together!"

Both Tan Feng and Chun Yuyan were waiting for news from the Donghu battlefield. Zhou Yuan’s tens of thousands of troops could no longer count on it. They just hoped that after this battle, Donghu would not send troops to attack the border between Dayan and Dayan. To make matters worse, as Chun Yuyan, who is in charge of Dayan's foreign affairs, came to the west of Liaoning. His original intention was to go to Donghu at an appropriate time and negotiate a truce. In order to achieve this goal, even if it is necessary to pay a certain price, it must be tolerated.

Chun Yuyan did not wait for a few days, but waited for the news. Accompanied by Zhou Yuan’s general Tao Qigong, Donghu Minister Tulu arrived at the Niulanshan Fortress. Seeing the agreement brought by Tulu, Chun Yuyan did not believe her. Eyes, not because the opponent's conditions are harsh, but because the opponent's conditions are too good. Fortunately, Chun Yuyan can't believe this is true. He intuitively believes that there must be some incredible conspiracy in it.

But he was puzzled.

The two sides returned to their pre-war position and used it as the border between the two countries. In this way, Yan took advantage of it, because after Gao Yuan established the Niulanshan camp, he pushed forward the previous border between the two countries. In other words, Dong Hu is willing to bear the loss.

Require the two countries to sign a mutual non-aggression treaty and promise peace. This is something that the Yan state can't ask for. Besides, this kind of treaty is binding when both parties need him. When one party no longer needs it, this kind of promise is fart. Nor is it.

The country of Yan is required to open up trade and allow merchants from both sides to trade freely. It is not allowed to set restrictions on goods. What is implied here is that the country of Yan is required to import strategic materials such as salt, tea, and refined iron to Donghu. But at the same time, the country of Yan also Horses can be obtained from Donghu, which for both parties is also to get what they need.

If it is said that the only thing that is detrimental to the country of Yan ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is on the soldiers who went on the campaign, Donghu is only willing to release high-level generals in the first batch, and then release 10,000 people each year. Within five years, they will now be All the Yan Jun trapped on Xiong'er Mountain was released.

In other words, the more than 50,000 Yanjun survivors will be forced to stay in Donghu as prisoners for the shortest one year and the longest one year. This is not unacceptable. After all, it is much better than their death in battle.

If all these 50,000 people die in the war, the country will inevitably be shaken. I don’t know how many wives will lose their husbands, their parents will lose their sons, and their children will lose their fathers.

It’s only five years, and I’m not afraid that I won’t have firewood. Chun Yuyan took the contract and looked at Tan Feng on the opposite side, "I can't believe my eyes, when did Donghu people become so kind?"

Tan Feng's eyes were also very solemn, "Thorpe is extremely powerful. I'm afraid that in time, he will be more difficult to deal with than Miranda. He knows that if we are to forcibly annihilate these 50,000 of us, then next I, Yan Guo, will inevitably retaliate with all his strength. With his current strength, it is really difficult to withstand another blow. This trick is to retreat, which makes it good. This contract is even more of a poisonous bait with honey. Knowing that it is poisonous, we have to swallow it. If we refuse, there will be an uproar in the country!"

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