I’m The King

Chapter 452: : Occupation

The Zhengdong Army set up a large camp on the side of the Buyi tribe. Looking at the current situation of the Buyi tribe, Gao Yuan didn't worry that they would make chaos. With the strength of this small tribe, it was just a matter of turning over him. Geli Literature Network

Luo Feng obviously understood this too, and he was very dedicated to entertaining him. Except for breeding cattle and sheep and underage calves and sheep, all the tribesmen killed them and sent them to the camp of the Eastern Army. The soldiers of the East Army who have not been exposed to the horror for many days are very happy. Since Jingyuan passed by, let alone meat, even the food army is not enough. Today I met a generous Huns, naturally. To feast on.

When the Eastern Army was eating happily, in Luo Feng's big tent, a group of Buyi men sat beside Luo Feng, one by one with sad faces.

"Patriarch, like this, how can you live in winter? Thousands of people have no food. When the white disaster comes, I don't know how many people will starve to death!" A big man violently grabbed his beard and beard between his eyebrows. Twisted into a word Sichuan.

"This is something that can't be helped. You have also seen this. This Dayan's army has just been defeated from the battlefield. There is no food and grass. We are out of luck and we ran into their hands. If we don't wait for it, When the opponent is angry, let alone eating, I'm afraid that the life of the whole family will not be saved. The opponent's strength is far beyond ours. We can only make compromises. After they leave, the guys in the family will have a lot of hardships and see. Can you catch more prey to come back? As for this winter, it is resigned to the fate. The food will first protect the children and young adults, women, and the elderly in the clan. After that, he will leave the clan and go on his own survival path!" Luo Feng closed his eyes and said slowly. .

Hearing Luo Feng’s words, all the men in the tent looked miserable. Among them, many of them had old people in their families. Let these old people leave the tribe to make a living, because they fend for themselves, except starve to death. Or become the food in the belly of the prairie wolf, can there be a second way?

But besides this, what can be done? Originally, the tribe had already prepared enough food for the winter, but now it has become the food for those uninvited guests. In order to ensure the continuation of the tribe, they can only give up these old people.

"I am getting older. After these people leave, I will also walk into the grassland. Luo Li, after I leave, you will be the patriarch of the Buyi tribe. Remember, no matter what danger you encounter, save it. The blood of the tribe is your important task." Luo Fengdao raised his head and looked at the man who had spoken earlier.

The man called Luo Li was shocked, "Patriarch, how can you leave, the Buyi can't live without you. I am not the patriarch."

"Yeah, patriarch, you can't leave. If it weren't for you, our Buyi tribe would no longer exist. Although Luo Li is the best candidate for the next patriarch, he is still too young. Please take him for a few more years! "The other guys also rushed to persuade them.

In this grassland catastrophe, the small tribe of the Buyi tribe was able to survive, and it was indeed inseparable from Luo Feng's wisdom and cleverness. He was the backbone of the Buyi tribe. Without him, the Buyi tribe would immediately feel that the six gods are no master.

"Luo Li is not young anymore!" Luo Feng shook his head sternly, "You have all seen today, the leader of the Great Yan's Eastern Army, Gao Yuan, but in his early twenties, he has commanded thousands of troops. Luo Li is almost three years old today. I’m ten, how can I not afford the great responsibility? I’m over fifty, and I can live a long time on the grassland, so I won’t waste food in the clan. The matter is settled like this, and it’s all over. When I go down, I will tell the clansmen, Don't provoke these people."

"Yes, the patriarch!" All the men knelt on the ground respectfully, kowtow to Luo Feng, and Luo Feng accepted it calmly.

The tent said farewell mournfully, but there was a noise outside the tent. Listening to the sound of footsteps, I am afraid there are many people. A Bouyei youth opened the curtain a little nervously, "Patriarch, the high general is here with people. ."

Luo Feng's heart was tense. In order to entertain these troops, the clan has done everything they can. Could it be that they are still not satisfied, asking for endless rations? All the rations for the winter in the clan have been dedicated. If the opponent has to contribute by himself, he How is it good?

"Get up," Luo Feng shouted in a low voice, "Let me go out to meet them."

Gao Yuan was full of spring breeze, and he strode forward. Since he got rid of the pursuit of the Donghu army, he has come to the bank of the Liao River unimpeded. Now it is not the enemy that disturbs him, but the grain and grass. Thousands of troops are consumed every day. The amount of horror, by now, the food and grass carried by the army has basically been exhausted. Fortunately, some time ago, I ran into a Donghu tribe in Jingyuan, and after annihilating the opponent, he took a part of it. Otherwise, it would not be able to hold on.

This Buyi tribe is very interesting. There is no escape, no hiding, and no false pretense. Instead, it does everything possible to entertain them. This makes Gao Yuan difficult to start. Otherwise, they will take this tribe and plunder their cattle and sheep. After that, they can support for a period of time, count the days, and the infantry should also be coming. When they were deployed, they were now in the predicament. The infantry army carried a large amount of supplies. As long as the two armies converge, everything will be fine. .

The Buyi people are courteous and courteous, so people can't find any excuses, and there are so many Xiongnu cavalry in the army. He had to give He Lanxiong face, but he came here today, but he has no plans.

To visit Luo Feng, Gao Yuan only brought He Lanxiong and Aman, the patriarch of the Gongsun clan, both of whom were Huns, so they could shorten the distance between them as much as possible.

Luo Feng welcomed the three of Gao Yuan and his party into the big tent and sat down, Gao Yuan was not polite and spoke directly.

"I don't think the Buyi people are wealthy. In order to entertain me, the patriarch is afraid that his family has gone bankrupt?"

Listening to these empathetic words, Luo Feng's nose was sour, and he almost shed tears. Isn't he just ruining his family, and then the Buyi people will soon face the separation of their relatives.

"As long as General Gao is satisfied, the Buyi people have a little property, it's nothing!" He bowed his hands in a respectful manner.

Gao Yuan smiled and looked at He Lanxiong next to him. He Lanxiong in the past knew better than him, because before he met Gao Yuan, the predicament of the Helan tribe was even more unbearable than the Buyi people now. The tragic situation at that time, now Thinking about it, there are still lingering fears.

"The Buyi people give everything to entertain our army. Gao is grateful, but I don't want to conceal the patriarch. Our army has lost the battle, and now we have nothing. There is nothing to thank the patriarch, so I can only provide some for the patriarch. I have prepared weapons, knives, spears, crossbows, etc. for the patriarch, and I will send them to the patriarch later." Gao Yuan bowed and said.

"Thank you so much, then!" Luo Feng was overjoyed. For them, iron weapons are hard to find. For many people, the iron pot at home is broken, and it is rare to replace them with a new one, let alone a sharp weapon, Zhengdong He has seen the weapons of the army in the day, and it is not an exaggeration to use salivation. It is a pity that he can only look at it. Now I heard that Gao Yuan is going to send him a batch, so why not make him happy mad.

"The patriarch does not have to thank the patriarch. The patriarch gave me food to save our army. These weapons are nothing to me. I can't eat or drink. They are far less precious than food." Gao Yuan waved his hand disapprovingly, "I don't know when we leave. , What is the patriarch going to do?"

"Take one step at a time!" Luo Feng sighed. Since the other party was kind, he didn't want to shy away.

"Does the patriarch want to let the elders of the clan leave? Let them fend for themselves?" He Lanxiong asked suddenly.

When someone broke his plan, Luo Feng’s face flashed with a different color, “This is something that can’t be helped, besides, this is also a common occurrence among our Huns. The old people leave for the young, middle-aged and children. We leave food, this general is my Huns, and we should understand that this is also a last resort."

He Lanxiong's face was sad, "Of course, I know that many years ago, when the white disaster came, the old people in the tribe would only take a knife and a bow, leave the tribe far away, and fend for themselves. How can you not know? As soon as you leave the tribe, what is waiting for them is death. On the day you leave, the tribe will make sacrifices for them. Patriarch Luofeng, are you going to do this too?"

Luo Feng's expression was miserable, "How about this? Food is not enough in the end. If you want the tribe to continue, it can only be so."

"It's all our army's fault." Gao Yuan also sighed. "If it weren't for our army's arrival, the food prepared by Chief Luofeng would be enough to survive this winter. In order to supply our army, the Buyi tribe would have been exhausted. I’m very sad in my heart for the storage of the confession. I wonder if there are other ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening?"

"I can't do anything!" Luo Feng shook his head.

"General Gao, I have a strategy that may solve the current situation!" Aman suddenly said.

"Oh, what can you do?" Gao Yuan and Luo Feng both looked at him in surprise. Naturally, Gao Yuan was pretending to be, and Luo Feng was really surprised.

"Why not let the Buyi tribe follow us!" Aman said with confidence, "General Gao, Chief Luofeng, both understand that now our army has no food in stock, and the Buyi tribe has no extra rations for the winter. If we separate here, It’s just a situation where both lose and lose, but General Gao, have you forgotten? Our reinforcements are only more than ten days away. If the Bouyei clan set off together with our army, the food in his clan would be enough for our army to survive. In the predicament of more than ten days, after reuniting with our reinforcements, the Buyi people can also avoid the suffering of life and death. Isn’t it happy to have the best of both worlds?"

"Let us follow you?" A look of surprise flashed across Luo Feng's face.

Aman smiled and said: "Patriarch Luofeng, you have also seen that I, General Helan, are all from the Huns. Now we are all members of the tribe who have voted for the generals. Now our tribe is prosperous. Not only is there no such thing as life and death. The tragedy of, we lived extremely richly, and with the support of General Gao, no one had ever dared to bully us. To live a leisurely life, why not consider Patriarch Luo Feng, just like me and General Helan?"

Gao Yuan took He Lanxiong and Aman farewell and left Luo Feng, standing outside his big tent, looking a step away from the Buyi camp, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. Geli Literature.com has completely fallen into silence. The camp of thousands of people is like no one inside. The previous hustle and bustle fell into silence in a blink of an eye. How is this like a defeated army!

A lot of people slowly gathered behind Luo Feng, who, like Luo Feng, quietly watched this army suddenly appearing here.

"Go in!" Luo Feng sighed. I don't know how many sighs have been sighed on this day. The era of the weak and the strong will inform the winner of this tragic world for the weak.

Sitting cross-legged in the big tent, Luo Feng simply told the people about the other party's intentions.

"We invite you to join!" Luo Feng: "Want to know what everyone thinks?"

There was a dead silence in the tent, and there was only one man: “The patriarchs can’t trust these people of the Central Plains but want to annex them. Once they join, they will be destroyed by swords and fish. They will inevitably be driven off the battlefield. These are the only people in the clan. I'm afraid the Buyi people won't exist anymore."

"I don't agree!" As soon as the voice of this person fell, the other person spoke immediately. "We can't afford to offend the strong and the weak. We just have to look at He Lanxiong and Aman. The people are also Huns. But now He Lanxiong can be led by the Eastern cavalry. The cavalry of the Zhengdong Army can see that this Zhengdong general is not prejudiced and even reliant on us Huns. Otherwise, how can He Lanxiong reach such a high position? We Buyi people are not lack of heroes and fighters, but they are not necessarily worse than Helan Xiong. I think this road is at least since then. We don’t have to worry about the tribe being swallowed up by others, women and children, being bullied and humiliated by others, the elderly cannot support their lives.

Luo Feng quietly listened to the two before he said, "Luo Yun and Luo Lei both have to take care of everyone and discuss it together!"

There was a lot of discussion in the account, but it was divided into two factions to support Luo Yun and Luo Lei respectively. After arguing for a long time, Luo Lei saw that it was impossible to fight for the result and turned to look at Luo Feng: "The patriarch had a final word, and the debate over the year of the monkey and the month of the monkey could not discuss a result. In the past two years, the Bouyei tribe or the wisdom of the patriarch has long ceased to exist, believe what? Whatever you do!"

Luo Lei immediately calmed down with Luo Yun as the representative of the opposition. Luo Feng was extremely prestigious and the final decision-making power among the clan. Luo Yun looked at Luo Feng: "The patriarch decides!"

"Today, General Gao of the Zhengdong Army presented a batch of ordnance to us here, not only swords and guns, but also powerful and powerful crossbow arrows, which are many times better than our own weapons. "Gai Li Literature Net" Luo Feng slowly.

"Okay, this is why this general Gao is absolutely malicious to you. Otherwise, how can he give a weapon to the Bouyei tribe and his weapon will definitely multiply his prestige." Luo Lei said loudly.

"What's so happy that if we join our subordinates, doesn't it mean that we have taken back this empty favor." Luo Yun retorted.

Luo Feng paid attention to the two and said to himself: "The soldiers and horses led by General Gao Yan lost the battle in Donghu. Now all the supplies are lost, and it will take at least ten days for us to reunite with the reinforcements. So we have any supplies for these ten days. Invitation. We are not only grateful for us, but we also need the remaining cattle, sheep and rations in our tribe to spend the next ten days."

A solemn glance over the people in the tent. After this time, the tent fell into a deadly silence. Everyone is not stupid. Naturally, people understand Gao Yuan's hidden Ji Feng.

During the ten days of the expeditionary force, the soldiers had to survive the crisis and the soldiers had to eat. If the Bouyei tribe didn’t join in, everyone would understand the consequences with their ass.

"This is a naked threat!" Luo Yun's voice trembled.

"Threat but make things clear!" Luo Feng said indifferently, "We have no choice but to join. After joining, we can get at least the same treatment. The young people of the tribe will also run their heads to see that He Lanxiong will know that and also. I have inquired about the large number of Huns in the Eastern Army."

Gao Yuan gave the Buyi tribe the only way forward, there was no choice at all. Either the tribe was killed or joined. The Buyi tribe didn’t use it as a humiliation. In the grassland, the high expedition and the Eastern Army also have other tribes who are weak and strong. They will do things like Gao Yuan. On the contrary, Luo Feng felt that the other party confessed that it was more important. The numerous Xiongnu soldiers in the Eastern Army made Luo Feng see hope.

The Eastern Expeditionary Army was indeed defeated, but it was defeated. The Eastern Army still had a very thick thigh on the Buyi tribe. The Bouyei crisis can be easily solved. Women and children can no longer go hungry, no longer worry, fear that the old people don’t have to. Another person walked into the dangerous grassland with one knife and one bow to wait for death alone, while young adults could be born like He Lanxiong.

Luo Feng never worried about the abilities of the Bouyei Warriors.

"Join!" Luo Feng stood up. "After we go back, we should make it clear to our subordinates that we don't need to understand what is superfluous? It is enough for these people to know these things."

Luo Feng settled down and the rest of the people stood up and paid their accounts without any objection.

The next day, Luo Feng led the leaders of the Buyi tribe into the camp of the Eastern Army and the whole clan joined the Eastern Army. Gao Yuan was naturally overjoyed that the Buyi tribe’s participation not only solved the problem of feeding thousands of soldiers in the Eastern Army in the next ten days, but also won over two hundred Buyi cavalry who can survive the chaos in the grassland and protect a family of security soldiers. How can they be weak? As for adding more than two thousand Buyi women, children, old and weak, it seems a problem now, but when I return to Jishi City, what can I worry about? There are countless lands and luxuriant water plants in the vast territory, whether they want to continue to graze or settle down and enter farming. It's just one thing.

Jishi City is now short of people.

After busy days, the Buyi people came out of camp and followed the Eastern Army once again to embark on the westward journey. They fled from where they fled, but now they are on their way home.

The two hundred cavalry were directly incorporated into the Helanxiong Cavalry Battalion. Gao Yuan originally intended that Luo Feng personally went to Helanxiong to serve as a partial general to control the two hundred cavalry. However, Luo Feng rejected him and recommended Luo Lei on the grounds that he was older. Would like to stay with those two thousand people.

These two thousand old and weak were organized by Gao Yuan and wounded soldiers in the army. These people joined the wounded battalion and added a lot of people to help. The women, although rough and rough, took care of the wounded. It was more expensive than the soldiers in the army. Over the past few years, the grassland has been conquered. Why there are few wounded in the Buyi women’s account. Take care of the wounded and familiarize themselves with the road. As a result, they have moved away from the wounded camp and transferred most of the soldiers to take care of the wounded.

The soldiers of the Eastern Army who crossed the Liaohe River breathed a sigh of relief. Now they are considered completely safe and the days of reunion with the reinforcements can be expected, but morale will be higher every day.

It's been a few days since He Lanxiong sent out spies to leave. When we come back, we can bring reinforcement news when we want to come. Although the Buyi people have been gathered, the military rations can still support only ten days more~www.NovelMTL.com~ Just in the expedition east army is happy. When he embarked on his return journey, nearly 70,000 people in the Yan army led by Lin Zhouyuan were completely in desperation.

General Kumamoto was the vanguard of the Yan army and Lin Yi attacked for ten days in a row, but he was ready to stay still with Lin Cheng and the corpses of the Yan army under Lin Cheng piled up like a mountain. At this time, the entire Yan army’s food reserves had been exhausted and it was even more terrifying. Countless East Hu cavalrymen were surrounding from Liaoning Wei, Cong Yulin, and Luoxie, tens of thousands of Donghu cavalry and Zhou Yuan’s main force besieged tens of thousands of them.

At this time, the army of Yan had no way to enter the earth.

The whole army retreated to Xiong'er Mountain less than ten miles away from Helin to build a camp.

In less than half a month, Zhou Yuan is already a dozen years old. From Binglin and Linzhili to the present, a dying old man has changed so much that the guards and entourages around him are frightened. The face that had been well maintained is now a patch of old age. One piece is extremely conspicuous.

"The Taiwei Army's grain and grass will break through!" Kumamoto looked at his old attitude and said Zhou Yuan loudly: "The Donghu people will starve to death without attacking and starving. Fighting one is enough to fight two to earn a Donghu and There is a huge disparity in national strength, even if we all die here, we can still fight off some of our strength. It will take less than two years for Dayan to raise heavy troops to wait for revenge."

The pioneer of Kumamoto's army attacked He Lin, who was dominated by the army for more than ten days. After more than half of the casualties in Kumamoto's department, he felt pain and anxious. In addition, he knew that he had no hope of breaking through the siege.

On one side, Tao Qigong's expression was dim. Looking at the situation now, I am afraid that it is no longer able to return to the sky, and it is only like Kumamoto: "Taiwei is determined!"

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