I’m The King

Chapter 417: : Blind Fight (Part 2)

Both sides can only guess the approximate location of the other party, but this does not hinder this kind of coverage-type long-range strike. The East Hu cavalry are good at cavalry and shooting, and every soldier has excellent shooting skills. Among the soldiers of the East Army, except for the infantry. Among those who are against the sky, not many of them are good at shooting, but the crossbow arrows in their hands are pursuing strength and speed. Together with the covering shooting, they are enough to cause a great blow to the opponent.

Even with this blind shot, in the first round, both sides have their own injuries. It’s just that the soldiers of the Eastern Army are all wearing armor, and the bows and arrows of the Eastern Hushou are stronger than the crossbows in the hands of the Eastern Army. The hope of surviving is very small if one is used by the Eastern Army. Yujian, as long as it is not bad luck hitting the throat and face, the damage is not big. The so-called ten shots are not as good as one stabbing. This is the reason. On the battlefield, some generals were shot like hedgehogs. The armor was covered with feathers, but they were still alive and well. But if you stab him, he must It will die.

The soldiers who had been hit by the feathered arrows quickly retreated to the rear, drew their arrows, wrapped their wounds, and quickly picked up their broadswords and spears, and lined up again, dragging the seriously injured and unfortunately dead to the center of the array.

This style of play is a big advantage for the East Army.

After the second round of shooting, the Donghu cavalry had already smashed in front of them. In the thick fog, shadows and shadows stood up, and the horses were wrapped in thick fog, like a devil, roaring and charging up.

The East Hu cavalry at the front thought that the first thing he saw was the shining spear forest of his opponent, but unexpectedly, what appeared in front of him was a city wall about two meters high, which made him Some wondered if their eyes were spent, how could there be a city wall here?

He rushed up with mortal confidence, crashed into the opponent's gun forest, and used his own life to tear open a channel for his companion. But now, it is actually a city wall? The horse ran forward, even if he tried to rein, he couldn’t stop the horse’s castration. He ran too fast just after the last sprint, and the sound of the opponent’s shout was in his ears. He thought his opponent was in front of his eyes. .

But when the opponent really appeared in front of him, it was such a scene.

With a loud bang, people and horses hit the cart. The thick iron plate made a terrible sound, and it dented inward. The whole cart shook for a while, and it seemed that it might fall apart at any time. The bed crossbow on it collapsed suddenly and capsized in the cart. If it weren't for this big car to be locked together with the next one, and several of his brackets were deeply stuck in the dirt, this collision would definitely make him overturned.

The horse tendon is broken and the bone is cracked. The knight on the horse was thrown high, and the person was in the air, but the seven orifices were bleeding, and the person was fainted long ago. A few spears came out, chittering, and when he fell, he was pierced by a few spears, and he didn't hum. He died completely, and the spear flicked, throwing him out of the battlefield.

Almost at the same time. The connection rang with loud noise after loud noise, and the whole car city was shaking.

The whizzing of feather arrows in the air was endless, and in the Checheng, the screaming of arms and crossbows was also ringing, but at this time, they had already extended their range back to strike the Donghu cavalry in the depths.

The sound of the violent impact was endless, and the car city shook. Finally, a cart could no longer support this violent impact, and the frame fell apart with a crash. The cavalry who smashed the cart was still flying in the air. His horse has already rushed in, dozens of spears protruding out, and one thrust into the horse's belly, but the horse itself weighs more than a thousand catties, and with the power of the galloping force, how powerful is the spear deep into the horse. At the time of the belly, the spear was already broken, the people flew, and the few soldiers in front of him flew out and fell heavily to the ground, blood spurting from their mouths, and they did not move. They did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Xu Yuan on the side of Broken Car City, his face changed slightly, he slammed Mo Dao high, shouted angrily, "Kill!" rushed out in large strides, behind him, three hundred heavily armed infantry straightened Mo Dao and rushed with him. Get out.

The three hundred heavy infantry formed a square formation, Mo Dao danced, every time Xu Yuan killed, it was a slash, neat and orderly, and in a flash, the Donghu cavalrymen who rushed to the front turned on their backs. East Hu cavalry, no one thought that at this moment, there would be such a fierce counterattack inside. In the thick fog, it is impossible to judge how many people the opponent counterattacked, but between the ups and downs, the human flesh was flying, but it made people. Extremely shocked. The offensive could not help but slow down. Within the Checheng, the infantrymen who were slowing down were about to dismantle the broken carriage, threw it away, and then connected the rest of the carts together again. The Checheng remained the same, but shrunk a little.

The rumbling sound kept coming, and Sun Xiao had the same problem, but the solution was the same. Gao Yuan blocked the frontal impact. When Xu Yuan and Sun Xiao's cart broke, he broke three cars in a row. Lifting the Mo Dao next to him, Gao Yuan rushed out.

Above the hills, Alan Dai silently watched the foggy battlefield. Although he couldn't see anything, he could judge the intensity of the battle by just listening to the sound.

A soldier rushed from bottom to top and said something in front of Arundai. Arundai's expression changed slightly. Among the lofty infantry, there was actually a heavy infantry. This is something he didn't expect. The heavy infantry of the country of Yan is only equipped in the standing army of the country of Yan, and there are not many. They usually follow the action of the coach and are one of the killers of the country of Yan. Gao Yuan is known as General Zhengdong. It is the standing army of the State of Yan, but the entire Donghu executives know that this person is at odds with Dayan's commander, and the Jicheng fire is the talk of the Donghu people. How can such a miscellaneous army be equipped with heavy equipment? infantry? This requires a lot of silver. Where did those who live in Fufeng get the money and equipment from? He naturally didn't know that most of these things were blackmailed from a high level.

He clenched his fists hard, with a little regret in his heart. This time I came out and was careless. I didn't bring some heavy weapons. It is not impossible for the Donghu people to deal with the heavy cavalry of Yan. It is not impossible for the Donghu people, like a chain hammer. It is a good weapon for destroying the opponent's heavy infantry. Bows and arrows generally cannot penetrate the armor of these heavy infantry, but a chain hammer of dozens of kilograms is swung with horsepower, and then thrown out violently. The person who is on it, even in heavy armor, will be either dead or injured, but unfortunately it is not brought out.

The opponent has heavy infantry, so his own casualties have increased significantly, and Checheng. At this time, Arundai understood why Gao Yuan had to take this cart. Donghu and Dayan had not fought for decades. , These weapons and equipment commonly used by the Dayan army. Among the new generation generals of Arundai, there is no memory for a long time, and the poor ghost can't equip these things for many years.

"Increase the attack and tear the opponent's Checheng!" From the soldiers' reports, he can judge that the opponent has not many heavy infantry. They can only launch a counterattack when there is a problem with Checheng, rather than gather them into a big one. The formation confronted the cavalry. If the opponent has thousands of such heavy infantry, display them behind Checheng. There is no way to fight this battle.

Time after time of tearing, time after counterattack, in the basin, fighting endlessly, a whole hour has passed, but the sound of fighting below has not diminished, and Arundai finally became a little anxious.

Fifty miles away from Huaerying, the dense fog has cleared. Sunshine finally got rid of the imprisonment and patronized the earth again, but above the earth, it was like a **** of Shura. Within a radius of tens of miles, there are dead bodies, short arms and stumps everywhere. Broken spears, flags, lost all over the ground. Countless horses that had lost their masters wailed in the middle of the battlefield, and Liushen wandered without a master.

The scimitar in He Lanxiong's hand was broken, blood dripping all over his body, and he didn't know whether it was the blood of the enemy or his own. The Donghu Cavalry was thinking about plotting Gaoyuan, but he didn't. Gaoyuan was also thinking about plotting against him. Ai Jun’s 1,000 cavalry took thousands of horses and pretended to be the main force of Donghu, chasing He Lanxiong. He originally thought that He Lanxiong would speed up and flee, but absolutely nothing. Thinking of it, but encountered a brazen ambush from the opponent. A thousand cavalry were here, and all their lives were killed on the battlefield.

Throwing the broken knife in his hand on the ground, He Lanxiong turned over and dismounted and walked in front of Ai Jun.The Donghu cavalry general was scarred. The most deadly was a knife on his thigh, which almost severed the connection between this leg and the body. He was dragged by two soldiers to He Lanxiong, his face was pale, but his eyes still stared at He Lanxiong rebelliously.

"How about it, are you still not convinced?" He Lanxiong laughed, "Donghu Tieqi, but that's it."

"Don't be smug too early!" Ai Jun sneered. "I am defeated, but it doesn't matter. I'm just a partial teacher. When I come out to seduce the enemy, I will have the consciousness of life and death. It's just your coach. I ended up in the same way. General Arundai’s main force is going to deal with them, hahaha, He Lanxiong, hurry up and collect the body of your master!"

He Lanxiong snorted coldly, kicked on his toe, flicked a scimitar from the ground, caught it, and put the blade on Ai Jun's neck, "Really? Let you be a ghost, and Arundai will attack. Let's set the location of our army at Hua'er Camp, but where, there is no our main force, you only attacked the 2,000-man Chinese army. Where did the left and right troops of the East Army go?"

He smiled and looked at Aijun. This person is not going to lose his power when he is dying. It is nothing more than thinking that death is worthwhile. It is too worthwhile to replace his life with one life. Then he will break his first. Dreams made him die in despair.

"What do you mean?" Aijun's face twitched.

"I mean, in Hua'er Camp now, it is not our conquering army, but your master Arundai." He Lanxiong laughed, "For the sake of you are also a man, I will give you one. Happy, I have to hurry to Hua'er Camp, otherwise the flesh will be eaten by the infantry."

"Impossible, impossible!" Ai Jun roared loudly.

"Nothing is impossible. You want to play around with General Gao, but it's a little too short!" He Lanxiong smiled coldly, dragging the scimitar in his hand, Ai Jun's voice stopped abruptly, only a pair of eyes, still widened in despair of.

He Lanxiong shook his head. In this battle, Gao Yuan could count his opponents to death. If it weren't for his arrangement, in such a foggy day, he didn't know the details, but he really didn't dare to attack Aijun. The momentum is really like thousands of cavalry advancing.

"Brothers, change horses. If you can still fight, follow me to Hua'er Camp, if you can't fight, climb to the horse by yourself, and then slowly follow up, gather in Huaer Camp!" He Lanxiong shouted, what else is here No, there are too many war horses. Aijun has thousands of war horses as suspects, but now it is cheaper to himself. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~

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