I’m The King

Chapter 416: : Blind Fight (Part 1)

It was supposed to be the moment of dawn, but between the sky and the earth is still a gray area, and thin light smoke flies up and down, like a veil, like a haze of smoke, like a cloud; hanging on a tree and spreading over the mountain, Hidden in the grass forest. For a while it was like a rushing ocean tide, and for a while it was flying like a white gull. Xia Yan bursts and floats, and everything becomes hazy.

"It's foggy!" Sun Xiao muttered, but there was a hint of joy on his face.

"It's foggy!" Gaoyuan looked up at the sky, "God help me!"

In the middle of the night yesterday, Zheng Xiaoyang and Meng Chong led the left and right armies to leave first. Although the camp was still the same size as yesterday, it was two-thirds less crowded.

It's foggy, Gao Yuan can't help but please. Addition of fog is not good for both sides in the war, but compared to Gaoyuan, it takes advantage. This fog, the cavalry will definitely be affected more than the infantry, at least, their speed will be quite affected. Big impact.

"Let the fog come harder!" Gao Yuan looked up to the sky with a long smile, and lifted the horse's rein, "Let's go!"

Since the fog was fogging, many of the methods that were originally prepared to deceive the enemy were omitted. Two thousand Chinese soldiers and horses, with hundreds of carts, began to advance in the direction of Huaerying in the fog. On these carts, the medium was loaded. The armor of the army's one thousand heavy infantry, these heavy infantry are also weights against the cavalry at a high level. I have fought with Arundai many times before, but this secret weapon has not been shown. When that time, it will definitely give Arundai a small surprise.

Compared to Gao Yuan’s overjoyed joy, Arundai is now annoyed. He is an aboriginal of this place and is very familiar with the climate. Yesterday, he knew that it would be foggy, but he thought it was night. In the daytime, the sun came out. . It must be a clear sky. Unexpectedly, it was overcast today, and the fog that should have appeared last night was actually late. Now, looking at the mist that wanders between the sky and the earth, I feel really annoyed in my heart, look like this , After a while, this heavy fog will inevitably obscure the sky.

All the cavalry had to dismount and walk, leading their horses. I was walking in front of the horse for the war horse, and if I accidentally broke the horse's hoof, the body itself would go halfway.

"Report!" There was a rush of horseshoes.

"Report to the general, the enemy has pulled out of the camp and is moving. The team has been dragged for nearly two miles." Even in the cold weather like this morning, the cavalry was sweating profusely, apparently rushing for a long distance.

"Which way are they going?" Arundai asked eagerly.

"Go back to the general, look at the direction they are going, it should be around Huaerying." Chaoqi replied.

Arundai was shocked at first. Then he was full of joy and couldn't help laughing out loud, "Go, high, you really know how to choose the other party. After choosing Huaerying as your final burial, wonderful, wonderful. Not to mention, let him go to Huaer Camp. Where are we, annihilate the opponent."

Around Huaerying, there are all winding hills. There is a basin of about four or five miles in the middle. There are usually several villages gathered there. It is just a war. These people have already escaped without a trace. If the high-reaching Eastern Army enters this basin, the cavalry will be sealed on all sides. Dive from top to bottom, just to give full play to the impact of the cavalry, and this place is the easiest to blockade, when the time comes, it will be impossible for the opponent to encircle.

Arundai suddenly felt that the world was widening. It was really luck that the door could not be blocked. Gao Yuan was unfamiliar with the topography and landforms here, so he went into the Hua'er Camp and saved himself a lot of effort.

"Go, go to Hua'er Camp!" He said vigorously.

As time went on, the fog became thicker and thicker, and the distant mountains had long been hidden, and there was a gray and uncertain mist in front of me. I could only look at it, but a few feet in front of me. This caused great difficulties for the advancement of the teams on both sides. The troops of the East Army troops lined up closer, one after the other, advancing in the direction of Hua'er Camp.

And not far from them, Arendy's four thousand cavalrymen were holding their horses in their hands, and they were also advancing in the direction of Huaerying with one foot and one foot shallow.

"God bless, when we arrive at Hua'er Camp, this **** fog will clear!" Alendai prayed in his heart.

At noon, the Zhengdong Army finally arrived at Hua'er Camp first.

"General, here we are!" Sun Xiao held the helmet in his arms, his hair wet, and a drop of water slipped slowly down the armor, pulling out traces of traces on the dark iron armor. He twisted his body, "This **** fog is really uncomfortable." At this time, his clothes inside were moist, and they were extremely uncomfortable when worn on his body.

"Gather the soldiers, let's take a rest first, I guess, Alendai should be coming soon." Looking high into the distance, although he could not see anything, he seemed to see thousands of troops and horses galloping forward.

"Such a fog, if it stays for a while, it will be a blind hit." Sun Xiao was a little worried.

"Don't worry, we are blind hitting, and the opponent is not much better than us. You should thank God, the opponent's cavalry is more affected than us."

With an order, the Zhengdong army began to gather, a thousand heavy infantry began to arm, a large cart was lined up, and the livestock pulling the cart was concentrated in the center. Some soldiers are busy starting to connect the cart to one place.

Seeing the cart in front of him being connected together with the sound of Kaka, the baffle that originally hung on both sides of the cart was lifted. After the spring was locked, the corners of Gao Yuan's mouth couldn't help but show a smile. He really did. Thanks to his father-in-law Ye Tiannan, the arrival of the 10,000 craftsmen has indeed given him a great help. Such carts were originally used by Dayan heavy infantry. These carts are specially made. They are usually used to drag heavy infantry with heavy armor. During the war, the baffles on both sides of the carts were pulled up, one after another. The cart will form a simple city wall. It’s a pity that he only had time to build these more than a hundred big cars before the expedition. He wanted to enclose his team and it was not enough. He could only construct his current formation into a triangle, and used several numbers on each side. Ten vehicles constitute an obstacle, and there are passages tens of meters wide exposed in the middle.

But this is enough. Arundai might never have imagined it, but he would be greeted here with a solid defense.

There was a faint sound of thunder from a distance, and he stood up aloft. Nearby, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes, and the loud voice of Hengdao rang, "Prepare to fight, prepare to fight!"

Arendy is here!

Two thousand Chinese soldiers sitting on the ground suddenly stood up on the chariot. The bed crossbow was smashed, and the sound of the rattling of the strings rang into one piece. The heavily loaded infantry began to line up, ten men in a row, holding the swords, blocking the gaps in the chariots, and the spearmen rushed to the chariot. The long spear stretched out, forming a spear forest behind them. The crossbowmen opened their crossbows with their wounded arms, and the arrows slanted upward.

"Sun Xiao, you are responsible for garrisoning on the left. Xu Yuan, you are responsible for garrisoning on the right. In the middle, hand it over to me." Gao Yuan put on his helmet, handed his sword and strode forward.

"Yes!" Sun Xiao and Xu Yuan knew that at the most critical moment, the two were not talking nonsense, and they would definitely suffer the greatest impact in the middle. But Gao Yuan far surpassed the two in both command ability and personal force. This is not the time to be polite, you have to know. What they are about to meet is twice the impact of their cavalry.

Densely packed cavalry appeared on the hills around Hua'er Camp. The fog was thinner than before, but the distance of sight was still only a few feet away. I couldn't see clearly the formations of the East Expeditionary Army in the basin, but the battle drums and bugles were arrays. But it passed it clearly. A smile appeared at the corner of Arundai's mouth, maybe, the opponent is panicking now.

He took out a shiny horn horn from his arms. It was made of a rhino horn. Years of motoring made the appearance of this horn horn a glimpse. He put the horn to his mouth, puffed his cheeks, and blew it vigorously.

The loud trumpet sounded, and the cavalry drew their scimitars one after another and began to rectify the formation.

The sound of the horn changed abruptly, and the fierce killing sound was faintly revealed from the horn. Except for the two thousand cavalry around Arundai, the other two thousand cavalry around shouted and rushed down, the sound of the army drum. The direction from which the sound comes is where the enemy is.

Among the army formations in the basin, while holding a knife at a distance, his eyes were slightly closed, and he quietly listened to the sound of free horseshoes. The first attack was nearly half of his power. Arundai really wanted to win. what. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Bed crossbow!" He shouted sharply. Judging the distance of the cavalry based on the sound of horseshoes was originally the strength of their generals who have grown up in the border for a long time, and even veterans in the army can easily do this.

The sad cry of the bed crossbow sounded. The sound is so dense, it can be clearly and clearly even in the impact of thousands of cavalry.

On the top of the hill, Arendy's heart jumped. It is not surprising that the Eastern Army is equipped with a heavy weapon such as a bed crossbow, but why there are so many? Listening to this sound of howling, I am afraid that there are hundreds of bed crossbows. Howl.

Naturally, Arundai didn’t know it. This was the first offering to him after the artisan Langya went to Gao Yuan. On the carts, there were bed crossbows, but on the base of these bed crossbows, there was a crossbow. The base can be rotated. Usually this crossbow is placed in the cart, and the space is free for stacking the armor of the heavy infantry. When fighting, the heavy infantry wears the armor, and the space for the big expedition is vacated, and the crossbow can be rotated. Come over and become a weapon hidden behind the baffle.

It is not unreasonable that Yan Guo can block Donghu from setting foot in the Central Plains with the power of a single country. In addition to the strong walls, his heavy infantry is also one of the nemesis of the cavalry.

When the cavalry encountered a large number of heavy infantry in a formation, they did not rush into the formation, but used their mobility to look around, looking for fighters, slowly dragging down their opponents and then breaking them. The two sides fought many times, knowing the bottom line. In the end, the heavy infantry of Yan State had not taken the initiative to attack, but fought according to the city. No matter how powerful the East Hu cavalry were, they could not defeat the opponent.

The sound of howling in the air sounded very familiar to every Donghu soldier, but the only thing they could do was to lean down~www.NovelMTL.com~ try to make yourself look smaller and I pray that these crossbows are not shooting at my own place.

The battlefield is wide enough, and the distance between the East Hu cavalry is relatively large. This is also when they are impacting in the thick fog, to avoid colliding with each other. How many people lost their lives in this blow.

"Arrow!" a Donghu general shouted sharply. The bed crossbow fired extremely slowly. After this scream, it took at least a dozen breaths before the bed crossbow could fire again. This was when they counterattacked.

The Donghu cavalrymen who were still leaning on their horses just stood up, bent their bows and bowed their strings, and a sharp arrow broke through the air, through the thick fog, and shot in the direction of the East Army.

Almost at the same time, the high and far in the array also spit out a word heavily.


As soon as the crossbow character landed, the arms and crossbow arrows that were ten times denser than the previous crossbow swept out. There was no scene of ten thousand arrows flying in the air, but the screams of screams were heard one after another. People fell as a result of cutting wheat, and among the array, many soldiers of the East Army also fell to the ground. (To be continued...)

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