I’m The King

Chapter 418: : When the fog clears

In Hua'er Camp, the vicious battle is still going on. Arendy put in another thousand cavalry. By his side, there are still a thousand cavalry used as a reserve team. A mature army and a mature general will not be used at any time. Will forget to leave a mobile unit by his side, unless it is the last moment, or to achieve a special goal, he will smash the capital in his hand without leaving any money.

The Zhengdong Army is not easy to deal with, and Arundai knows this very well. In the past few years, this army has been moving forward from Fufeng territory, deep into Donghu territory for more than a hundred miles, and even built a Niulanshan camp near Donghu. The small part was either destroyed or forced to move. But he did not expect that the opponent's combat effectiveness was so strong.

Arundai is not without worry, how long will Ai Jun’s army to lure the enemy can be dragged, once the fog clears, He Lanxiong finds that he has been fooled, if he turns back, he might fall short, this Huns The two thousand riders under his command were really difficult to deal with.

I hope Aijun will draw him farther, Arundai prayed a few times in his heart. If Gao Yuan could be eliminated by himself, then He Lanxiong would be nothing to worry about. Once Gao Yuan died, this guy might rush back to the prairie with someone. He is loyal to Gao Yuan, not Da Yan Chao.

Killing Gao Yuan is not only to destroy the left army of the Yan Kingdom and destroy this offensive. More importantly, he breathed out a bad breath, and also breathed out a bad breath for Prince Thorpe. If it weren't for this Gao Yuan Qianli's surprise attack on Yulin, one If the fire burned Yulin clean, how could Prince Thorpe be punished by the old king? If it weren't for this, how could the prince have a chance to compete with Prince Thorpe? After much deliberation, this time the Donghu internal struggle has an inseparable relationship with the high and far in front of me!

Thinking of Helin's blood, Arundai couldn't help but shudder. Most of the news that came out was to confuse Yan Ren, but there was one thing that was not wrong. Helin really killed a lot of people. Pharaoh’s careful arrangements have minimized the loss, but Helin still uses blood to describe it as a river of blood. The Agu one, but most of the cavalry that can form more than 20,000 cavalry, is an elite. Wan Qi, there are some small and medium tribes attached to him, plus their family members, a large tribe with more than 100,000 people. He sighed in his heart. Although the old Wang had connected with the chief veteran of the Agu tribe, the main general, the Agu tribe still killed nearly five thousand troops in this battle, and the Agu Yingxin first group was beheaded to death. Coupled with the elder prince Sok and his generals and his direct line of troops, more than 50,000 people were killed with Lin this time.

Although every battle for the Donghu throne was watered with blood, this time it was considered the least dead, but Arundai did not participate in the **** throne battles before. He was still young at that time! This time he is no longer a spectator, but a direct participant. The battle for power made him tremble. A general who was born to death on the battlefield felt vomiting for the first time, because those lying in a pool of blood were his colleagues. Not long ago, everyone was happy together. Drinking, in a blink of an eye, he was going to wipe a sharp knife across their heads and necks.

Pharaoh’s iron blood is frightening. He didn’t even agree to Sok’s request to see the last side before he was beheaded. The Sok clan didn’t even let the infants in their infancy be spared. They all killed them cleanly. Jing, this battle only killed all the royal family with fear, and also killed Sock's throne as stable as Mount Tai.

Maybe the old Wang is really old, and he doesn't want to see his eldest son again, for fear that he will feel like a baby, so he can spare Soke, this is an internal trouble for Donghu. Pharaoh may be really old, but Arendy heard from his grandfather, that Pharaoh took the knife and cut off the heads of several of his brothers himself.

There seemed to be a soft click in the sky, a ray of sunlight suddenly fell on Arundai, and the warm light could not help but lift his spirits in this humid and greasy weather, and Arundai's body shook. When I woke up, I was distracted.

I gritted my teeth and fought with Lin. Although so many people died, they finally united the rest of the Donghu people. At present, the various ministries of Donghu did not dare to violate the order from Helin, and borrowed With these blood, they also successfully deceived Dayan. Their main force, the one hundred thousand standing army of Yan Kingdom, is now singing and advancing with joy! Go, go, what is waiting for you in front is not meritorious deeds, but the avenue leading to the Temple of Yama.

With a sudden sound, the sky was full of fog at this moment, disappearing without a trace, and a clear world was unfolding in front of everyone. In the sky, the sun unscrupulously showered the sun down, even if it was almost a Shura below. hell.

Arundai opened his eyes wide. At this moment, what he saw was not a scene that surprised him, but a scene that broke his nerves. His cavalry is besieging the cyan Fufeng soldiers in all directions. The chariots that have blocked the cavalry are now swaying and not enough. It seems that he has the upper hand, and the opponent is under the impact of the cavalry, just like in the tide of anger. A small boat could capsize at any time, but Arundai still had cold hands and feet.

Because the following is not the main force of the Gao Expeditionary Eastern Army, the Gao Expeditionary Eastern Army, the left, center and right armies have close to 6,000 troops, but now, the Zhengdong Army trapped in its own siege will never exceed 2,000. .

Where did the thousands of conquest troops go?

It's foggy, they're gone? This is just a joke.

Are they fooled, chasing Ejun? This is very possible.

Gao Yuan set a trap, used himself as bait, tempted himself to attack, and then surrounded himself here and annihilated it. This is the most possible.

In a flash, Arendy thought of several possibilities.

retreat! This was Arendy's first thought. His hand has touched the horn, and with the sound of the trumpet, he and his cavalry will quickly withdraw from the battlefield. This is the advantage of the cavalry. If you want to fight, you can fight, and you don’t want to fight.

But the high-character banner displayed in the sun is too tempting. Under the banner, Gao Yuan's posture was very clear. Seeing Gao Yuan, Arundai couldn't help but touch his scarred face. Perhaps, he could grab such a chance. Even if Gao Yuan had set a trap, he was still in a state of power. Whether he was surrounded and failed, or if he came to Gao Yuan and then walked away calmly, it was between the two.

"Anything is possible!" Arundai's eyes glowed, and in an instant, the real anger came from the heart, and the evil came to the gall. If you want to be surrounded on all sides and bloom in the middle, I will first swallow your stuffing buns in one bite. Go down, and then break out, even if these thousands of cavalry are folded here, but as long as you kill you high, everything is worth it.

He raised the horn, but the trumpet that came out was not a retreat, but a general attack. Hearing the continuous attack horn, the cavalry in Huaer's camp was besieging the lofty cavalry shouting loudly, struggling to attack the East Army's array time after time, and on the hills, Arenda's mobile cavalry also Shouted and rushed down.

Arendy put away the horn, drew out the scimitar, and rushed out following his men.

Man proposes, God disposes! Can or not, in one fell swoop.

The Checheng of the Eastern Expeditionary Army had already been breached, and the broken cart was swaying, but it was not useless. At least, he could still slow the speed of the opponent's cavalry. All the soldiers have been compressed into a range at this time, the heavy infantry array is outside, the spearman is behind them, and the long thorn spear sticks out from the gap between the heavy infantry, creating a little bit for them. Time, it only takes this little time, the Mo knife in the hands of the heavy infantry can hack to death the cavalry company and horse. The crossbowmen held up their arms and opened their crossbows, shooting silently, while the wounded were in the middle, supporting each other, and carrying crossbow arrows for the crossbowmen.

This small boat in the raging wave that seemed likely to capsize at any time, was like a rock in the sea at this moment, letting him be in a violent storm, but he stood still.

Meng Chong heard the horn of the general attack. After staying in Fufeng for almost a year, he was already familiar with the different meanings of the Donghu people's horn. He couldn't help but feel anxious when he heard the horn of the general attack.

"Run, run!" he hissed, waving the whip and saber in his hand, "faster, faster."

Zheng Xiaoyang heard the horn. Compared with Meng Chong, he was more familiar with the sound of the horn. He didn't say a word, and ran to the forefront of the team, running wildly all the way. He had a horse, but he hadn't because of the fog. Ride, this time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ but he doesn't want to ride anymore. He ran at the forefront of the team, and the already somewhat exhausted soldiers of the Right Army looked at the running figure of the governor. They were all refreshed and the speed of running accelerated again.

It violently impacted the stubborn stone again and again, just like peeling a green onion. Every time a small piece was peeled off, but immediately, this gap would be filled.

Arundai was finally desperate. He had heard the sound of the bugle of the Eastern Army in the distance.

"Retreat, retreat!" He murmured to himself, and it took a long time to react. He suddenly pulled down the horn on his waist and blew the trumpet for the withdrawal of troops. But at the moment when the horn of his withdrawal sounded, the original rock-solid leaf boat burst apart, divided into three arrows, and recoiled. The middle, most fierce one, was exactly Gao Yuan himself.

The conquering forces must entangle their opponents and prevent them from retreating calmly.

Zheng Xiaoyang took his right army and appeared above Qiuling. The next moment, Meng Chong's left army appeared in another direction. At this moment, the shouts of the Eastern Army's Wansheng reverberated through Huaerying.

Arundai was surrounded by the Huaer Camp a few miles in the basin. The terrain here became the last straw to kill the Tieling cavalry. rs

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