I’m The King

Chapter 415: : Calculate each other

Gao Yuan couldn't figure out what his opponent was thinking, but he guessed one thing correctly. The Tieling Department that lies in front of him is indeed the four-prince Thorpe's series, and the commander of the five thousand cavalry. But it was his old acquaintance Arundai. Two years ago, Gao Yuan bypassed the Xiongnu-controlled area and raided Yulin for thousands of miles. He fought against this Arundai. Unfortunately, Arundai was so fate at that time that he escaped from his life and didn't want to run into it again.

Of course, the Tieling Tribe is more than the five thousand horses in front of you. It is a large tribe with over ten thousand controllable strings. Arundai should have been based in Yulin, but when he commanded the Left Army of the State of Yan, he turned out to be the enemy he never forgot. At that time, he could no longer hold back the hatred buried in his heart, and went to the front line himself. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

In that battle, half of his Arundai's face was shaved off, and he turned into a human and ghost. This time, he wanted to chop off the head of Gao Yuan to fight against him.

For five days, he had blocked the high-yuan Zhengdong Army in Zhenyuan for five days and could not advance. How to swallow the enemy's army in one bite is what Arundai is now considering.

For this full-scale war with Yan, Arundai is full of beliefs. As Thorpe’s confidant general, many of his other generals do not know the inside story. The great Miranda King did not die. It was just a temptation to Yan. The army continues to deepen the poisonous bait, and now, the main force of the Yan army in the middle road is stepping into the death trap step by step. When they cross the Liaoning Guard, it is their death date.

Attacking the left and right wings, looking for opportunities to annihilate them, this was the order he received from Arundai. The Tieling Tribe had ten thousand horses, five thousand horses stationed in Yulin, and Arundai brought another five thousand horses to fight high, almost reaching a ratio of one to one compared with the opponent's strength.

Although eager to take revenge, Arundai is not reckless, and his opponent is not a good guy to deal with. He had learned it two years ago. He was full of tricks, cunning, and unpredictable. Back then, in Tuotuohe, he was ambushed by his opponent while he had the advantage, and the whole army was destroyed. This time, he must not repeat the same mistakes.

The sentries of the two sides strangled each other in this area, and the severity of the battle was far greater than that of the army. What surprised Arundai was that the elite Donghu sentry rider fell down the wind in this sentry battle, and beheaded the opponent's sentry rider, which often cost him two to three times the life. Some are unacceptable.

Only one day ago, they captured a wounded opponent's main sentry rider alive, and finally understood the reason why these Yanjun sentry riders were so powerful. They were actually the smashing pegasus bandits who had run wild in the past. Headed by that Bai Yucheng.

"This wicked horse bandit leader originally fled to Gaoyuan. No wonder he has not been found in the past two years!" Arundai sneered on his face, "Okay. It's good. It's not that the enemy doesn't get together. This Once, several of my enemies of Arendy got together. It happened to be liquidated together."

When he was sitting on the boat, watching the subordinates on both sides of the Tuotuo River, the pictures of Gao Yuan and Bai Yucheng wanton hacking and killing seemed to reappear before his eyes. This made his ghostly face even more terrifying.

I can't find my main force. The high-yuan army of the Eastern Army was huddled in the camp. They did not move their nests for a few days, and Arundai was not in a hurry. The camp set up by the high-yuan was like a hornet's nest. The first attack caused Arundai to eat a lot. Unfortunately, the staggered trenches outside the camp made it impossible for the cavalry's sudu to play, and the dense locust-like feather arrows in the camp are still fresh in the memory. That time he lost hundreds of cavalry. If this kind of offensive and defensive is repeated several times, then the Tieling Division he leads will not even say swallowing the opponent, I am afraid that the opponent will drive him back.

"I won't destroy you!" Arendy sneered: "But if someone will help me destroy you, I don't believe it. You can stay here and stay here forever."

As long as Gao Yuan moves, he will have a chance. The tactics of attacking the infantry during the march are unsatisfactory for the Donghu Cavalry.

"General Arundai!" A Donghu general rushed straight forward.

"What's the matter? Aijun, did Gao Yuan move?" Arundai stood up from the ground. Although there was a blanket of felt on the grass that had just rained, he still felt wet on his buttocks when he got up.

"The far-reaching cavalry moved, and the direction they came is exactly where we are now." Aijun got off his horse and strode to Alendai's side. "Come out."

There were two thousand cavalrymen in the Eastern Army led by Gaoyuan. This is exactly what Arundai was afraid of. Of the two thousand cavalrymen, almost half were Huns recruited by Gaoyuan. These were in the Qin and the Xiongnu. All the guys who survived the war were desperate desperadoes, top riding skills, swordsmanship and bow skills were all the best choices, and their current fighting methods were completely in line with the fighting methods that the Huns were used to. Unlike the Huns, who are accustomed to wave warfare, now they also understand the organized offensive of separate and advancing attacks, which makes their combat effectiveness to a higher level. Once they are entangled by them, it is extremely difficult to get rid of, and the lofty pawns It will also follow the sound like a wild wolf that smells the fishy smell. The cooperation of foot and riding is the strength of the Dayan army.

"These wild wolves can smell it!" Arundai sneered. "It seems that they have caught our whistle ride." He looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. "Ejun, this weather , It seems that tonight, or tomorrow, there will be a heavy fog, you say, is this an opportunity?"

"General, what do you mean?" Aijun asked.

"You rate a thousand rides to lure the enemy." Arundai's mouth showed a smile, "You have to find a way to make the **** Helanxiong think you are our main force. You take away all the horses in the army. A cavalryman on the side only keeps one horse, so that your one thousand cavalry seems to be in the thousands."

"Let his cavalry far away?"

"No, if you are away, if He Lanxiong is fooled, that high and far will follow, and our main force will ambush on one side and deliver a fatal blow to him. As long as he breaks up his team, the rest, It's easy." Alan Dai said.

"Yes, General, after you launch here, I will immediately counterattack and drag He Lanxiong's cavalry so that he can't return to help." Ai Jun also showed an excited smile on his face.

"Be careful, the cavalry under He Lanxiong is really difficult to deal with."

"Here, our terrain is more familiar than them." Ai Jun laughed, "At that time, I will give He Lanxiong a surprise."

"Passing the order, the whole army pulls out the camp!" Arundai turned on his horse, looked towards the direction of the Eastern Army Gao Expedition, and sneered: "Gao Yuan, don't teach me to be disappointed. Take the initiative to find me for a decisive battle, well, I'll give you this opportunity."

Tens of miles away, Gaoyuan Daying.

Everyone stared at the map and listened to the orders issued from a high distance.

"Meng Chong, you led the left army to submerge in Meijialing. Zheng Xiaoyang, you led the right army to hide in Wazi Valley. And I will take the Chinese army straight to Hua'er Camp. I think this should be Alendai The choice hits our battlefield. It can’t be dragged on. The Central Route Army advances sudu too fast, and I always feel a little uneasy."

Meng Chong stared at the map and swallowed, "General, this is too risky. It will take a full day for the Huaer Camp to leave the two places with the infantry. The two thousand brothers of the Chinese Army will be in Allen. Supporting one day under Dai’s attack is really too dangerous. This is not a camp. When the time comes, we can gather our troops together."

"General Gao, and He Lanxiong didn't keneng to help you for a while. At that time, Arundai will definitely send a cavalry to entangle him. If we can't get to the battlefield in time, the result will be..." Zheng Xiaoyang bit his lip, "Or General Gao, let me take the right army to Hua'er Camp, you go to Wazi Valley."

"Why, do you think that if you go to Hua'er Camp, it will last longer than where I am?" Gao Yuan glanced at Zheng Xiaoyang with a smile.

"No, no, no!" Zheng Xiaoyang repeatedly shook his head, "I can't compare to the general, but although the general, you are the commander of the first army, it is really not suitable for you to do such extremely adventurous things."

"Aren't the daughters of daughters under the dangerous wall?" Gao Yuan laughed, "I am not a daughter of daughters, I am a general, killing people like hell. Arundai just wanted my life, he still Not enough. Don't worry, there are two thousand people in the Chinese army, all of them are tigers and beavers, and there are a thousand heavy infantry. Arundai wants to swallow it, not so easy, the most important thing is ~www.NovelMTL. com~ Only when I see me, Arundai will attack desperately, and if I am not there, with Arundai’s shrewdness, I will definitely see through this as a trap. Then our painstaking efforts will require It's all in vain. If we don't defeat him, how can we get to Yulin on time? If we don't get to Yulin, the distance between us and the Chinese army will be farther and farther, and it will be more dangerous then, and you, too, Taiwei Zhou has never treated me With good intentions, if I don’t overdue, it’s fair to say that he wants to clean up me. If this is a war period, he wants military law, and no one has anything to say."

The generals fell silent.

"Well, the soldiers are fierce and dangerous. No one can say anything cruel. You want me to be safe. When the time comes, try to get to Hua'er Camp as soon as possible. Where am I waiting for you."

"Yes!" The generals stood up solemnly.

"Zheng Dongjun!" Gao Yuan stretched out his right hand.

"Wan Sheng!" All the generals stretched out their right hand, superimposed on the high hand, with a strong wave, the generals filed out.

"Alendai, I, you will definitely not give up this opportunity, will you?" Gao Yuan smiled, "I haven't seen you for two years, have you grown?" (To be continued...)

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