I’m The King

Chapter 311: : Happy from the sky

Tie Xuan was sitting in the dense grass, and there was a stone he picked up to polish the scimitar in his hand.This knife was snatched from the hands of the Huns, and it was the same as the war knife they usually used in terms of weight and style. It is very different. It is very difficult to use, but now there is nothing to choose from. Although the quality of the knife is good, it is now covered with fine gaps. If it is not taken care of, this knife will not support much. It's been a long time.

After sharpening the knife a few times, he will raise his head and look around vigilantly.At this time, Gao Yuan and Ding Wei are sleeping, and he takes turns, every two hours, and the three take turns to rest, sleep, and the sun has just risen. Soon, they had been on the road all night, and it was when they were exhausted, they finally found a place to conceal their rest, and they wanted to stay here until dark before going back on the road.

Picking up the knife and brushing the blade with his fingers, he nodded in satisfaction, placed it on the ground, and picked up a handle again. The place where they were hiding was half a person high in grass, and it was impossible to see if they didn't come close. To them, I looked back at the six war horses that were close together a little further away, wagging their tails, chewing the young grass, and standing quietly.

Not to mention, these Huns really have a set of training horses, and the quality of these war horses just wants to be obtained.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound of horseshoes in the distance.Tie Xuan dropped the knife and pressed his hands on the ground, his head stretched out from the grass, his eyes widened, and he stared at the direction from the horseshoe.

In the field of vision, first black dots appeared, and then the black dots turned into a black line, rushing in this direction, as the distance got closer and closer, Tie Xuan couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath and looked at the scale. , I'm afraid there are nearly a thousand cavalry. This is the first time they have encountered a cavalry team of this size.

"General, General!" While yelling, he turned his head back, but he was startled. I don't know when Gao Yuan had already reached his side, squatting where he was, chewing on a piece of grass roots in his mouth, and A little later, Ding Wei was rubbing his eyes, and the cat walked over.

"There are a lot of people!" Tie Xuan whispered, "I'm going to gather the horses, otherwise these guys will hear the movement later and get excited, and we will be bad."

"Well, you go!" Gao Yuan nodded. How could such a large-scale cavalry appear here? He frowned, and thoughtfully, the unit in Hejian County was not far away, two The army might collide and fight.

The cavalry in the distance rushed closer and closer, but his eyes widened in the distance. He rubbed his eyes suddenly. The cyan uniform was the color he was most familiar with. Fufeng cavalry, how could they appear here? Turning his head back, looking at Ding Wei beside him, he was also widening his eyes, and turned his head in an unbelievable way.

"General, did I dazzle, how did I see our Fufeng Cavalry?" Ding Wei was confused.

I didn’t read it wrong. After listening to Ding Wei’s words, Gao Yuan was convinced that what he saw was true. It was indeed the Fufeng Cavalry, his direct line of troops.

His heart beat violently, like a wanderer who has been away from home for a long time, suddenly seeing his relatives in his hometown, the surging heartbeat and turbulent mood, it is hard to describe in words.

The cavalry in the distance can already clearly see. In addition to the cavalry in the blue uniform of the water, he also saw the horses and horses of the Helan Ministry, and saw the white feathers become them, and the horses were outside the team, whistling. It's not Bai Yucheng's horse bandits who came and went, and that one?

Aloftly stood up from the grass.

The three people stepped on their horses and rushed toward the distant team like the wind. Tie Xuan and Ding Wei were tears in their eyes, and the sound of their horses' hoofs was mixed with excited shouts of the two.

He Lanxiong, He Lanyan, and Bai Yucheng walked side by side.He Lanxiong was telling himself several battles with the Qin army. Hearing such a dangerous situation, even Bai Yucheng was also utterly stupefied.

"Patriarch He, your sense of smell is really sharp. If you don't see the opportunity early, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back this time." Bai Yucheng shook his head again and again, "Qin people, really great, such a large-scale battle, unexpectedly You can hide everyone from it to the death. You won't be wronged."

He Lanxiong smiled bitterly, "Brother Bai, you raised me up. It is all the credit of the Gao Yuan brothers. At the beginning, I cooperated with him many times, especially the first time. At that time, we were still very weak. Under the meticulous planning, we wiped out the Donghu Hutu tribe, which was much stronger than me. This time, although the scale was countless times larger than our battle, all signs are similar to our battle. Elephant, I also had a flash of inspiration. Thinking of this section, I was more careful. I didn't expect it, but it is true."

"It must be those Qin generals who copied the lofty plan." He Lanyan pursed her lips, "but thankfully for this, you can get away with you, brother."

Hearing He Lanyan's words, He Lanxiong and Bai Yucheng smiled at each other. They all knew that the daughter in front of him had a unique affection for Gao Yuan, but it would make no sense to say that Qin Jiang copied Gao Yuan's plan. Li Xin, that was famous in the world Gao Yuan's famous general is just a small county lieutenant in Bian County, I'm afraid Li Xin doesn't even know who he is.

"The world's famous generals, maybe they all have the same idea!" Bai Yucheng smiled, "It seems that Gao Yuan really has the hope of becoming a character like Li Xin one day."

"Brother Bai is right. I have a deep friendship with Gao Yuan, and I know it very well. If there is anyone in this world who can surpass Li Xin or Zhao Mu, it will definitely be Gao Yuan." He Lanxiong felt the same.

Neither of them believed that Li Xin had copied Gao Yuan’s strategy for annihilating Latrobe, but they didn’t know that although He Lanyan said it in words, it was in the same language. Qin Jun’s battle really followed the template of Gao Yuan’s battle. It's just a few changes in the details.Of course, Li Xin's implementation of this strategy is much more difficult than Gao Yuan. After all, this is a big battle involving hundreds of thousands of horses on both sides. The battle of Fufeng was completely different.

After listening to He Lanxiong's narrative, He Lanyan proudly told her brother about the battle of following Gaoyuan a thousand miles to Yulin, which made He Lanxiong involuntarily stared. This girl, the courage is also a bit too big, Gao Yuan is really, so nine deaths. I actually dared to take my sister with me. If there are three long and two short, how can it be good? It seems that after I meet Gao Yuan, I must settle this account with him.

The three people were overjoyed. When they were talking and talking, there was a warning sound in the team. The horse bandits who were spreading joy on the periphery were already riding their horses and rushing to the distance. The three looked up. However, in the distance, several war horses were rushing in this direction.The people on the horse seemed to be waving their hands and shouting indistinctly, but they couldn't hear clearly.

"It doesn't seem to be the enemy!" Bai Yu Chengdao, "Could it be that you met someone you know?"

"What acquaintances are there?" He Lanxiong was also surprised, and suddenly He Lanyan screamed, followed a clip of war horses, and swished out.

"Swallow, what are you doing?" He Lanxiong was taken aback and exclaimed.

"High, high!" He Lanyan didn't look back, repeatedly whipping the horse under the hip, and rushed to meet the other side. The rouge horse under the hip has always been liked by He Lanyan and has never been a whip. , These few spankings are hot, the horse raised his head and screamed, raised all four hooves, and in a blink of an eye, he passed a few horse bandits, and rode alone to meet the high distance that came from a distance. people.

"Really high and far?" At this time, but still could not see the figure of the opposite person, Bai Yucheng smashed his horse forward in surprise, "Sister Ling's eyes are so good?"

He Lanxiong smiled bitterly. "This guy Gao Yuan is always so fascinating. We are still worried about his safety. He actually jumped in front of us like this. Let's go and welcome this guy."

With the sound of the wind whistling in the ears, the horseshoe brought up pieces of grass, piles of mud, and the red cloak floated high.In He Lanyan's eyes, there was only the person who was approaching quickly in the distance.

It was him, it was Gao Yuan.At this time, He Lanyan could already see the other person's face.

She strangled her war horse, the war horse hissed, and people stood up.Almost at the same moment, Gao Yuan came to her side, the same movement, the same expression of joy, the war horse landed on all four hooves, and immediately the two of them stared.

"Swallow, meet again!" Gao Yuan smiled.

He Lanyan didn't make a sound, but stared at the other party stubbornly, without blinking her eyes, it seemed that Gao Yuan would disappear from her eyes as soon as she blinked her eyes. After a long while, she suddenly dropped the riding whip in her hand, and covered her face with her hands. I cried.

"Swallow, what's the matter with you?" Seeing He Lanyan burst into tears, Gao Yuan couldn't help being frantic. He rode up to He Lanyan and patted her on the shoulder.

"I thought you were dead, and we all thought you were dead!" He Lanyan put down her hands, tears appearing, but there was a smile of joy in the middle," a message came from the western side of Liaoning, saying that you were assassinated and talking about the Jicheng fire. They say you are dead."

"A good person doesn't live long, and the evil is left for thousands of years. How can a bad guy like me die easily?" Gao Yuan smiled.

"You're a badass!" He Lanyan bit her lip and said angrily: "Obviously, I am out of danger, and I will not bring a letter home, so that so many people will follow you with fear!"

Gao Yuan couldn't help smiling. For more than a month, he was struggling to make his life. How could there be a chance to bring Xin'er home, and in that environment, besides Tie Xuan and Ding Wei beside him, who else would he dare to trust?

"You have lost weight!" He Lanyan looked at Gao Yuan, faintly said: "You have lost a lot of weight."

Gao Yuan touched his face and nodded, "I am thinner, but I am more energetic!" He smiled happily. During this period of time, there is no reason to be thin.

At the sound of horseshoes, not far away, He Lanxiong and Bai Yucheng have come together, and their faces are full of joy that can't be concealed. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~

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