I’m The King

Chapter 312: : Lightning Strike

The two armies suddenly met. When they found each other, they had entered each other's field of vision. The distance between each other, in terms of horsepower, was just a few breaths. The terrain in this area was too strange, so As for the two sides when they turned around a hill that just blocked each other's view, they ran into each other head-on.

"Hejian County Soldier!" Bai Yucheng blurted out.

Gao Yuan's brow furrowed. Although he didn't want to conflict with the other party, the other party had already accelerated the charge as soon as he found them. Above such a distance, if he didn't face the enemy head-on, he could only passively be beaten.

"Fight!" Without much thought, Gao Yuan choked and pulled his saber. After meeting with the Fufeng Cavalry, he, Tie Xuan and Ding Wei both changed into their usual weapons.

"Fufeng cavalry, the first wave of attacking, brother Bai, you are right behind, brother Helan, your third wave, we will use the shortest time to defeat this cavalry." Gao Yuan said loudly, and there were more than Hejian County soldiers. There are cavalry and a large number of infantry.If the opponent's cavalry and infantry are joined, it will be difficult to fight in this battle.After all, the opponent has thousands of cavalry, and at this time, there are only less than seven hundred men.

Of course, the combat power of these seven hundred people is by no means comparable to that of the opponent's 1,000 cavalry. Therefore, Gao Yuan has the confidence to completely defeat the opponent in one sprint.

Chen Ying did not expect to encounter a large-scale Huns cavalry here suddenly. His cavalry walked in front as an outpost. When he was notified by the sentry cavalry, he did not realize that a disaster was facing him. Come, this period of time, the so-called Xiongnu cavalry has become a completely vulnerable team. After the defeat, these Xiongnu cavalry, who lacked supplies, have completely lost their previous combat effectiveness, so when he was notified by the cavalry generals , He didn't feel anything wrong with the cavalry general's unauthorized attack, but ordered the brigade to follow quickly to provide the necessary support to the cavalry in front.

If you don’t attack immediately, I’m afraid these Huns will run away. This is Chen Ying’s thinking at the time. It is very pleasant to be able to wipe out a Huns cavalry happily when the class teacher returns home. thing.

With this kind of mood, when he led his team of foot soldiers on the battlefield, what he saw was a complete massacre.

The one hundred fufeng cavalry as the forward spread out into a semicircle. Between each other, there is a distance between two horses, and in the middle of this distance, it is the group of horse bandits and He Lanyan under the command of Bai Yucheng. In the end, it was He Lanxiong's more than three hundred cavalry.

The cavalry of the Huns fought side by side with the far-reaching cavalry of Fufeng for many times, and there were no obstacles to cooperation, and Bai Yucheng has assisted the Fufengmen to guard the fortress in the Niulanshan camp for more than half a year, and they are also very familiar with each other.

The cavalrymen of Hejian County did not notice the enemy they encountered this time. They were not like the Huns cavalry they had encountered earlier. They turned and fled as soon as they encountered them. The cavalry in costumes, they have not seen the Fufeng cavalry.

In their opinion, these Huns will stubbornly resist when they see the escape, and they will be attacked by the trapped beasts. This makes them more excited. Through the experience of sweeping the Huns cavalry these days, these tough guys in the past are tired and fighting. Time can't last at all, as long as they can withstand their first attack, then it will be their turn to perform.

They shouted, the Spurs knocked on the horse's belly and kept accelerating. Three hundred steps, two hundred steps, one hundred steps, and then they heard the sound of morpholine breaking through the sky.

In front of them, a bolt of crossbow shot at lightning speed. The short crossbow easily broke the leather armor on their bodies, pierced their skin, nailed into their bodies, and took their lives.

The cavalry soldiers of Hejian County who rushed forward were like dumplings in a pot, planting horses together.

But it's not over yet.

Fifty steps, the second round rushed.

Thirty steps, third round.

The soldiers of Hejian County were dizzy by the rain-like crossbow arrows. They have not yet joined the battle, and nearly two hundred cavalry have been loaded upside down under their horses.

The front horseback cavalry reined in and slowed down. Behind him, Bai Yucheng led his horse bandit subordinates with a whistle, and he rode his horse through between the supporting wind cavalry, like a hungry tiger in the hills below, and plunged into the river cavalry. Behind them, He Lanyan and his men in a red cloak.

The two cavalry teams with superb individual combat capabilities are like red tongs, rushing the team of Hejian County soldiers into chaos, and between the ups and downs of the blades, the Hejian County cavalry has little room to resist.

The two cavalry kept charging forward and did not stop.They just rushed past. He Lanxiong's more than three hundred cavalry had just arrived in relay, and the river cavalry who had not recovered their breath ushered in the second baptism.

Gao Yuan stared at the front, and when the opponent used his body unpreparedly to greet the continuous crossbow of the Fufeng Cavalry, he knew that the battle was set.

He raised his sword.

Behind him, the Fufeng cavalry who had just slowed to a stop hung the repeated crossbow beside the saddle, and together they drew out the sabers behind them, as high as they were, and raised them high. One hundred and three sharp sabers.

"Charge!" Gao Yuan clamped the horse's belly, the horse sprang out like an arrow, and the saber in his hand fell heavily.

"Charge!" Behind, Tie Xuan and Ding Wei roared in unison.

"Charge!" A hundred Fufeng cavalry shouted in response.

The horse's hoof was thunderous, and when He Lanxiong had just pierced the enemy's formation, the third wave of impact suddenly rushed in along the opened gap, expanding the gap again.

Bai Yucheng, who was the first to rush out, rode his horse back in an arc, just in time to see He Lanyan's red cloak chiseled out from the cavalry group in the river, watching the slender figure suddenly rise and fall on the horse's back. Falling, the scimitar flashed, blood flashed, and he couldn't help shouting "Hey girl, good work!"

Helan Yengge smiled beautifully, raised her hand, a horsewhip drew an enemy into a **** head, a scimitar flashed, and another opponent fell downside down, and she followed Bai Yucheng and turned to the left.

"Strike the left rib!" she exclaimed.

"Good!" Bai Yucheng replied loudly. "Tiger head, follow me and hit left!"

The two men and horses joined together, and after passing through the formation, they circled a small circle, and once again entered from the left side of the river cavalry. At this time, He Lanxiong also broke through the formation, but it was the opposite of them, and turned to the right. Going around in a circle, he entered from the right side of his opponent.

Three units of cavalry, Bai Yucheng is erratic, and Helan's male clan is brave and brave, but it is Gao Yuan and his 100 wind-supporting cavalry that really cause the most damage to Hejian County soldiers. They talk about individual combat capabilities, compared to others The two teams are much different, but together, the lethality far exceeds the other two teams.There are no other tricks, just because the other two are fighting for personal ability and martial arts at this time, and they, What is fighting is teamwork.

Give your back rest assured to your comrades in arms, you only need to stare at the enemy in front of you, and give the rest to your comrades! This is the combat concept of the Fufeng Soldiers.

A hundred cavalry, in a simple slogan, snapped and snapped, and each time they clutched, they would strangle their opponents in batches. In an instant, they made a big gap among the soldiers of Hejian County. zone.

When Chen Ying appeared, what he saw was his thousand cavalry soldiers falling down like a mountain. What made him scared was that his cavalry could not even escape because the opponents came and went. Every escape route was blocked, and no matter which direction the river cavalry who had lost their fighting spirit fled, they would collide with their opponents on the face, and then they would be chopped off their horses.

Facing the fate of the cavalry about to be completely wiped out, Chen Ying still demonstrated the ability of a general to clearly judge the situation under any circumstances. He did not blindly command the infantry to come forward and rescue. He knew very well that once In this way, he will not even be able to keep his pawns. Perhaps, what the opponent wants is for him to move forward. Although he still has more than two thousand pawns, the number far exceeds the opponent, but under such a terrain, Once the infantry team has dispersed, it will become the target of the opponent's slaughter.

The flags were deployed, and more than two thousand foot soldiers were arranged in a square formation. The shield soldiers were in the front, the spearmen were behind, the swordsmen stood in between, and the archers were in the middle. All the soldiers of Hejian County looked into the distance with red eyes. , Their cavalry is being chopped off one by one.

Chen Ying painfully watched his cavalry fewer and fewer, and watched his subordinates being killed but unable to rescue. This is the most painful thing. It will not take long for this river cavalry to be gone. Existence. Staring at the Tsing Yi cavalry team coming and going, Chen Ying suddenly remembered some rumors. According to legend, the one in the west of Liaoning, his subordinates were all dressed in cyan uniforms.

He stared at the battlefield in front of him, and then he saw the tall figure.Although he had never seen Gao Yuan, he knew at a glance that it was him. This person must be Gao Yuan. He didn't see him for a few days, but he appeared in front of him in this way.

The speed of the cavalry's decisive battle is far better than that of the infantry. In less than half an hour, the victory or defeat has been announced. Among the thousands of cavalrymen in Hejian County, there are only less than a hundred people left to escape. Fall on the battlefield.

"Receive!" The **** saber in Gao Yuan's hand was raised high, and the cavalry gathered behind him. Gao Yuan's gaze crossed the battlefield and fell on the black **** in the distance, and landed on that side Chen. Above the word banner.

"Let's go" Gao Yuan sneered, and then turned away.

No one questioned Gao Yuan's order, Gao Yuan turned his horse around, Bai Yucheng, and He Lanxiong brothers and sisters turned their horses, and walked away in front of the two thousand infantrymen.

Gao Yuan's disdain did not arouse Chen Ying's anger, but instead made him let out a long sigh. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~

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