I’m The King

Chapter 310: : Hu Hu

Gao Yuan is coming back! With a word from Cao Tianci, Sun Xiao and the others immediately jumped up like chicken blood, and rushed to Cao Tianci's body. Sun Xiao's big iron-like hands directly grabbed Cao Tianci's. Both shoulders shook in confusion, "Xiao Tianci, are you true? Is it true? Is the county lieutenant coming back?"

Cao Tianci stared at Sun Xiao, and said coldly, "My bones will be broken by you."

Sun Xiao was stunned. He suddenly heard such good news. He was a little gaffe, and he let go of his hand in a whisper, "Xiao Tianci, where is the county lieutenant? When can I come back?"

Cao Tianci tilted his head and looked at Sun Xiao, then glanced at everyone, "I am the Chief of the Military Law Department of the Fufeng Army, and my surname is Cao Tianci, not Xiao Tianci, Sun Bingcao should be careful when speaking."

Sun Xiaobian's mouth was flat, "Well, Director Cao, please tell me, where is the county lieutenant?" He paused, and jumped up suddenly, "If you dare to sell off, see if I won't beat you up. Don't think. You are in charge of the military law, I will not dare to beat you."

Yan Haibo, Naha, Zheng Xiaoyang, and others all gathered around, staring at Cao Tianci, all of them looked rather unkind.

Cao Tianci had a sudden shock in his heart.Looking at the expressions of these guys, if he really procrastinated for a moment, his fist might greet him.

"On the day of the fire in Jicheng, the county lieutenant was assassinated, but our county lieutenant took so much effort. Naturally, we turned into auspicious circumstances, and the death was auspicious. That night, we got out of Jicheng and went out of the city." Cao Tianci said loudly.

"Why, it's been more than a month, Brother Gao hasn't returned to the west of Liaoning?" A voice came from behind everyone. Looking around, it was Zhang Shubao. At this time, the expression on his face was extremely complicated, I didn't know it was joy. Still disappointed, or both.

Cao Tianci smiled, "General Zhang, you probably know a lot about this inside story. Although our county lieutenant has escaped from Jicheng, he has to return from Jicheng to Fufeng in the west of Liaoning. There are many obstacles, so the county lieutenant can only do it carefully and make detours, but it should be fast too. After a few days, the county lieutenant will appear in Fufeng."

"Your kid hasn't said yet, where is the county lieutenant?" Sun Xiao exclaimed. "The big guy is not at ease."

Cao Tianci nodded: "As far as I know, the county lieutenant should be on the prairie at this time."

"Prairie?" Sun Xiao exclaimed, "Now on the prairie, the chaos is a mess, and the county lieutenant is not protected by brothers. Isn't it extremely dangerous?"

"It is because of the chaos in the grassland, where did the county lieutenant come back from!" Cao Tianci's expression remained unchanged," the county lieutenant had his own thoughts, everyone don't need to worry, the wind and waves will come over, and the ship will capsize in the gutter! "

Everyone can't help but nod frequently.It is true.The grassland is chaotic and muddy water, but it is easy to fish in the muddy water.No matter how powerful Zhou Yuan and Ning Zecheng are, they may not be able to reach the current grassland. Where to come back from is indeed the safest.

"I'm afraid where Lieutenant Gao will come back from, there are other ideas." Meng Chong smiled and said: "Although the grassland is chaotic, there are opportunities in it. Maybe the Lieutenant will bring us surprises when he comes back! "Meng Chong was also overjoyed when he heard Gaoyuan's illness. In the Yuyang battle, he completely conquered Gaoyuan. When he got to Fufeng, he saw Juliguan and Niulanshan. His heart stopped even more. Gaoyuan was just When he was a county lieutenant, he was able to create such a huge foundation, but now he has sealed the general Zhengdong, and the road ahead is bright. And they can naturally break through a sunny avenue following the high distance.

The previous news of Gao Yuan’s death made his heart extremely messy. Zhang Shubao’s many times secretly indicated that Meng Chongdu strongly suppressed and did not agree. He must wait for Gao Yuan’s exact news before he can make a final decision. Now, he is very happy that he has made it. A wise decision did not promise Zhang Shubao.

Although the son of Liaoxi County Guardian is also a good choice, just as a good bird chooses a tree to live, he also needs to choose a master.Zhang Shubao is good, but compared to Gao Yuan, it is not a good choice.

As Gao Yuan's personal guard, Cao Tianci has always followed Gao Yuan when he was in Jicheng. His words are naturally credible, and he will naturally not lie on such a major event. Gao Yuan must be out of danger. It's a certainty.

In the Niulan Mountain Camp, the mood that had been suppressed for many days was finally released, and bursts of cheers came and went straight to the night.

In fact, where Gao Yuan is now, Cao Tianci really doesn’t know, saying that Gao Yuan is now on the grassland. It was completely nonsense after he had discussed with Cao Tiancheng, Wu Kai and others. He returned, naturally, I can’t say that I don’t know where Gao Yuan is. If so Having said that, I am afraid that it will be difficult to stabilize in the Niulan Mountain camp, and even many things will happen. It is the best way to talk nonsense about the position that Gaoyuan is currently in, so that everyone can relax. came back.

Outside of Jicheng's lofty heights, Cao Tianci didn't believe anyone else could keep him.

Cao Tianci was really talking nonsense, but Gao Yuan, at this time, he was really on the grassland. After robbing the horses that broke the Huns, he, Tie Xuan, and Ding Wei went all the way to speed up the whip and help the wind towards the west of Liaoning. They ran wildly in the direction, but such a rapid advance was soon interrupted.There were more and more broken soldiers on the grassland.In order to avoid these people, they had to be the same as before, going out at night, and reducing their betrayal as much as possible. The opportunity to meet these people.

With the current strength of the three of them, there will be no good results if they conflict with anyone.

After these days lasted for several days, the soldiers who had collapsed in the Huns suddenly disappeared, and they were replaced by corpses lying in the grass.

"General, it is Yan Shenghao from Hejian County who sent troops to wipe out these Xiongnu collapsed soldiers. It seems that we will not encounter these Xiongnu collapsed soldiers on the way forward." Tie Xuan never far away from the grass. I found a flag that was torn in half and handed it to Gao Yuan.It was the flag of the soldiers of Hejian County.

After receiving this battle flag, his lofty expression did not relax, on the contrary, he became a little more dignified. Now he does not dare to have the slightest trust in these local officials of Dayan. It is not anyone who wants him to die. It was the two most powerful people in Dayan, or the order for him to die had already been passed to Hejian County, and Yan Shenghao suddenly sent troops to sweep the Xiongnu's defeat, perhaps just an excuse, the real reason, I am afraid that he is looking for himself.

I couldn't find myself on the road to the west of Liaoning. With the shrewdness of Zhou Yuan and Ning Zecheng, I would not have imagined that I might take this path, and, to them, it was nothing more than a letter.

"It seems that we have to be more careful." Gao Yuan put aside the banner in his hand, "Maybe the Hejian county soldiers who came to sweep the Xiongnu's defeated troops swept us together as the Xiongnu's defeated troops, I don't want to One's own head becomes something that some people invite to reward."

"General!" Tie Xuan looked at him in amazement, "You mean, Hejian County soldiers might also be against us?"

Gao Yuan nodded: "I have to guard against it. Tie Xuan, it's still the same as before. Let's go out in the day and night. For the sake of Shan Jiuren, you can't fall short."

"Yes, General, we understand!" Tie Xuan and Ding Wei nodded at the same time.

The fear of lofty distance is not superfluous.Hejian county soldiers appeared on the grassland.In addition to sweeping down the Xiongnu's army, falling into the pit, and defeating the Xiongnu, Chen Ying, the general of Hejian County who was ordered to attack, did receive another one. Top secret order, search high and far, if found, immediately kill it and take the first level.

It has been more than half a month since I came out, and I have swept away countless small tribes of the Huns who fled, and killed hundreds of the first level of the Huns, but did not find any lofty traces. Chen Ying is actually not about completing this task that cannot be claimed. With so much hope, if you want to find a high place in such a chaotic situation, it is nothing but a needle in a haystack. If you encounter it, it is a fluke, if you can't find it, then it's normal.

However, Chen Ying is still very excited. For so many years, in the face of the Xiongnu cavalry coming and going like wind, Hejian County has always been passively defending. I'm afraid it will never reappear. It is a great good thing for Hejian County to beat the Huns forever, and never return to the Japanese strength. Hejian County has a long border line with the Xiongnu control area. In the past, , Is often invaded and looted by the other party. Above the border, there is basically no one inhabited. The great fields are deserted. Without the threat of this nomadic tribe, these places will naturally prosper in the future.

This time he took three thousand county soldiers to attack, one thousand cavalry, two thousand infantry, deep into the grassland for hundreds of miles, and wherever he went, he killed the Huns into an army and watched the wind.He couldn't help but feel complacent.

Now Chen Ying's army is stationed in Hulu Lake. It is said that it is a lake. In fact, it is a large water lot that resembles a gourd. However, this is the only water source in the vicinity for dozens of miles. Three days ago, Chen Ying cleaned a lot of water here. Hundred-tented Huns tribe, and then set up a large camp here. He has not been out for a short time. He has penetrated into the grassland for nearly a hundred miles, and it is time to withdraw his troops. If you go deeper, you may encounter a large group of Huns cavalry. The gain would not be worth the loss. He was not disappointed that he could not find a high place, because he had no hope at all. Moreover, Chen Ying was very disapproving of the strict order of the county this time. This time, the muddy waters, Hejian County There is really no need to go there. The gods above are fighting, and it will be fatal to mix in casually, and Gao Yuan, a person who has contributed to the country, now has this end, and Chen Ying also sighs, and this person is superior in martial arts, once he is killed. If you don't die, the backlash is bound to be astonishing.Hejian County is adjacent to Liaoxi and borders Fufeng.There is really no need to provoke such an enemy.

A group of outposts returned, and all they brought back were the same news, but did not find the person the general was looking for.

"Send the order to the entire army, take a rest, and leave the camp tomorrow!" Chen Ying smiled. "We didn't come in vain this time. At least nearly a thousand horses were seized. When we go back this time, all the cavalry in Hejian County can do it. The horses have been changed, the war horses of the Huns are much stronger than ours.” (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~

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