I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 958: True Dragon Palace Fight (3)

Above the Real Dragon Hall, Li Zhao didn't pay attention to the accusations of these ministers. Because he knew the fact that in the current True Dragon Palace, although the one above could not do any major things, he still opposed Simalun in general.

"Everyone, please be quiet! Actually, I think what you are saying is true! But the Jie people look at me, but it is a fact! Lord, how do you think this matter should be solved! We can never look at them. Will it bite off our sphere of influence a little bit!"

"Well, that's all! Since Long live Lord thinks this way, Xiao Wang thought, should we also draw some people out of the Forbidden Army to form a coalition together so that we can attack the Capricorns!"

"Long live master is not allowed, the forbidden army is the guardian of the palace, and it is the core force of the long live master! Immovable!"

"Well, Lord, you see, Li Aiqing also said that this forbidden army is indeed more important. If it is really taken away, how can the palace protect itself!"

"Long live Lord, don't worry, when the time comes, Xiao Wang will be responsible for the safety of the palace. If there is a mistake, I am willing to be punished!" At the end, Zhao Wang Simalun also showed a strange smile.

This time, everyone, including Li Zhao, did not respond immediately. After all, such a response was too terrifying.

Not to mention that the guard of the palace was handed over to Simalun, even if a few people were inserted in by him, I am afraid that Emperor Simazhong might not be able to sleep.

But now it's good, the great prince actually wants to directly take over the duties of the imperial army.

When everyone seemed a little embarrassed, Emperor Sima Zhong, who was on the dragon seat, also let out a long sigh, and then whispered: "Well, I think this method is not good! After all, the forbidden army is still relatively big. Besides, even if the prince has the ability to protect the palace, but you are my elder after all, forget it, let the Forbidden Army guard it!"

"Long live master! It is wrong for you to think that way. We are originally a family, so why do we have to say two things!"

"Yeah, you, you also know that it is a family! However, the forbidden army is still more important, or let the forbidden army commander speak for himself!" At one point, Zhao Wang Simalun stepped hard. When it was pressed, Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat also said this.

The words flew out, and the ministers were very surprised, after all, when the general commander of the Forbidden Army did not go to the early court.

"That, Your Majesty, I don't know what you mean today! Xiao Wang still doesn't quite understand it!"

"You mean to say, this commander hasn't come! Don't worry, it's coming, and the commander of the Forbidden Army enters the hall!"

"Yes! It is said that Ling Yun, the commander of the Forbidden Army, enters the hall!" With a familiar call, a man with armor and armor quickly walked in outside the hall.

"In the end, General Lingyun pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor! May our emperor live long live!"

"Don't be gifted! Come on, come on, come here! Some things before, are considered to involve you! So let you come in and witness!"

"The final commander!" Of course, the person who came in was the leader of Ling Yun. He looked upright and heroic, giving people a very decent feeling.

Of course, when he felt Ling Yun's aura like a rainbow, Sima Lun, the King of Zhao, was also upset, and even his face was already revealed.

"Well, Zhao Wang, you, what you just said, it's better to say it again, after all, Ling Yun is here, so let's study it together!"

auzw.com "Your Majesty! The minister means thinking for the great Jin Dynasty! Now you call the leader of Ling Da, I don’t know why!"

"The prince's words are very bad. Although this forbidden army is listening to my arrangements, after all, it has been under the command of Ling Yun for so many years. Now suddenly it is about to change defenses. I have to ask the parties' opinions about everything I say!"

"Oh, I have to change defense! Then I don't know where Lord Long live is going to let the end come! Or is Lord Long live leaving the Imperial City!"

"No, no! It's just that King Zhao has an opinion that he wants the imperial army to go to the border to resist the powerful military presence of the Jie people!"

"It turned out to be like this! I'm sorry, the commander of the Forbidden Army will eventually be the commander of the Forbidden Army, then, that is not to be separated from the Lord Long Live! So, Lord Long Live will be asked to take his life back!"

"Ling Yun! You have to think clearly! This, this is what the king meant!"

"Lord! What you mean, or what other people mean, I don't care, I am only responsible for the safety of the palace! I'm sorry!" At a certain moment, when Zhao Wang Simalun said such words, Ling Yun Did not give it any chance at all.

"You, do you really think no one dares to move the commander of the Forbidden Army!"

"My lord, this is a bad thing! The end will only serve for the Lord Long live, isn't the Lord even listening to the Lord Long live!"

"You, you know that this king didn't mean that!" Feeling Ling Yun's sharp style, then Zhao Wang Simalun was a little uncomfortable.

After all, in previous exchanges, Zhao Wang Simalun has always been on the strong side, and even Li Zhao dare not fight with him.

However, this time, there was a big reversal. Ling Yun, who had just arrived above the main hall, not only did not give Wang Zhao's face, but also seemed to have discussed the countermeasures with the people above the dragon seat. play.

"Well, Ling Yun! Since you don't want to change defenses, then I can't force you! However, the duty of guarding the palace is also very important. If you lose it, the consequences will be serious!"

"Long live the final general, please rest assured that the safety of the palace is in the control of the final general! Of course, if the prince also wanted to leave the city defense to the general, he would not shirk it!"

"You, what do you mean! Don't tell me, you dare to get into the feet! It's really maddening! Long live master, look, this is your commander, you don't even know the etiquette!"

"Okay, Commander Ling is also telling the truth! Just straighter! Since the prince has no new tasks assigned to him, then let him go!"

"Yes! The end general is retiring! By the way, the end general would like to say something before leaving, that is, no matter when it comes, I Lingyun is the commander of the Forbidden Army! And the duty of the Forbidden Army is to protect the palace!" After Emperor Sima Zhong's mood changed, that Ling Yun also arched his hand gently, threw a word, turned around and left.

"Well, you have all seen, I really tried my best, but Ling Yun disagrees! Besides, it's not good to change generals immediately! Why not organize other military forces!"

"This, this, the minister abides by the decree!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing that the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat had already made up his mind, so Zhao Wang Simalun didn't say much, and directly meant to abide by the decree. .

This result almost exceeded everyone's expectations. Because the previous emperor Sima Zhong has been forced to retreat! But now Ling Yun who appeared Hengkong found it back!

Of course, after a brief thought, the ministers will know the fact that the arrival of Ling Yun must be arranged by Emperor Sima Zhong himself in advance! Otherwise, how could it be possible that a dignified leader would be waiting in front of the True Dragon Palace!

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