I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 957: True Dragon Palace Fight (2)

In the imperial capital city, the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace became more and more weird, as if at this moment, everyone was suspicious of one thing, that is, what benefits did Zhao Wang Simalun get when Fengyun Palace collapsed!

"Quiet, all quiet! What are you doing! Is this a vegetable market!" At a certain moment, when the officials were talking about it, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, was a little untenable, and the mouth was even louder. Shouted.

Perhaps Simalun's deterrent power was too strong, and after a while, the real dragon palace became quiet again.

"Your Majesty, minister, if the minister says that he didn't get any talisman, then what should he do!"

"Oh, prince, why are you! This, what is this for! Didn't I say that! If you get a soldier talisman, you can also belong to you!"

"Yes, but the minister didn't get anything! Couldn't your majesty issue an imperial decree to hand over the soldiers of the northern camp to the minister!"

"Well, forget it! Let's get it straight! In fact, this is what the first emperor did. If you see the soldier, you can see the emperor. I can't help it!" At the end, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat also revealed A touch of helplessness.

Faced with such a situation, perhaps it was really unexpected by Zhao Wang Simalun. For a time, even though he was a superior prince, at this time he also looked helpless.

Because others didn't know what Emperor Sima Zhong meant by his words. As a veteran and a member of the royal family, how could he not know the power of the first Emperor Sima Yan!

Suddenly, the entire True Hall was once again caught in a touch of embarrassment. After all, the emperor Sima Zhong had already nodded, and even put the royal dignity to the lowest point.

And what military power is, to put it plainly, is the protector of the country. In a sense, if an emperor loses military power, then he is already a lonely man.

However, just as the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace became more and more weird, Li Zhao, who had not spoken, also moved slightly, took a few steps forward, and then said tepidly: "Long live Lord, the minister has I want to speak!"

"Oh, isn't this Li Aiqing who loves to talk about it! Let's talk! You have considered it for a long time!"

"Your Majesty, the junior minister thought that these things are important military affairs, and the junior officials shouldn't have said anything! But the minister can't see it anymore. Without mentioning, you say yes, King Zhao!"

"You, what do you mean! It's not that this king didn't let you talk! Long live Lord, he, Li Zhao, is now less and less of our royal family!"

"Alright, let him speak! Talk quickly, sometimes it is not a bad thing!" At a certain moment, I felt the unhappy of Zhao Wang Simalun, and the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat did not give his wife. To save face is to signal Li Zhao to speak quickly.

Faced with such a scene, Li Zhao also smiled slightly, and said softly: "Long live the Lord, the ministers actually mean to put the interests of the celestial dynasty first! You are talking about military affairs, the ministers do not understand and do not want to manage! But now Jie People are already staring at them, are you waiting for them to become stronger!"

"This, this, in fact, Wang Zhao has already said it just now, I don't know what Li Aiqing has to do!"

"Your Majesty, the countermeasures are not necessarily good, but there is one!"

"Okay, just say it if you have something, even this king feels a little can't listen!"

auzw.com "Oh, the prince is really impatient! However, this management of military affairs is not impatient!" I wanted to directly say my own countermeasures, but at this time, Zhao Wang Simalun has already done so. A little anxious.

Faced with such a scene, if Li Zhao said that there was no pressure at all, that would be wrong. After all, the ministers had already become Simalun’s helpers. What he said now would be refuted by everyone as long as he opposed Simalun. !

"Well, since even the prince is in a hurry, let's just say it! The next official thinks that the top priority is not who controls the military command, but how to deal with foreign enemies!"

"Okay, let's go on! I want to listen carefully!"

"Long live master! Think about it! If we can now draw a powerful military force to confront the Jie people directly, I believe that in less than a month, they will draw their troops away! Because they simply don't have enough food to confront us! After all, they came here because they wanted to use our food resources!"

"Yes! But, now only the Southern Army can send out! But after Liu Kun's rebellion, the Southern Army is already very few! I believe Li Aiqing knows this too!" At the end, the Emperor Sima Zhong also did. There was a look of helplessness.

However, at this time, Simalun, the king of Zhao, was even more bleak.

I saw his eyes glared at Li Zhao, and then he said loudly: "Your Majesty must never! Doing this will reduce the imperial capital's defensive power! Don't say anything else, just say whether Liu Kun will attract troops. Then, these are all problems! Besides, the Southern Army has no strong combat effectiveness. Even if it is sent out hard, it will be the Jie people's poison!"

"This, that, what does the prince think!"

"This, this little king didn't think about it! However, it is not feasible to use the military power of the southern camp! Or, Long live Lord will send the northern camp out, you know, the soldiers of the northern camp are the strongest of the country!"

"This is okay! But I already said just now that they need soldiers talisman, otherwise the master there will not move a soldier at all! This, others don't know, don't the princes know!"

"This, but, but now the soldier's talisman has lost its trace. You are the king of a country. Will the army of the northern camp dare to resist the next imperial decree?" During the speech, the Zhao Wang Simalun also showed a touch of cruelty The color.

After all, Simalun's biggest idea at this time was to conquer Beiying, and even if it was not in his own hands, he had better send him out.

After a series of integrations, the army of the southern camp has now become Simalun's army soldiers. That's why Li Zhao's proposal angered Simalun, the king of Zhao.

In this way, because of Li Zhao's proposal, the whole hall became calm again. After all, Emperor Sima Zhong had already made it very clear.

That is the soldier of this northern camp, unless there is a talisman, no one can move. Of course, there is one more detail here, that is, if the soldier talisman has not appeared within a year, the imperial edict is also easy to use!

Of course, for such details, both Emperor Sima Zhong and Zhao Wang Sima Lun had a clear mind. The reason why they did not say it was because both sides couldn't wait.

"Well, since the Northern Army can't be mobilized, then, is it possible to draw some anti-Jiji from the military force that has just been integrated in the Imperial City!"

"No, this is also absolutely indispensable! You know, now that the kings are already moving, how can we be in a mess!" Feeling Li Zhao's ill intentions, Zhao Wang Simalun was already out of anger. .

For a while, Li Zhao was also caught in the attack of the officials. In about a quarter of an hour, three or four ministers headed by Sun Xiu had already begun to besiege Li Zhao.

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