I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 959: True Dragon Palace Fight (4)

In the morning of the imperial capital, the early morning, an open and secret fight is also going on

However, because of Zhao Wang Simalun's active retreat, it also gave Emperor Sima Zhong a respite.

"It seems that Wang Zhao is really a hard worker! However, this time with Ling Yun's help, it should relieve some pressure!"

"The ministers dare not be! However, it is not true that the Jie people have committed the crime! Since the forbidden army is unwilling to attack, Xiao Wang has no better way! Wait a minute, after all, the kings are putting too much pressure on the imperial capital! "

"Good, good! Everything is up to the prince! I am tired!" As he spoke, Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat also slowly stood up.

Facing such an emperor, all the officials also knew the fact that today's early dynasty had already ended.

"Congratulations! Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor!" With the words of worship that could no longer be heard, the figure of Emperor Sima Zhong also slowly disappeared into the hall.

"Why, aren't you leaving! Are you still waiting for this king to help!"

"Lord! Let's go back and discuss it again! What's wrong here!"

"Sun Xiu, what do you mean by this! Is this king wrong!"

"Of course the prince is right! It's just that some people haven't distinguished the current situation!"

"Okay, let's go!" As he spoke, Zhao Wang Simalun also led Sun Xiu and the others slowly to the outside of Zhenlong Palace.

However, at this moment, Li Zhao, who was just starting and preparing to return home, was watched by Simalun.

"Li, when did you become so docile! Are you not good at talking! Now this king wants you to say enough! If you really have nothing to say, then cut off your tongue!"

"Why, if you haven't achieved your goal, you will become angry! Let's forget it! This time Ling Yun broke your good deeds! You are a great prince who has nowhere to be angry, ask the official to do something!"

"You, I'm so good, Li Zhao. At first, the performance was okay, but in the end, you actually found problems for the king and deliberately expanded the Jie Ren affairs! What did you intend to do!" Outside the True Dragon Palace, Sima Lun, the King of Zhao, also formed a confrontation with Li Zhao.

Of course, there were no other ministers outside the True Dragon Palace at this time. I am afraid that in the eyes of these people, if they can escape sooner, it is best to escape early!

After all, Wang Zhao today is not in a good mood.

"Li Zhao, you, you really think that my prince dare not touch you! If you really think so, you would be too naive!"

"Sun Xiu, you are just a villain! When is it your turn to speak!"

"You, you are too rude! No matter what the official said, the prince personally mentioned it! To you, if you are so obsessed, I am afraid that you really have no officials to do!" At the end, Sun Xiu also revealed There was a face that looked like a villain.

Faced with such a situation, Li Zhao actually didn't care at all. The reason why he chose to withdraw in the morning was because of Jin Shangyu's arrangement!

But now it's different. Ling Yun's debut also made Li Zhao feel a bit of excitement, and that's why this situation emerged.

"Okay! Retreat! Li Zhao, I know what you think! I also know what Jin Shangyu thinks! However, since you have chosen to protect yourself and not fight with this king, this is your best choice! Well, this time, even if it has passed, if you dare to confront the king, even if there is a Jin Shangyu behind you, you will not be able to save your life! After all, you should understand what happened between the kings!" When Sun Xiu was said to be very angry by Li Zhao, then Zhao Wang Simalun also said slowly.

Because the amount of information in this passage was too powerful, Li Zhao didn't respond verbally, but listened quietly.

auzw.com In this way, the vigorous early dynasty also ended with this ending. Although Zhao Wang Simalun did not achieve his goal, after all, the squeeze of the True Dragon Palace has been unprecedented. Point.

"You are all here! It seems that you know something! However, this morning is different from the past!"

"What the **** is going on with Big Brother Li today! It wasn't because that guy had taken care of him in the morning!"

"What are you talking about! If you didn't let him go against him, I'm afraid he would be **** off now!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao first came to Jin's mansion, Mr. Wenshuo and Mr. Jin had been waiting. In the small living room.

Of course, facing Jin Shangyu's opening remarks, Li Zhao also laughed, after all, his face was really ugly.

"Well, Brother Li, let's talk about it! Early in the morning, Mr. Wen said that there is something going on today!"

"Shang Yu! In fact, there is a real situation! Simalun actually wants to swallow the Forbidden Army!"

"Oh, my appetite is getting bigger and bigger! What a surprise!"

"Of course, later, you know who showed up!"

"This, of course I don't know!"

"It's Lingyun!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu hadn't guessed, Li Zhao also directly said the answer.

"Ling Yun, what is he going to do in the True Dragon Palace!"

"Here, this is knowledgeable! It seems that the emperor had negotiated with Ling Yun a long time ago, so he was allowed to appear on the True Dragon Palace!"

"Good, good! I understand. In the end, Sima Zhong must have used Ling Yun to push Sima Lun back!" At a certain moment, feeling the development of the situation, Jin also knew everything.

In this way, because the battle in the Palace of True Dragon had already gone into fierce heat, Li Zhao also had no scruples, and almost talked about everything from the early days.

However, when Li Zhao talked about the rift between the kings, Jin still thought of something.

"Brother Li, speak more slowly! Since Smalun said this, it is very likely that they are making trouble! Otherwise, how could the kings be guarded against each other!"

"What Shang Yu said! In fact, the old man thinks the same way! By the way, there is one more thing. It seems that Simalun threatened me like this outside the hall after the scattered chaos!"

"Oh, there is such a thing! Then, that must be what they did! The current situation is more urgent! Elder Wen, you tell Luo Yun and Feihu to be more alert and not let them take advantage of the loopholes. !"

"Don't worry, these little things, let the old man take care of me!" As he spoke, the old man Wen Shuo also went out quickly.

"Shang Yu, do we really have to keep showing weakness! From my feeling, it seems that Simalun already knows our strategy!"

"I know, it's best to know! I'm afraid they don't know! In fact, they are most worried about Jia Mi on Tiger Mountain! Maybe the Golden Valley Garden is also a place they often think of!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's expression changed. The more and more calm down.

And Li Zhao also knew what Jin was thinking, and even stopped talking.

"Well, I'm leaving! I hope we can win the final victory!"

"Don't worry! Victory always belongs to us!" Feeling that Li Zhao has some troubles, Jin also softly comforted.

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