I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 956: True Dragon Palace Fight (1)

In the winter, the imperial capital Luoyang City, although the sky is getting brighter, but overall it still looks like a piece of wonton, giving people a very unreal feeling.

However, while most people are still enjoying the morning light of winter in their huts, there are already human heads in the palace inside the real dragon hall.

Especially in the front of the main hall, there is a person standing alone, his spirit is like a rainbow, his eyes are sharp, as if he is the king here, there is nothing to make him afraid.

"Master, this, this is really true! Don't worry! I believe he will come out!"

"Well, I have been waiting for so long. What are you afraid of? Then wait! All the ministers are listening to this king. Today there is a major study. Long live Lord came a little late due to physical reasons, but we should be the ministers. Wait here! You say yes!"

"The prince is extremely true! I am willing to wait here, please rest assured, the prince!" During the speech, almost all the ministers were repeating the same sentence.

"Hahaha! Okay, well, everyone can have this kind of consciousness, this is the blessing of my great Jin Dynasty! Li Zhao, this king hasn't let you pretend to be dumb now! You are so alike!"

"Master, what you said is not authentic! Just now, you didn't let someone speak more, but now you don't speak, but you will be reprimanded by the prince! I really don't know how to do it!"

"Good, good! The king didn't think about it! Don't say it, he is here!" I wanted to say a few more words, but at this moment, there were not rushed footsteps behind the True Dragon Hall!

"Long live, come! Pick up!"

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!"

"Well, all the Qings are up! This time I feel unwell, so I'm late! You have been waiting for a long time!"

"Long live Lord, take care of the dragon body! I can't wait hard!" Hearing the words of Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat, the ministers in the palace also followed.

However, this time, what everyone didn't expect was that Li Zhao didn't even follow these words.

Out of surprise, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, also passed his puzzled look.

Of course, in the face of such gaze, Li Zhao is even more as if he hadn't seen it, still not happy or sad!

However, at this moment, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat also slowly said, "All the Aiqings are waiting anxiously! Actually, I really want to come over too, but this body, forget it, what do you do? Just talk about it!"

"Long live the Lord, the minister heard that there is already a hint of dark fighting between the kings! I don't know if they continue like this, will something big happen!"

"Oh, what do you mean!"

"The little minister's intention is to ask Long live Lord to come up with a countermeasure! After all, no one can believe what the kings are doing now! If this is a sign of weakness, I am afraid that in the near future, we will suffer a big loss!"

"That, your Majesty, Xiao Wang also meant the same! Actually, what Sun Xiu said is not bad at all!"

"Long live the ministers, please think twice!" At a certain moment, before Sima Zhong above the dragon seat had a reaction, the audience was already a group of ministers, just waiting for Sima Zhong to nod.

"This, this, in fact, I haven't figured it out yet! Besides, isn't the fight between them a good thing! Before, didn't you say that they want an alliance!"

"Long live master, what on earth do they think, we really don't know! After all, some information is collected by ourselves, maybe it was given to us deliberately, so what! Anyway, it's the same sentence, please long live Concentrate all the military power on one point. Only by doing so can the kings retreat in the face of difficulties!"


"This, this, Li Zhao, Li Aiqing, you, why don't you speak!" At a certain moment, when Emperor Sima Zhong, who was on the dragon seat, was forced to say nothing, he also threw the problem away. Li Zhao who did not speak.

This time, Li Zhao didn't dare not to speak anymore. After all, if he didn't speak anymore, he would resist the decree and not abide by it. If he said something bad, he would be decapitated.

"Long live the Lord, the minister is just thinking about something! As for this matter, the minister hasn't thought about it yet!"

"What, you, you haven't thought about it yet! Isn't it right, don't you usually think the most! Why this time you have become a person with no ideas!"

"Long live the criticism is right! The minister will definitely think about it!" When he was speaking, Li Zhao also made the appearance of concentrating and thinking, and the Zhao Wang Simalun next to him almost laughed.

After all, the reason Li Zhao has not said anything is unknown to others, but he still knows about him Zhao Wang Simalun!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the entire True Dragon Palace became more and more weird.

On the one hand, Sima Zhong, who is on the dragon seat, did not want to hand all the military power to the hands of Zhao Wang Simalun; on the other hand, the current officials are almost all taken over by Simalun, even if they are the favorite Li Zhao, who sang the opposite of Zhao Wang Simalun, didn't change much!

"His Majesty! In fact, Xiao Wang didn't want to take over the post of commander, but the current situation is really not good for us! As you can see, the kings are already ready to move, even the Jie people may send troops. Tell me, do we have another good way now!"

"This, this, Simalun! You are my elder, do you know this!"

"Of course the minister knows! Although the minister sometimes speaks more straightforwardly, he may also lose some manners, then, are they all small actions by his own family! Now the court is facing a crisis of life and death, Xiao Wang also asks Long live Able to focus on the overall situation!"

"The overall situation, yes, now everyone says that the overall situation is the most important thing! Then, let's talk about what should be done with this unified military power!" At a certain moment, Emperor Sima Zhong, who was on the dragon seat, felt Simalun. When he was strong, his mouth also said weakly.

In this way, because of the strength of Zhao Wang Simalun, all the officials knew the fact that Emperor Sima had already shaken a little.

Of course, Li Zhao at this time was also unhappy or sad, as if the things in front of him had nothing to do with him.

"Long live master! Now that you agree with this idea! Then, please long live master to hand over the soldiers from the southern and northern camps to the minister! The minister must do his best to eliminate the hidden dangers of the celestial dynasty as soon as possible!"

"Well, forget it, let me just say it! Actually, long ago, the soldiers and horses of the Nanying and Beiying were not in my control! Since Fengyun Palace has fallen down, I believe the prince must have won the Beiying Military command!"

"What, what your majesty meant is that the soldier's charm is in the hands of the sinner Jia!"

"That's right! However, you can take the military command of the Nanying! Do you have anything to say!" During the speech, the Emperor Sima Zhong also became a little tranced.

After all, it is not a good feeling to be forced to hand over military power.

"What, the military power is in Fengyun Palace! How could it be like this! What the **** is going on!"

"Yeah! No, this, does this mean that the military power has already been in the hands of the prince? People just didn't say it!"

"Shut up, you want to die! If this is heard, do you still want to live!"

"Yes, yes, it's the little brother who talks too much! Thank you for reminding me!" At a certain moment, just when Emperor Sima Zhong's words fell, the entire True Dragon Palace was caught in a conversation.


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