I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 955: The emperor is embarrassed!

At very early in the morning, in the small living room of the Jin mansion, facing such Jin Shangyu, Li Zhao and Mr. Wen Shuo didn't say much, they just thought quietly.

In this way, Li Zhao didn't stay too much because he was informed about the early affairs. He simply drank a bowl of congee and left in a hurry.

After all, in this imperial capital, Li Zhao's role is quite obvious.

"Simalun, it seems that you have really followed the historical context! Okay, in that case, I will be a bystander! Who would call you a great prince!" At a certain moment, it was in Jin Shangyu's little boy. When there was only one person left in the living room, he was thinking quickly. Perhaps at this moment, what Jin Shangyu is most concerned about is whether these big figures in history really follow the historical context.

Because of some things, Jin Shangyu Group temporarily chose the most peaceful way of doing things, that is, as far as possible not to provoke the Zhao Wang Simalun, or even to communicate with the little people of Dongan Wang!

On the whole, it is a rhythm that has nothing to do with oneself and hangs high.

Of course, the direct consequence of this style of dealing is that the big figures in the court really don't take Jin seriously. Even the big households in the imperial capital city are telling a story that Jin Shangyu may have provoke Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, so he dare not move.

"My son, it seems that these days' practices are still good. Listening to the opinions of those officials, your status has declined!"

"Okay! Save so many eyes staring at us! Come here, Mr. Wen tastes my new tea, don't look at the quantity, but he just delivered a good thing from the south!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also took the initiative He poured a cup of tea for Mr. Wenshuo.

"How about it, taste it slowly, you don't drink this kind of thing all at once! You always say so!"

"Smelly boy, you really think that old man I have never had tea! I was a tea gentleman when I was in the palace! Of course, I have drunk less in recent years because of some physical reasons! But this kind of tea, old man I still drank it!"

"Oh, I even drank it. It seems that this young man has met an expert this time!"

"It's hard to be called an expert! It's not right, I just say what you say! The old man is not here to talk with Erpincha! Well, I heard that some new things may appear in the early morning today. Variable!" At the end of the talk, the old housekeeper of Jin Mansion also showed a rare serious look.

"Well, it turned out to be such a thing! Let's talk about it! What might happen!"

"Shang Yu! I heard that Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, has been compressing the space of the True Dragon Palace! Maybe the one in the True Dragon Palace can't stand it!"

"Oh, you mean that they might open the skylight to speak bright words today! Be clear!"

"It's very possible! But at least some new things have to happen!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu's expression had become serious, the old man Wen Shuo also let out a long sigh.

In this way, around the confrontation between Emperor Sima Zhong and Zhao Wang Simalun, these two also conducted some analysis.

Here, the master and servant were sitting in front of the tea set studying the changes in the True Dragon Hall, and the early morning had already opened the curtain.

"Li Zhao, stop for this king!"

"Oh, isn't this the superior King Zhao! I don't know where the villain has offended the King! Please be merciful to the King!"

"You, don't come to this one! This king knows that there must be a lot of things early today! However, this king still hopes that your mouth can take a break! I don't know if Lord Li understands what this king means!"

"Oh, rest! Of course you have to rest! If you don't rest, you may have to rest forever!"

auzw.com "Hahaha, it turns out that you finally know the consequences! Well, if that's the case, then you can enter the hall! You, you are talking about! What do you think in your heart!"

"I'm waiting to hear the prince's teaching!"

"Okay! This is what you said, but it is not persecuted by this king!" Feeling the surrender of the officials, then Zhao Wang Simalun was also very happy, and the whole person was also very energetic, as if there was something happy to do. Coming in general.

In this way, outside the Palace of True Dragon, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, was also showing off his lust, almost blatantly guiding the direction of the officials.

Of course, the officials don’t care about the power of the current Zhao Wang Simalun anymore, because they all know that even if they work for a lifetime, they can’t have the power of someone. No other way!

Before the morning sun rose, the morning light was in a trance, but at this time the lights in front of the True Dragon Hall were already flashing, and some ministers had already begun to walk into the hall.

However, just as everyone was preparing to walk through the habitual movement of the early morning as usual, one person ran out of the hall.

"Report, report to the prince! Today, Long live Lord today's health is a bit poor! Isn't it another day?"

"Oh, I didn't dare to come! What's the situation! You, you go back and tell the emperor, saying that this king has important matters to discuss today! If your majesty does not come, then the little king should directly call the shots!"

"Well, this is not good! Isn't it..."

"You, what are you talking about!"

"The villain is convicted! The villain will go in and report!" At a certain moment, when Zhao Wang Simalun's eyes turned bloody, the palace man had already taken a few steps back in shock, and then even more quickly. Run towards the inner hall of the True Dragon Hall.

"Well, what? I have to shut my door! If you want Li to say it, it's better not to go to court!"

"Li Zhao, what are you talking about! This king has just said it, isn't your memory so bad?"

"What does the prince mean! Li is just talking about fun, what are you serious about! Besides, I am not alone in the real dragon palace, Li Zhao!"

"You, you, forget it! Wait a while, if you can pretend to be dumb once!"

"Forget it, since the high-ranking prince said so, how can Li dared not follow his life! However, I just don't know when the emperor will come out to see us!" Li Zhao also revealed a strange touch while speaking. Smile.

Although he heard what Li Zhao said, Simalun, the king of Zhao, was still a little unhappy, but after thinking and thinking, he didn't say much in the end, but his sharp eyes still slid on Li Zhao's body.

In fact, it really made Li Zhao right. Just after the palace man left, the entire Palace of True Dragon was caught up in a conversation. Not only those officials were whispering to each other, but even Zhao Wang Simalun was a little untenable.

"You guys tell me what the **** is going on!"

"In response to the prince, this may actually be an idea of ​​him! Maybe he thought that this would prevent some further developments of the situation, but it is impossible! Just like the prince you said, if he really does this, Then, let's do it better!"

"Sun Xiu, what you mean is what this king thinks! But this king is not a bully, you must remember this clearly!"

"Yes, yes, the prince has always paid for the DPRK, how can he do such a thing! When it comes to Li Zhao, he will say this for a while, and that for a while! It is really worrying!" At a certain moment, it was in Zhenlong. When the atmosphere in the hall became more and more weird, an official named Sun Xiu also said with a smile.


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