I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 954: Keep pressing!

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's words, the Lvzhu girl didn't say much, she really went straight to the flowerpot. And the poor Jin had to bite the bullet and slowly put on his clothes.

"Why, isn't it scaring the son again?"

"No no, really no! Who is this son, I am afraid of this! You are busy, I will go down first!"

"I'm not afraid! Look at your look! It's like entering someone else's room!"

"Mother, what's this talking about! What does it mean to enter someone else's room? It's obviously your big beauty who rushed into someone's room. Now it's reasonable!" After feeling the emotional change of Lvzhu girl, Mr. Jin He also muttered to himself as he walked outside the house.

However, when Jin was just under the small building, he ran into the housekeeper of Jin's house.

"Oh, get up! No, look at this face, there is a problem! It's not a good thing!"

"What are you talking about! No, if someone wants to water the flowers, my son has to get better!"

"Water the flowers! It seems that your kid is quite blessed, even the flowers in your house are taken care of!"

"No, it's easy to say, old man, what do you mean by this! I won't say it to you!" Feeling that there is something in the words of Mr. Wenshuo, Mr. Jin also dropped a sentence and came to the courtyard. in.

In the early morning of winter, although there is no coldness in the north, it is still cold.

"The son is early!"

"You are early! You worked hard!" Before they had time to enjoy the winter morning light, some servants in the palace also stepped forward to say hello.

Because Jin is accustomed to getting along with him on an equal footing, his polite language is also used very frequently.

In this way, because there is nothing important to do, the early morning in the Jin Mansion also seemed very quiet.

However, just as the breakfast at Jin's Mansion was about to end, one person came in outside.

"I'm in a good mood! I actually ate it!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Brother Li! Of course I have to eat it! No matter what the troubled times are not!"

"You, that is, you Jin Shangyu has such a state of mind!"

"Why, there is a new situation above the early stage!" The person here is not someone else, but Li Zhao, one of Jin's confidants.

"Well, Lord Li, it's better to sit down and taste it, it's not bad!"

"Okay! Since it was invited by Brother Wen, the old man has to eat whatever he says!"

"No, Brother Li, you won't choose my son's gift! Actually, I want to invite you to eat too, but I didn't have time to speak!" Feeling a little embarrassing in the scene, Jin said with a smile.

In this way, when it was not too much, there was one more person at Jin's big dinner table, and they said it was eating, but in fact they did nothing. Talking is the right way.

"Why don't you speak? Are you thinking about big things! You really have you!"

"Brother, what do you mean! Isn't it just the matter of going up early! It's impossible, he Simalun has come up with a new policy!"

auzw.com "That's not it! But this time, it's more unacceptable than the New Deal! Let the old man see, this kid just wants to rebel!"

"Rebellion, what do you mean!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu was shocked when he heard the word "rebellion".

After all, Jin still knows the trend of the next Korean game. Of course, it must be developed in accordance with historical records!

For a while, because Li Zhao mentioned a very crucial word, it surprised everyone.

However, because they were all discussing business matters, the attendants of Jin's Mansion also left wisely.

After that, Jin Shangyu, Wen Shuo, and Li Zhao were left on the table!

"Shang Yu! Actually, there are some things you don't know! During this period of time, Simalun was pushing the New Deal on the one hand, but on the other hand, he was constantly putting pressure on the True Dragon Palace! Today’s morning! Even the old man did not expect that this guy would even want the emperor to make him the new king of the imperial capital!"

"The new king of the imperial capital! What does this mean! Is there a difference between the new king and the old king!"

"Of course there is, no, how could Simalun do this! It's actually some privilege!"

"Oh, I've reached this point! It seems that this kid wants to be the emperor!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao briefly talked about the earlier affairs, Jin Shangyu also said to himself With.

Of course, after hearing what Jin Shangyu said, Li Zhao was also very surprised. After all, it is not a small thing to want to be an emperor!

"Shang Yu, you can't talk nonsense about this! Although Sima Lun is ambitious! I shouldn't be that way! Besides, he just wants to compress the power space of the True Dragon Palace!"

"Brother, sometimes, people's desires are endless! Just like us, can you think of running a farm well before! It should be unexpected! In the end, people led nearly 10,000 cavalry to want to win! Finally! The result! Still not won! So at this time it is easy for us to not control our emotions! Therefore, I have deliberately let everyone relax these days, and it is best not to do anything!"

"It sounds like it makes sense! But, forget it, tell me what Simalun wants!" At one point, after listening to Jin's analysis, Li Zhao wanted to say a few more words, but in the end it was still Did not say anything.

However, facing such Li Zhao, Jin Shangyu still spoke.

"Brother Li! If this young man guessed right, this Simalun is likely to increase the intensity of the imperial palace a little bit! Even at the end, let the person from the True Dragon Palace retreat directly!"

"What, it should be like this! Then, isn't that a rebellion!"

"Rebellion! Do you think that in the current situation, who is doing it is not rebelling!"

"That's right! The Alliance of Kings said it was for the Great Jin Dynasty, but in fact it is also strengthening itself, or that it does not want the Zhao Wang family to dominate!"

"That's the right thing to think! So, what's the most urgent thing, we just have to calm down! It's best not to conflict with this Simalun! Isn't he going to force the palace! Isn't he going to rebel! Let him do it!" In the end, Jin Shangyu's expression became more and more weird.

In this way, I wanted to enjoy breakfast, but Li Zhao came to my mind. Of course, the Jin Mansion at this time was already the permanent residence of Li Zhao and others.

After all, the current Zhao Wang Simalun already knew of Jin Shangyu's existence. In other words, people didn't take Jin Shangyu seriously!

"Shang Yu! Now I can clearly feel that they have already regarded us as opponents! However, they don't know what happened, they didn't even start!"

"Hahaha, let's start! I'm afraid they will not dare in a short time! From a big point of view, Jia Mi on Tiger Mountain is the person they are most afraid of! On the other hand, after the confrontation at the Royal Farm, Lao Tzu Others don’t know what kind of person it is, and the old man next to Simalun must know!"

"You mean, they still dare not push us too much!"

"Forget it! However, if the chaos fights together, then we have no advantage at all!" At the end of the day, Jin Shangyu's body was also exuding a strong fighting spirit.


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