I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 943: Imperial Capital New Deal (2)

In the imperial capital city, in the Palace of True Dragons, facing the strong style of King Sima Lun of Zhao, everyone including Emperor Sima Zhong was a little jealous.

Of course, there was still someone in the middle who didn't follow along, and that person was Li Zhao. However, because of Li Zhao's character, Simalun seemed to be immune, and he didn't even look at him.

"Long live, you have also seen that this is not the idea of ​​Xiao Wang alone, it is the result of joint discussions! Please think twice!"

"This, this, that, let's talk about it!" I wanted to say a few more words, but after looking at the court officials, the emperor Sima Zhong also weakly signaled Simalun to continue.

"Okay! My emperor is wise! Actually, this New Deal is for our court! Is this the first? Fighting requires money, so every big family has to pay more taxes and silver! As for how much to pay, how to pay, and then We will figure it out!"

"Long live the Lord! The minister has some objections to the Lord's words!"

"Li Zhao, let's talk about it after you think about it! This is not your Li Mansion! Say whatever you want! This is researching military affairs! Even Long live Lord doesn't say anything, you dare to talk too much!"

"Master, what do you mean by this? This officer just wants to express his opinion. Is there anything wrong? Besides, your words are not good! What is it that I dare not talk too much! Could it be that Long live Lord said before you That's how it is understood!"

"You, your strong words are unreasonable!"

"Okay! Don't quarrel. Since Li Aiqing has something to say, let him say it! Let's just listen to it!" At a certain moment, it was a long time when Zhao Wang Simalun said the first new policy. Li Zhao, who had no words, finally spoke.

Of course, his speech also made the officials look at him. After all, at this time, whoever speaks will have trouble with Zhao Wang Simalun. And such a result, I'm afraid everyone can think of it.

"Li Aiqing, tell me! I'm listening!"

"Thank you, long live master! The minister thought it was right to levy more taxes! However, this rule cannot be arbitrarily determined. If everyone is equal, everyone can accept it. If there is a situation where some people pay more and others pay less, I'm afraid it is only the affairs of the court!"

"Well, listen, Li Zhao's words really make some sense!"

"Long live master! Don't worry, Xiao Wang will definitely customize the rules, and they will be evenly distributed, and there will be no results like Li Zhao said!"

"Good, good! If that's the case, then you can go on to the second New Deal!" At one point, seeing Li Zhao's opinion was easily deciphered by Simalun, Emperor Sima Zhong didn't mean to say more.

Of course, after feeling the helplessness of Emperor Sima Zhong, Zhao Wang Sima Lun also continued: "Long live Lord, everyone, in fact, this second rule is very simple. This king hopes to integrate all the military horses in the Imperial City!"

"What, you want to integrate the military horses in the Imperial City, that, that's not it"

"Shut up, do you want to die! This is the key point!"

"Yes, yes, it's our brothers who don't know the severity! It's scary, I guess the prince won't hear it!" At a certain moment, before the voice of Zhao Wang Simalun, there was some restlessness in the hall.

Of course, under Zhao Wang Simalun's cold glance, after a while, the hall returned to a calm state.

"Long live, what do you think of this one!"

auzw.com"This, this, in fact, I know that all of you Aiqing think about the overall situation! But some things still need to be discussed! After all, is the New Deal, it may not be implemented!"

"Long live Lord is extremely true! The minister thinks this is undesirable! If all the military forces in the imperial capital city are really integrated together, who is the commander! If it is Long live Lord, then it must be possible! But if you change For others, this New Deal cannot be implemented!"

"Li Zhao, you are a little civil servant, when you have thoughts about military affairs!"

"The prince's words are wrong, this official doesn't have his own thoughts! This official is just saying what Long live Lord thought! No matter what, please think twice about this one!" Feeling the anger of Zhao Wang Simalun Li Zhao didn't mean to shrink back.

This situation also made the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace even more weird.

Of course, it was Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat that broke the border in the end.

"Well, since what you all said is reasonable! Why not, the guards in the palace are led by Ling Yun! As for the forbidden army, if you need to call, I will personally order it, usually there is also the command of Ling Yun!"

"This, this, long live the Lord! Didn't you hand over the command of the Forbidden Army to Xiao Wang! Why do you want to do this again today! This, this is probably not good for the overall situation!"

"The prince thinks too much, in fact, this command is still in your hands! It's just that Ling Yun organizes training at ordinary times! Don't you really believe in Ling Yun!"

"Little Wang dare not!"

"Well, that's it! As for the other military forces in the city, you can control them and then have unified jurisdiction. That's all right!"

"Chen Zongzhi!" Seeing that the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat had no intention of retreating at all, in the end, Zhao Wang Sima Lun had to accept this compromise plan.

Of course, Li Zhao didn’t say anything when he saw this result. After all, he also knew that the power of the court is in the hands of Simalun. If he is pressed, it’s really not a good thing. .

In this way, centering on the New Deal of the State Council, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, put forward five more opinions, and finally formed seven new policies!

Most of the last five are economic blockade policies aimed at the kings! If Jin Shangyu is allowed to see this matter, it is estimated that someone Jin will also give Simalun a compliment!

The cold wind is still there, and time slips by little by little in this strange atmosphere.

"Okay, are you all finished! Now there are seven New Deals in total! Since you all agree, then I don’t say much! I hope you can work together and get through this difficult time together! However, there are some things, I As I said long ago, don’t retreat too much! The kings have been forced to this level. If we blindly retreat, we will only fail!" At a certain moment, when the early days were about to disperse, the emperor Sima above the dragon seat Zhong said the above words slowly.

For a time, all the ministers including Zhao Wang Simalun were all thoughtful.

In this way, accompanied by Sima Zhong's profound words, all the ministers also dispersed.

"Li Zhao, you really don't have a brain, you are still impatient!"

"What does the prince say! Is it possible that the next official tells the truth, and he will be hit! Then, does the next official want to clarify to the long live master!"

"You, don't think that the True Dragon Palace can protect you! If you really think like that, I am afraid it will be too naive! This king is in a good mood today, so I won't care about you, but if you dare to act like this in the future, Don't blame this king for being ruthless!" As he spoke, Zhao Wang Simalun also showed a strong sense of killing.

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