I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 944: Imperial Capital New Deal (3)

In the imperial capital city, there were still endless screams, but discordant notes appeared in the imperial palace.

"The prince's instruction, the next official wrote it down! However, this new policy of yours is really new, and the plan was formed overnight! Even the next official has a little admiration!"

"Li Zhao, you really think you are a person! Forget it, this king won't say much! You can do it yourself!" At a certain moment, on a small road inside the palace, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, also issued another message. caveat.

Of course, facing Smalun's warning, Li Zhao didn't take it seriously, after all, he already knew what the other party was thinking.

"Simalun, I'm afraid I'm asking you to move the officer right now, so you don't dare to move, after all, you should know a little bit about Jin Mansion!" While muttering to himself, Li Zhao also went to his mansion.

However, in his own small living room, Li Zhao was also a little surprised.

"How come your kid!"

"Why, isn't it welcome? Let's talk, did it happen in the early morning!"

"How would you know!"

"Because Zhao Wang's Mansion has some changes today!"

"So that's it! Alright! Sit down!" Li Zhao also sat down slowly as he spoke.

Of course the person waiting in the small living room is not someone else, it is Jin Shangyu.

"Brother Li! It seems that Simalun is about to act!"

"Yes! Just above the early morning today, he actually proposed seven new policies!"

"Oh, the Seven New Deals! Not bad! I thought I shouldn't put forward more than ten!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu heard the news of the Seven New Deals, he also said casually.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu had been waiting in the small living room of Li's mansion early, Li Zhao also took care of the things from the early days.

And Jin also listened carefully, and occasionally inserted a sentence. Jin Shangyu didn't begin to express his views until Li Zhao explained the whole early affairs.

"Brother Li, since he started to act! You did a good job! As long as the forbidden army is still in our hands, I believe he will not dare to move! Besides, the action of the kings should begin soon! Even if his Smalun gathers A lot of wealth, I am afraid there is no time to spend!"

"Shang Yu, you mean, we don't need to pay attention to him!"

"Yes! As long as he doesn't move us, let's not move. Let him move, isn't it just paying some taxes! We can still afford it! And we can cooperate with him well! But let him know, the Royal Farm Military power cannot be given up! As long as he dares to move his mind, I will wake him up!" At the end of the day, Jin Shangyu's expression became a little elusive.

After all, the Royal Farm is already one-third of acre of land owned by Jin, how could he give up to others!

In this way, Jin Shangyu did not stay longer because he learned about the content of the early dynasty, and he left the Li Mansion after a while.

Here Jin Shangyu took the initiative to understand the affairs of the court, and at this time the New Deal moment had already begun in the Imperial City.

For a time, the tax collectors from all directions from the Zhao Palace were looting the big families in the Imperial City like a group of hungry wolves.

"You, what are you doing!"

"Don't do anything, the spring decree collects tax and silver! Please cooperate!"

"You, do you know what this place is!"

"Of course I know, isn't this the Dong'an Palace!" At a certain moment, just in front of the gate of Dong'an Palace, a team of more than fifty people also blocked the gate of the family.

"You turned out to be members of the Royal Palace of Zhao! We are all members of the Royal Family, so why bother! If you have something to discuss!"


"Oh, it turned out to be the housekeeper of the palace! I'm sorry! This time I came here by order! Please prepare five thousand taels of tax and silver!"

"Five thousand liang, why! Could it be that you don't want to rebel in Prince Zhao Mansion!" Feeling the decisiveness of the other party, the steward of Dong'an Prince Mansion also put his face down.

However, at this moment, one person also walked out of the palace, and saw that person whispered: "Forget it, give me money! Since it is the New Deal, this king will definitely support it!"

"Master, you, why did you come out! This is not good! Besides, these little people, do they still need you!"

"You can't say that, after all, I came here on an order! Several people have worked so hard, and they will be given five thousand taels of silver in a while!"

"That, I'm sorry! Thank you, Lord! The villain dare not make any trouble!"

"Okay, are you also completing the task! Forget it, this king is still very busy! You can handle this little thing by yourself!" At the end, the Dongan King laughed and turned away.

This time, those sergeants did not dare to say more.

Of course, the steward of Dong'an Palace at this time didn't say much.

"Several people, since my prince has already said it, just wait here for a while!"

"Trouble the Lord butler! The teenager was rude just now!"

"Small things! It's all small things! What are you guys doing in a daze, don't get the money!" As they spoke, four people rushed to the palace.

About half an hour, dozens of people walked out of the palace, and they also carried a few large wooden boxes in their hands.

"Several people, the money is already ready! Go well, don't give it away!"

"Um, I'm sorry, I'm offended!" After saying a few polite remarks, the people who came to collect taxes and silver quickly left.

In fact, at this moment, there are also several teams in the entire Imperial City. And how much money they can collect, I am afraid no one can clearly say.

People were panicking in the imperial capital city, but the Royal Farm at this time was a different scene.

"Flying Tiger, according to the best intelligence, Simalun in the Imperial City should have implemented the New Deal, and we may also be the military force he has incorporated!"

"Simalun! I want to be beautiful, I only obey the adults, what are they!"

"Brother Feihu said, but there are still soldiers guarding the farmland here after all. What if they come to collect it!"

"This, this, since the lord hasn't sent anyone over, it means that we don't want us to let go! Therefore, no matter what method is used, they are not allowed to come in!"

"That's right! Let's act by chance!" After feeling Murong Feihu's tough wind, Luo Yun also showed a touch of confidence.

After all, this place has been run by Feng Luoyun for many years, how could he give up his military power to others!

However, just as these brothers were studying countermeasures, a person rushed quickly outside the camp.

"Two generals, there is a man and a horse from outside, and they said it was ordered to take us in!"

"Oh, it came so soon! It seems that they really value us!"

"Well, don't care about this, you go back first and tell my brothers, no one can enter the farm for half a step without the order of the two of us, otherwise there will be a lot of arrows!"

"Get the order!" Seeing Feng Luo Yun and Murong Feihu's arrangement like this, the sergeant also quickly ran out of the camp. After all, there is already a team waiting just outside the Royal Farm!

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