I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 942: Imperial Capital New Deal (1)

In the Palace of True Dragons, facing Emperor Sima Zhong’s words of wooing, Jin Shangyu’s answer was not loud, but this time it really expressed Jin’s point of view, and the emperor Sima Zhong above the dragon seat was listening After that, I fell into a long period of contemplation.

Such a scene also makes the atmosphere of the conversation become more and more weird. However, Jin originally wanted to explore Sima Zhong's bottom line, so he was the first to break the silence.

"Long live the Lord! Actually, your current situation should not be as good as before! I wonder if the little minister said it was not!"

"Oh, it seems that you are telling the truth this time! Yes, the collapse of Fengyun Palace made me very happy! But it was just happy! Even you can see the change in the situation. The widow is in it, and his heart is bright! There are just some things that you can't imagine!"

"It turned out to be like this! Then, the young minister doesn't know what Long Live Lord has to deal with next! If the young minister can help one or two, I will try my best!"

"What, you promised to help me!" At a certain moment, just after Jin Shangyu's words fell, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat was also a little excited. After all, it was not easy to hear Jin Shangyu speak like this.

"You girl, you really thought I would take care of you! I just want to know a few things! Besides, you have been killing me many times! No matter how broad my heart is, I can't tolerate you. !" After feeling the emotional change of Emperor Sima Zhong, Jin also murmured in his heart.

However, at this moment, the very happy Emperor Sima Zhong also showed a rare smile, and then said softly: "Shang Yu! I know that you will not care about me! No matter whether you succeed or not, you are a widow. Thank you in advance! These days, you don't know that this Simalun, relying on my elders, is persecuting everywhere, it is really intolerable!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Then, I don't know the specific tricks of Long Live! Or how do you plan to deal with the fact that King Zhao is so powerful!"

"Is this! I haven't figured it out yet! You know, his current power should have exceeded the level of Jananfeng's time! If this is known to the Jia family in Jinyong City, I will probably be filled with emotion!"

"Mother, it turns out that Sima Zhong really didn't know the news of Jia Nanfeng's rescue! It seems that this Sima Lun deliberately concealed it! That's right, as long as Sima Lun doesn't say it, no one will know about it! Maybe it's over. After a few years, we let Jananfeng die naturally, just one generation!" Through the words of Emperor Sima Zhong, Jin Shangyu also learned the fact that the news of Jananfeng’s rescue has been blocked, in other words, it was Jananfeng. The matter should be no one has tracked down.

"That, Shang Yu! Are you trying to help me think about countermeasures again!"

"Yes, yes, I'm thinking! But it's really hard to say! After all, Sima Lun is now in power, and small people like the ministers will lose their heads if they say a lot of words!"

"Oh, I also blamed me for believing him too much! I gave him the command of the Forbidden Army! Now he has a lot of military power, and no one can subdue him!"

"Long live, you, you actually handed over the command of the Forbidden Army! Then, then you are not without the ability to protect yourself! No wonder, the minister heard that King Zhao can enter and leave the palace at will!"

"Yeah! But fortunately, I still have a confidant! Ling Yun didn't really delegate power, and for this matter, Simalun was also pressing against him early on, and no one knew what to do!" said In the end, the Emperor Sima Zhong also showed a touch of unspeakable color.

"I don't know how to do it! This is not all caused by you! Well, if you have to let this Sima Lun enter the court, you will enter, and you will give it to such a big official to do it! Had a Fengyun Palace, and set up a Zhaowang Mansion! Forget it, I don’t care about your troubles! As long as there is a big mess, I will put self-interest first!" While muttering in his heart, Jin Shangyu was also sad for Emperor Sima Zhong!


In this way, the monarch and the minister had a long talk in the Palace of True Dragons. It was not until the end of Jin Shangyu that Emperor Sima Zhong asked to rest early, and the other party signaled the end of the conversation.

"Shang Yu! Thank you for being able to talk to me! Talking to your heart! However, we have also analyzed the current situation. If there is no help from external forces, we have no chance of winning! Forget it, just tell the truth! You Let's go!"

"Then, the minister has retired! Long live Lord, take care of the dragon body!" Seeing that the emperor Sima Zhong was really tired at this time, Jin Shangyu also dropped a polite remark and turned away.

"Well, you Sima Zhong, when is it all, you still think about your emperor's position! It seems that you really don't recognize the situation! Well, since it's all like this, let the troubled times be more chaotic! Lao Tzu If you catch up, let's do it!" It seemed to be speaking to someone, and it seemed to be mumbling to himself. In short, when Jin Shangyu returned to the Jin mansion, his mood was more complicated.

After all, in a troubled world, everything is changing, and a good man like Jin Shangyu has to plan for his own future. It is conceivable how strange the chaos is at this time.

There is no words for a night, only the dream is still there. But at this time, Jin no longer believes in the dream. What he sees is reality.

Here Jin Shangyu went back to the mansion to rest. I won’t mention it for the time being. Let’s just talk about the early morning dynasty the next morning. Although it was mechanized as usual, there were really different voices today.

"Long live! The kings seem to be unable to come! Even if they do come, they will come with soldiers! So, we must be fully prepared!"

"Wang Zhao, you, didn't you say that they will come before! Why do you say that they will not come now!"

"Long live, in fact, it is not up to us to decide whether they will come or not! Since they don't come, they will all be repulsive! Even repulsive! Therefore, the minister feels that we need to be prepared!"

"It turned out to be like this! Then, I don't know how Wang Zhao has prepared!" At a certain moment, in the True Dragon Palace, Emperor Sima Zhong was also very disgusted with Simalun's words.

After all, the conversation with Jin Shangyu last night had already exposed his heart.

However, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, didn’t care about these things, he just said again: "Your Majesty, the minister feels that our current military power has not been centralized and unified, and the effect of the greatest strength has been exerted! So the minister wants to implement the New Deal in the DPRK, In this way, the comprehensive strategic strength of the imperial court will be improved!"

"What, New Deal! What New Deal! Why, I have never heard of it!"

"This, this was only thought of by the minister last night, so please think twice!"

"Long live master, please think twice." For a while, just when Zhao Wang Simalun's voice fell, almost the entire True Dragon Palace echoed this voice.

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