I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 893: Murong Housework (5)

***In the northern land, within the main business of the Murong Xianbei tribe, a gambling game has also come to an end in no one's words. However, the struggle surrounding King Murong Xianbei has once again become the focus of attention.

"Yeah! Although Murong Feiyu has no big reason! But, but, forget it, let's not! There are some things that we can't discuss!"

"Jin Shangyu is a good man and our savior, but it would be nice if he was our Xianbei!"

"What! Is this a choice! No matter how he is from the Central Plains! However, let him be the king, others do not agree, I don't care, anyway, I am the first to support!" For a while, because Murong Fei Yu's voluntarily withdrew, but also caused a negative reaction among the Xianbei tribe.

"Okay! Murong Feiyu, Murong Feiyu, you are really embarrassed into anger! Not to mention, if that's the case, then you should withdraw from the stage of history! I wanted to use you, and I know you have some talents! It seems that you are too stubborn!" Feeling the emotional changes of the crowd, and hearing a lot of voices of discussion, Jin Shangyu is actually muttering in his heart.

Of course, the main reason why Jin Shangyu thinks this way is because he is disappointed with this Murong Feiyu.

Just like what Murong Yuyan said before, it was really Jin Shangyu who started Murong Feiyu. It's white, without Jin Shangyu's appointment, I am afraid that the current Murong Feiyu is still sinking!

However, everything cannot be analyzed from the previous ideas, only to face reality.

Maybe I heard a different voice, maybe I still have hope for my own ideas. In short, while everyone is still discussing, Murong Feiyu once again said in a nearly hysterical voice: "You have heard it too, look. When it arrives, this young man is not sloppy. Just like what you said, if Jin Shangyu is my Xianbei, if he is still half-wordless, he will definitely not die!"

"What, you do it again!"

"Murong Yuyan, what about this son again! Can you still change the identity of Jin Ben!"

"This, this is what you forced. Actually, Jin Shangyu is really a member of my Murong clan!"

"Murong Yuyan, do you think we are all fools! What a big joke!"

"I'm afraid the big joke is you Murong Feiyu! Actually, this Jin Shangyu is this girl's fiancé! Is this still a Xianbei!" In the end, Murong Yuyan was a little bit embarrassed, with bright eyes. The eyes also showed a touch of shame.

"Mother, no! This, what's the situation! Stinky girl, this kind of thing can't be messed up! You are not afraid, I am afraid! After all, I have a woman!" At a certain moment, When all the Xianbei people were stunned, Jin didn't know how to think about it.

Of course, there was another person who was very surprised at this time, and that was the old man Yu Lao of Murong Xianbei.

At that time, I saw him widen his eyes, looking at Murong Yuyan for a while, and then at Jin Shangyu again, until finally he was relieved.

"Girl, this, this is true!"

"Old man, it's true! If you don't believe me, you can ask Jin Shangyu!"

"Shang Yu, is this true!"

"This, this..."


"Jin Shangyu, what are you afraid of! We didn't steal it, we snatched it! It's good!"

"Beauty, that, old man, yes, it's true!" Originally wanted to explain one or two, seeing Murong Yuyan's eyes, Jin finally had to say weakly.

However, just before Jin's voice was over, Murong Xianbei's Chinese army's big account also burst out with a tsunami-like shout.

"The young master is mighty! The young master is mighty..." The continuous shouting also conveyed a very clear message, that is, Jin Shangyu, King Murong Xianbei, is truly doing it.

"Mother, this girl is also good enough! In order to stabilize the situation and let the Murong clan develop, even dare to spread this kind of panic! But, you girl, it is best to say hello to Lao Tzu first. This, this is too scary!" When feeling the enthusiasm of the soldiers in Murong Xianbei, Jin Shangyu kept muttering to himself.

Of course, in this atmosphere, Na Murong Feiyu was also stunned on the spot, perhaps he hadn't dreamed that his cousin would make such a decision.

However, everything changed in an instant. However, he, once the proud son of heaven, has no demeanor of the past, only endless sighs!

"Well, everyone, please be quiet! Since our Young Master still has this level of identity, then he is the Great Xianbei King that God gave us!"

"Yes, yes! Old Yu is right! King Da Xianbei! King Da Xianbei..." Just when the old man Yu wanted to control the situation with a smile, he unexpectedly pushed the situation to another point.

In this way, because Murong Yuyan's words were amazing, it also brought a complete end to the whole dispute.

In the end, Na Murong Feiyu also completely lost the sphere of influence he had operated for a long time!

However, Jin was still generous and did not kill him with a single hammer. In the end, Murong Feiyu was in charge of the logistics of Murong Xianbei's Ministry.

When the contradiction was resolved and the crowd slowly receded, Jin Shangyu, Murong Yuyan, and Old Man Yu also slowly returned to the Chinese Army’s tent.

"Well, how noisy people were just now! Don't ask too much! The old man asks one more question, you really come together!"

"This, Yu Lao, actually..."

"Old Yu, you don't need to listen to him, in fact, we have really come together! In addition, he gave so many supplies, as well as gold and silver, do you still use it! This, this is his meeting gift!"

"this and that……"

"Okay, Shang Yu, you don’t have to, as long as you two can do well, it’s better than anything! It seems that the old prince is blessing us in the spirit of heaven!" At a certain moment, it was in Murong's military account. Before Jin Shangyu's words came out, the old man Yu had already laughed and turned away, leaving Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan sitting there, looking at a loss.

"Beauty! You, what kind of play are you singing! Why can't this son understand at all!"

"Why, this girl doesn't have anything! What's your urgency! Anyway, no, how do you tell this girl to end! Does it really make Murong Feiyu fail him! Besides, his is not unreasonable! Sometimes, I really need a reason! In that case, this girl will give them a reason!" In the end, Murong Yuyan looked like a okay person!

"You girl, what's the situation! Lao Tzu can hardly bear this, but your eldest sister is like a okay person! Take a step back, even if it is to make Lao Tzu become this great Xianbei king, you should also Communicate beforehand! This, what the **** is going on!" After feeling Murong Yuyan's emotional changes, Jin really didn't know what to do. ***

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