I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 892: Murong Housework (4)

In Murong Xianbei's army account, because of the fundamental contradiction, the scene became more and more embarrassing.

However, just when everyone was silent, it seemed that Murong Feiyu had made some decisions, and saw him come out lightly, and said slowly: "Jin Shangyu! You are indeed amazing! You deserve me. Murong Feiyu's biggest opponent! But you think that with this method of retreating, you can deceive everyone! I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"Murong Feiyu, don't be shameless! The reason why Lao Tzu didn't beat you was because Lao Tzu regarded himself as a Xianbei, so I didn't want to embarrass you! But if you keep going like this! You are at your own risk!"

"Oh, I'm excited, I've been exposed by Lao Tzu! Well, you can do it! I think Jin Shangyu is able to fight and kill! How can you know this tribe's plan for wintering!" At the end, Murong Feiyu also revealed A touch of strong confidence.

Faced with such Murong Feiyu, Jin Shangyu said he was not angry, it was fake!

"Good, good! It seems that your kid is prepared! Let's talk, where do you plan to get money, food and supplies from!"

"Jin Shangyu, or let's bet now, if you can prepare the supplies for the winter of the ethnic group in seven days! I will convince you by Murong Feiyu! If you can't do it, and I happen to do it, then I'm sorry , You should know how to do it!"

"Murong Feiyu, aren't you bullying people! Let alone seven days, even half a month, he will not be able to transport the materials from the Central Plains to Murong Xianbei! When it comes to you, I will send people and Tuoba Xianbei early. A deal was made!"

"Lao Yu! Shang Yu knows that you are doing good! But no need! Lao Tzu agreed to his bet!"

"Jin Shangyu, you, you actually agreed!"

"Yes, I agree, isn't it just some winter supplies!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

All of a sudden, because Murong Feiyu was going to have a gambling battle with Jin Shangyu, the Xianbei people present were all surprised. Especially the old man Yu kept winking at Jin Shangyu, his words and deeds are already well known.

But at this time, there was no one who had come out to object, and that person was Murong Yuyan.

"Okay, well, it seems that Lord Jin Shangyu is amazing! You dare to make such a bet! That's all, then please ask Mrs. Jin to ship all the supplies to Murong Xianbei within seven days!"

"Why seven days! This is too long! I can take it out now!"

"The surname is Jin, don't you just say it! After all, this is also our Chinese army account!"

"Oh, you don't believe Murong Feiyu! That's okay! Let's go out and check it right now! Can it?" While talking, Jin Shangyu didn't wait for Murong Feiyu's agreement or disagreement, and went directly to the layman's account.

Facing such Jin Shangyu, Na Murong Feiyu wanted to say a few more words, but seeing that everyone was walking out with the flow of people, he simply followed out of the Chinese army's account.

When the curtain moved and everyone came to the open front of the tent, someone had already burst out loud shouts.

"No, this, this turned out to be true! Look at it, there is a fleet of supplies! And it's still in large quantities!"

"Yeah! It seems that Master Young Master came here prepared! Have we wronged him a little bit!"

"Blame Na Murong Feiyu, every day he said that Young Master doesn't care about Murong's family affairs! But now Young Master actually sent supplies from Central Plains!" At one point, Wei Yu's grain transport team was parked steadily. Before the Great Account of the Chinese Army, the soldiers of Xianbei also started an unstoppable voice of discussion.

Of course, after seeing such a scene, Yu Lao also let out a long sigh.


However, the most embarrassing person here is not someone else, it is Murong Feiyu who has just made a promise.

For a while, Murong Feiyu was a little speechless, and his whole body was trembling.

"Impossible! This, this is impossible! How could he give us the materials! There must be a conspiracy! Old Yu, his Jin Shangyu must have a conspiracy! Yuyan, we can fight, but he is an outsider! How could it be possible? Send so many good things!"

"Feiyu, you, you should accept this fact!"

"No, it's impossible! You guys go and see, there may be no money, food, and supplies in this car!" As he spoke, Murong Feiyu seemed crazy, and took a few people to Wei Yu's food truck. Rush away.

At first, Wei Yu still wanted to block, but under one of Jin's eyes, everyone also looked at Murong Feiyu almost frantically looking at the items in the large carriage.

"Master General, it's all food! And still the best food!"

"Me too! General, you, you better be sober!"

"What are you talking about! Even you dare to talk to the general like this! There are a few more cars over there, let's take a look!"

"This car can't move!" At a certain moment, when Murong Feiyu and the two were about to open the two carriages located at the rear, several farm sergeants stepped forward and stopped.

"Well, let them see! Anyway, this son is also for them!"

"The final commander!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's order, the farm sergeants also slowly retreated aside.

For a while, Na Murong Feiyu also stretched his hand into the car box again.

"General, this is actually all silver in it! No, there seems to be gold!"

"Jin Shangyu, you, you are a lunatic, you even brought the gold! It seems that you have lost your blood!"

"Shang Yu, he is crazy, don't blame him, look, all Murong Xianbei people now know who you are!"

"Old Yu was joking! But that said, it is really Murong's family affairs here after all! My son will return to the Central Plains if he has anything to do with him!"

"Shang Yu, you're really angry! Don't you think about the people here! After all, they were you in exchange for a **** battle!" After feeling the change in Jin Shangyu's mood, the old man Yu was also a little disappointed.

After all, Jin Shangyu was able to say this at this time, but he didn't just say it casually.

However, at this moment, Murong Feiyu, who was still insane just now, laughed a lot, and returned to seriousness again!

"Old Yu, you don't look down on this son too much! Can this little thing be hit! Impossible! This son is sober! Even if this son is not the king here, no outsiders can do it! After all! As Jin Shangyu himself said, this is our Murong family's business!"

"Feiyu! Why are you still stuck at this time! Shang Yu is dedicated to Murong family, can't you see it! Do you really want to ruin Murong family!"

"Lao Yu, what you are talking about is a great truth! Okay, my son withdraws from the fight for power! But if you want Jin Shangyu to be the king, then come up with a good reason! A reason that all Xianbei people are satisfied! This requirement is not high!" At the end, Murong Feiyu also showed a weird smile.

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