I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 894: Promise!

Inside the Great Tent of the Chinese Army in Murong Xianbei's Ministry...

The weird atmosphere, mixed with inexplicable emotions, made people feel at a loss, but time still slipped a little bit in this embarrassment.

"Well, I said girl, this son will ask again, what do you want!"

"I didn't think about it! Why, I scared you! Forget it, tell the truth! In fact, even if you, Mr. Jin want to be the person of this girl, it is difficult! Not to mention that this girl is not rare at all! Now, this is a play, a play for Xianbei people! Do you understand!"

"Um, understand a little bit! But I still don't understand! After all, this is too that, especially for your reputation!"

"Okay, I won't bother with this girl's affairs! Let's make an agreement!" At the end, Murong Yuyan seemed to have figured out something, so she stopped slowly. Standing up, there was an indescribable brilliance in the smiling eyes.

"You girl, what kind of game this girl is playing, I have to make an appointment! Okay, I will play with you and see what your agreement is!" Seeing Murong Yuyan's emotions a little bit When stabilized, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself.

However, just when someone Jin was thinking about something, Murong Yuyan also said again: "Jin Shangyu! Let's make three chapters! First, the relationship announced by this girl before can only take effect in front of the Xianbei tribe! Second, when there are only you and me, this relationship does not exist!"

"Say, didn't you say that there are three chapters about the law! How to say two, there is no more!"

"Actually, that's what I said! The third article hasn't been figured out yet! I'll talk about it later! I don't know the agreement between the two articles, you can agree!"

"Okay! Now that Miss Murong has said it all, it would be no good if someone from Jin pushed back and forth! My son agrees! Thank you!"

"It's okay, I know, thank you! But next, you have to do something for Murong Xianbei! Think about it, Murong Feiyu has already retreated to the second line, and the real big things have to be managed by someone! "

"Yes, but I really can't stay here for too long!"

"Then, then you should do a few things first! As for the management of the ethnic group, in fact, it would be nice to have Yu Lao! You saw it today, even if you Jin Shangyu did not appear here, his old man is doing his best to protect you! "

"Yes! It seems that sometimes, it is most important to have an extra confidant!" At the end, Jin also slowly stood up, and then went out of the Chinese Army's account.

And that Murong Yuyan didn't speak, but followed Jin quietly.

It was 10 minutes in the afternoon, the breeze was still there, and the blue sky was still there, but there was a man and a woman on the grassland. They stopped and went, silent for a while, and then became excited again and talked endlessly!

"Blue sky, white clouds! Hurry up and fly! There must be a sky! Jin Shangyu, do you believe there is a sky!"

"This, this is really not clear! It's not easy to say!"

"There is nothing wrong with this! There must be some! Maybe one day, if Murong Yuyan is not in this world, I will fly to the sky to see what is there! Maybe it is really like in my dream, Wonderful as fantasy!"

"You girl, what's wrong with this girl, isn't it really starting to fall in love? People say that women who fall in love are willing to fantasize about it! It seems like this is true! No, if this girl is really in love, then, What has become of Lao Tzu! Bah, baah, what are you thinking about! This is just a big show! There are three chapters about the law, no, it is two chapters!” At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan expressed emotion at the sky, Jin's mood has also become more complicated.

In this way, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan are rarely relaxed because the major events have already been determined.

"Um, what are your plans next! Even if you don't stay here for a long time, you will have to stay for a while!"

"This, in fact, there are actually many things on the Central Plains side, and maybe the situation will change greatly! Of course, things here must also be dealt with!"


"Oh, what are you talking about!"

"Two things, the first is that the transaction with the Yuwenbu must be done again! The second is that our military training methods must be changed and we must learn from the people of the Central Plains!"

"The last thing is right! But the deal with Yuwenbu has already taken shape, how can I change it!" At a certain moment, while the two were chatting, a new question also appeared in front of Jin Shangyu.

Of course, this kind of problem is also for the ancients.

"Girl, this kind of thing is actually best done! In other words, as long as you can settle things with money, it's not a problem!"

"You, you mean you want to use money to solve it!"

"Yes, it's money! In fact, most of your transactions are carried out by bartering! So, we have to change this way! We must learn to use money! After all, our horses and meat are also strategic resources and cannot be freely used. As for how they spend the money after they receive the money, it’s their own business!” At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also laughed, and turned to the Chinese army’s account again.

The reason why he was so anxious was because Jin Shangyu found that someone was coming.

"Why, what did I find!"

"It seems they are coming!"

"Who are you referring to! Oh, this girl knows! Tuoba must have sent someone over!" As he spoke, Murong Yuyan had already realized what had happened.

In this way, the two of them were in front of the Chinese army's big tent.

"Shang Yu, you are back! Actually, they have just arrived!"

"Old Yu, we all know! Let's go, let's go in and take a look!"

"Okay! They should be here for the final negotiation! I hope they can succeed this time!"

"Old Yu, don't worry, we are now different from before. Over the winter is not a big deal anymore! You forgot, we already have money!" As he went to the Chinese army's big account, Murong Yuyan Consoling Father Yu.

In this way, when the three of them entered the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, there were also three of them standing inside. Although they were not dressed much, they were somewhat different from the Murong Xianbei tribe.

"Old Yu, aren't you the one who says to go and have the final say! Isn't General Murong Feiyu here!"

"Well, Master Tuoba is in no rush! Actually, some things have happened to our Murong Department these days!"

"Oh, it turns out that something big happened to your ministry! It seems that General Murong Feiyu is no longer the principal here!"

"That's right! Let me introduce the old man, this one, named Jin Shangyu, is our new king of Murong Xianbei! And this one is Murong Yuyan, the only daughter of the old lord!"

"It turns out that the new king is here, Tuobaye is presumptuous! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"Why don't things, really don't matter! Sit down! It seems that today we must have a smooth talk! After all, Young Master Tuoba is a famous negotiator!" At the end, Murong Yuyan smiled slightly.

At this time, Jin Shangyu only smiled, and then he sat down with Murong Yuyan one after another.

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