I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 838: Want to add a crime!

In the Commander General’s Mansion, facing Jia Mi’s eye contact, Jin Shangyu was also a little unhappy. After all, in the current situation, if you ask someone alone, you can only explain one problem, that is, this review is more or less related to this People are connected.

After knowing the other party's intentions, Jin Shangyu also laughed and said, "Master Jia is really good at joking! You are the presiding judge here! Mr. Jin is just the supervising envoy of the general's mansion! In other words, the envoy really has certainty. Responsibility! How about this! The envoy to avoid it! How!"

"Master Jin is serious! Don't avoid it! Jia just asks a few questions! Especially a few adults are here too! By then, black and white are natural and unnatural!"

"Okay! Since Master Jia said so, then someone Jin will listen here for a while!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also stepped back slowly, and then he really said nothing.

Faced with such a weird situation, the people in the Chinese Army's Great Account are also very nervous. However, Wu Huayu and Shi Chong are the most nervous!

"Okay! Don't worry! General Wu, this officer knows that you used to be the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, so there shouldn't be any criminal record! But since I asked today, I have to ask to understand! Do you understand!"

"At the end, I did not do anything to lose my heart! Please ask your questions freely!

"Okay! It is rumored that you often extend the training time for no reason in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army. This is true!"

"That's right! However, the general is also considering the overall situation! Is it a crime to add time to improve the combat effectiveness of the army!"

"General Wu must not be rude! You just have to answer!" At a certain moment, seeing that Wu Huayu actually asked Jia Mi, Liu Kun, who was sitting on one side, also spoke.

After all, from the perspective of belonging, now Wu Huayu is really Liu Kun's subordinate.

"General Liu doesn't have to be like this! Since this officer is a censorship, he can say anything! Now that General Wu admits it! Very good, General Wu, this officer wants to know how your personal relationship is with the ten main generals!"

"Well, if you go back to your lord, it's not good! But there would be no abuse of public power!"

"Okay! You can stand aside! General Shi, please stand closer!" Na Jia Mi asked Wu Huayu to retreat to one side, and Shi Chong moved closer.

Facing the censor's order, Shi Chong also knew how serious it was. He was slightly startled, and then took two steps forward.

"General Shi! In fact, you are a great minister in the court, and another great benevolent person. This official didn't want to communicate with you in this way! But the holy will is hard to say, please forgive me!"

"Master Jia is joking! Shimou thinks he has no shame! My lord asks!"

"Okay! Then, that officer will be presumptuous! Before coming, General Shi, the officer and five colleagues went to the south of the city together. Some people say that you are uneven and make the soldiers feel chilly! !"

"My lord, this must be a speculation made by people with ulterior motives! Since taking the order, this general has not only done his best to handle logistical support matters, but also transferred huge sums of money from Jingu Garden to improve the quality of life of the sergeants! He said this, that is, ungrateful!"

"General Shi don't have to be excited, this officer is just talking about it! That said, General Shi has used his own money to fund the army!"


"Good, good! Then, the next question is the same. I don't know what the relationship between General Shi and the ten generals is. Is it also like General Wu, making a lot of trouble!" At the end, Jia Mi also revealed A weird smile.


"You bastard, so good, Jia Mi, you are trying to lure Shi Chong to do it a little bit! It seems that the official Shi, whether he is behind the scenes or not, will bear the charge! "At a certain moment, just as Jia Mi asked unhurriedly, Jin Shangyu also felt a hint of "deception".

Facing the same question from Jia Mi, the official Shi who had dared to fight for wealth with the emperor also began to hesitate.

After all, before this question, Wu Huayu directly chose Discord. Now it's my turn, it's really hard to answer.

"Why, such a simple question, will General Shi have to think about it for so long! It's not that you are also strained with them, which affects the harmony in the training of the soldiers!"

"No, it didn't affect! Actually, Shi's relationship with them is pretty good!"

"Really! That's right! The five of you also heard it in the south of the city, and many sergeants are saying good things about Shi Daguanren!"

"Yes, yes, that's true! It seems that General Shi still has the prestige among the soldiers!"

"Yeah! It is really hard for General Shi to use the money he has accumulated to improve the combat effectiveness of the army!" All of a sudden, the five CUHK officials who came with Jia Mi also spoke.

Of course, these people are talking, but Jia Mi is not talking, just constantly scanning everyone with his eyes.

"Mother, it seems that Shi Chong still has too little experience! Finally he is fooled! Forget it, what is fooled! Maybe this killer is really sent out by him, and I don't know!" Feeling Jia Mi's After being so experienced, Jin also mumbled to himself.

However, just as everyone praised Shi Chong, Jia Mi who was sitting in the center also smiled and said, "Well, you have heard what I said, and I believe everyone has heard it! That's it for today's review!"

"Master Jia, it's that simple, this is over! Then, who is my Liu Kun's enemy in the end!"

"General Liu, don't be anxious! Now that the evidence is insufficient, what do you call this palace?"

"Master Jia won't be perfunctory! At least one suspect or potential person behind the scenes should be named!"

"This, this, okay, since General Liu insisted on his officer to name a suspect, then General Shi is the most suspicious!"

Just before Jia Mi's voice fell, the entire Chinese army's big tent suddenly fell silent.

And that Shi Chong opened his eyes wide, staring straight at Jia Mi, for a moment, he was speechless!

After a long time, Shi Chong finally reacted, and saw that he took another step forward, and said with a sharp expression: "Jia Mi! What do you mean by you! Why do you say that Shi Chong is the biggest one? Suspect! This officer wants to face saint!"

"General Shi is not in a hurry, this officer just said that he was suspected! He didn't convict you!"

"Master Jia is really hardworking! That person Shi also wants to hear Master Jia's reason!"

"It's easy to say! It's actually very simple. Although General Wu made some mistakes and should be punished, his relationship with the ten chief generals is very tense. How can he get his due status here! So from this point, he has no Any motive! And you, an official, actually paid out of your own money to improve the quality of life of the sergeant! More importantly, the ten generals who lead soldiers and soldiers are all closely related to you! You are still from time to time. Take money to fund some sergeants! Isn't this true! Is it that you just want to let the sergeants eat well and sleep well?"

"Jia Mi, you, you are wanting to commit a crime! I, I am not convinced! General Liu, you must not listen to him!" At a certain moment, after Na Shi Chong heard Jia Mi's so-called motive for committing the crime, The whole person was already trembling, and even the sound made was a little hard to distinguish.

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