I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 837: Register the General Mansion!

In the True Dragon Hall, the atmosphere became more and more weird...

However, as Jin Shangyu's voice of defense fell, even the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat did not immediately express their views. And time slipped by in this embarrassment.

"Well, long live the Lord! Actually, the minister thinks Jin Shangyu has no such motive!"

"Oh, since you, General Liu, think that Shang Yu is innocent, then don't include him as the subject of review!"

"Long live, this, this..."

"Jia Aiqing needn't say much! That's it! After all, Shang Yu really doesn't have any motives! Besides, even General Liu said so, what else can you say!"

"Yes! The minister followed the decree!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing that Emperor Sima Zhong had already made a decision, in the end, Jia Mi had to nod and say "Yes"!

For a time, emperor Sima Zhong also made a decision on how to investigate the Liu Jiayu attack, and that was to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Wu Huayu and Shi Chong!

Faced with such a decision, the officials did not react too much. After all, after Jin Shangyu himself was stripped out, he would naturally not object.

"Shang Yu! Well, just now, you knew it! I didn't mean that!"

"Big brother don't tell me, younger brother knows, in fact, this is the trick with the surname Jia! It's okay, I have a way to deal with it! But now that it's all set, what are you going to do!"

"Oh, what do you mean!"

"Does this still need to be said? First, who is going to censor the two of them? Second, they have encountered such things. Can this commander general's mansion be able to stay?" At the end, Jin Shangyu also deliberately He lowered his tone.

In fact, just after leaving the palace, Liu Kun started communicating with Jin Shangyu.

After all, this time, they entered the palace together, and Liu Kun had to explain something.

However, just before Jin Shangyu's voice was over, the two people who were far away saw Jia Mi Xiao Pao'er chasing after him.

"No, he is coming!"

"It's just right! I was going to ask him exactly what he wanted!" As he spoke, Jia Mi had already caught up.

"Two of you, go slowly! Go slowly, someone Jia has something to say!"

"Oh, isn't this high official Jia Mi! When will you still want to talk to us!"

"Shang Yu! You may have misunderstood your brother! After all, you know it. If you don't add you to the temple, people will doubt it!"

"Doubt! Who dares to doubt! Let Lao Tzu say that there are not a few people who dare to talk nonsense in front of you in the whole court! Even you, you actually regard Lao Tzu as a sinner! Fortunately, Lord Long live and the ministers are paying me back Innocent! Otherwise, I really don’t know what to say!" At one point, when Jin Tongyu saw that Jia Mi was running and catching up, he didn't show the other side a good look.

Facing such Jin Shangyu, Jia Mi also forced a smile, and put a pair of eyes on Liu Kun's body.

"Well, Brother Liu! When did we forget our love for the Golden Valley completely! Don't say that your brother I will not do such a damaging thing, even if you really suspect Jia, you should come directly to your brother! "


"Well, Master Jia, I don't mean to blame the Lord at the end! So what is the matter with the Lord chasing him now!"

"Forget it, just say it! Just now, Jia has already obtained the imperial decree, and Jia is responsible for the investigation this time! Of course, the specific inspection site is located in the General Mansion."

"What, you turned out to be the interrogator! Why!"

"Look, I'm afraid General Liu hasn't come out of his sorrow yet! Don't worry, I will deal with your brother impartially!"

"I hope so! If there is nothing else, I would have retired!" While speaking, Liu Kun didn't say much, just heading towards the general's mansion.

Of course, Jin Shangyu didn't have to say more at this time. A person was also closely following Liu Kun.

"Shang Yu, tell me, what is he going to do! Let him check! What can I find out! It really can't work, I would have to face him!"

"Well, it's not a brother, I poured cold water! Sometimes, the person in the True Dragon Palace really said nothing! So, since he is willing to investigate! Let him do it! After all, the subject of the investigation also has some motives! "

"Yeah! If I, Liu Kun, leave here for my own business, then the two of them will naturally be in the top position! Maybe, forget it, let alone, sometimes I get more and more afraid!" At the end, Then Liu Kun won't say much, after all, some things are not at the end, and no one dares to make the final assertion.

In this way, because of some things, and because of Jin Shangyu's rebuttal, the only people under investigation were Wu Huayu and Shi Chong.

There was nothing for a day, and when the early morning of the next day arrived, the Commander General's Mansion was also extremely crowded.

Nothing else, because on this day, Jia Mi will bring the five ministers of the DPRK and China to examine the case of the assassin in Liu Kun's home.

Of course, in order to ensure a normal review, Wu Huayu and Shi Chong had long been asked not to leave the General Mansion.

"Master General, don't listen to the villain! How could we send someone to harm you! We have been together for such a long time, what kind of person Wu Huayu I am, don't the general still know!"

"Yeah! General Liu, Brother Liu, no matter how you say it, it is also our golden and vulgar literary friends, why do not believe in brothers so much! You say, who is doing this and wants to see our brothers misunderstanding each other! What is this person? Who!"

"Well, the two of you don't say more! After all, this is the imperial decree of the Lord Long live! This general did not doubt you, just review it, maybe nothing will happen! But if something big really happens! Don't blame someone Liu for disregarding his affection!" At a certain moment, in the commanding general's mansion, Shi Chong and Wu Huayu also yelled at Liu Kun for injustice!

Of course, Liu Kun did not make any promises in the face of the hardships of these two people!

In this way, when Jia Mi brought the five ministers of the Central Government to the Central Army Tent of the General Commander’s Mansion, Wu Huayu and Shi Chong were already reluctantly standing in a prominent position in the Tent.

"Um, General Liu, I'm sorry! Jia still has to sit in this seat today!"

"Master Jia, please! As long as you can pay back, it will be fair! These little things are nothing!"

"Okay! Come, come, you guys can sit as you like!" While speaking, Jia Mi was also sitting in the center, while the five people behind him were sitting on both sides of the Chinese Army's Great Tent.

"Well, first of all, the official declares that this is not the official's own intention, this is the will of the long live master! So, I also ask Deputy General Wu, Deputy General Shi to be able to forgive me!"

"Master Jia, don't worry! How can I be afraid if I don't do anything wrong! If you have any questions, please ask!"

"Good, good! The two of you said well! Then, the officer is about to ask! Lord Jin Shangyu has no opinion!" While speaking, Jia Mi also cast his eyes on Jin Shangyu who was standing on the side.

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