I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 839: The relationship is complicated!

Although it was very late at noon, the atmosphere in the general's mansion became more and more weird...

"Everyone, you all listen, what's the situation! I, Shi Chong, did something wrong! Could it be that I would be good to everyone? Isn't it wrong to say that the officer must not pay a penny and let the soldiers? Do you drink Northwest Wind! What is the truth of this! Please explain one or two!"

"Well, General Shi is in no rush! Actually, the officer just discussed the matter and didn't put the coffin on the coffin, so the case was closed here! So, please be at ease!"

"Master Jia, you really don't care about what you say! What is this? This is the crime of destroying the mansion! In short, Shi can not accept the result of this review!" At a certain moment, he was in the general mansion. In the face of everyone, Shi Chong also let out a hysterical roar.

"You girl, you really want to have a good show! One has to force one away, and the other has to make himself innocent! It is estimated that no matter how powerful the official is now, it is difficult to try this big case. Now!" After feeling the emotional changes of everyone, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself.

Of course, Jin is not the only person thinking about it at this time, including Liu Kun, and even the five ministers and workers of that dynasty.

However, at this time, it was the official Shi who was under more pressure. After all, the current Jia Mi is to make him the biggest suspect.

"Brother don’t be anxious! Actually, Long Live is quite certain about General Shi’s actions! However, as you can see, this is not the True Dragon Palace, this is the Commander General’s Mansion, and General Liu’s family suffered this. The attack is also a major case, and the official has to investigate! If the official is regarded as a suspect! The official has no opinion! Do you know what the official means!"

"That, Master Jia! Just now, it was Shi who was anxious! Don't worry, since it's just a suspect, then the officer won't say anything! However, the officer also hopes to return a certain innocence soon!"

"Okay! Now that General Shi can think like this! It's a blessing for Long Live Lord! General Liu, tell me, are you satisfied with the results of today's review!"

"Master Jia! You are right. Wu Huayu is suspected, but the probability is not high! Forget it, let him go first! However, Master Shi is so suspicious! Shouldn't he stay here!" At the end, Liu Kun also showed a touch of cruelty.

Faced with such words, everyone including Jin Shangyu was shocked. After all, Liu Kun had not spoken for a long time.

For a time, the entire Commander General's Mansion became quiet instantly.

After a while, Shi Chong also slowly exhaled, and then said in a low voice: "General Liu, so you are waiting here! It seems that I, Shi Chong, failed in life! Well, since you all treated Ben like this Officer! The officer recognized, after all, there are a lot of things in Jingu Garden!"

"Well, General Shi can't be so rash! After all, your stay still needs to be determined by Long Live! General Liu, don't talk casually! Although General Shi is the most suspected one, it is only speculation in the end! Maybe we still forget A lot of important clues! Do you think it is!"

"Well, forget it, since Master Jia has said so! Everything depends on the long live master saint! Go, let's enter the palace face saint!" At a certain moment, when Jia Mi came forward to stop Liu Kun's actions, the whole scene was also It became more chaotic.

Faced with such a scene, the people in the military account have no ideas of their own. You look at me and I look at you one by one, as if they are waiting for others to speak.


"Mother, this relationship makes it quite complicated! If that's the case, then I will say a few words!" After feeling the atmosphere becomes strange again, Jin Shangyu also made a decision in his heart.

However, at this moment, Liu Kun, who was sitting in the middle position, said in a low voice again: "That, it seems a bit messy! There are so many of us, if you say a few words, I can't solve them. Question! Let’s let the supervisor here make Master Jin Shangyu say a few words! His words should be fairer! What do you think!"

"This, yes! I would agree!"

"Okay! Shi also agrees!"

"We all agree!" Before Liu Kun's words fell, Liu Kun, Shi Chong and the five ministers all expressed their opinions.

"Shang Yu! You heard it too! Tell me! After all, you are also the supervising envoy of the Commander General's Mansion! I believe everyone will recognize your words!" At a certain moment, when everyone nodded and said yes, that Jia Mi also pushed the topic to Jin Shangyu again.

At that time, in the face of everyone's expectations, Jin was no longer silent, and the whole person's momentum was rising steadily.

"Well, in fact, what happened today is big and big, and small and small! It's not that the relationship is more complicated, it's hard to say, right! Since everyone doesn't want to say it, then I will talk about it today! First, no doubt. Suspect, after all, this matter has passed, and General Liu's family is safe and sound! Of course, Jin is not sympathetic to the lives of those subordinates! But the question is, is it useful to say it now! Can it really be given? Master Shi is convicted! Impossible, because there is no evidence! It's that simple!"

"Yes, right, right, Lord Jin makes sense!"

"Yes! Actually, there is no big difference between suspected and not suspected! Unless there is conclusive evidence!" For a while, just as Jin Shangyu's words fell, some ministers were also talking quietly.

Maybe it’s because someone respects his own point of view. Maybe Jin Shangyu himself wants to express some thoughts. So at this time, he also said again: "In fact, everyone has overlooked a problem, that is, it is always possible for the Commander General House now. Disbanded! This is a fact! Because General Liu has already made this powerful army of one hundred thousand stronger! Shouldn't it be the end!"

"What, it's so fast! Didn't it mean that we must be trained to deter the northern tribes! How come we will disband now!"

"Let me say not necessarily! After all, such a thing cannot be dissolved by anyone who wants to dissolve it!"

"Brother, what you said is wrong! In the current state of affairs, if they are put here for a long time for training, and only logistical supplies, it will be enough for the long live master! So, Lord Jin's words still have some truth! "

"Okay, the big man hasn't spoken yet, so why don't we scream!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's words resonated with everyone, Jia Mi, who was sitting in the middle, had already changed his face.

After all, what Jin Shangyu said reminded him. Although he alone has the final say on the major events of the current state affairs, the real military power, at least for now, has not fallen into his hands!

At this time, Liu Kun was even more embarrassed. After all, because of my own credit, I finally had to leave. It is really helpless and inexplicable irony to say it!

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