I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 818: Commander General (2)

Inside the palace, in the True Dragon Hall, the atmosphere became more and more weird. However, facing such a situation, the emperor Sima Zhong above the dragon seat said again: "Good, good! Today is full of people! Even Shi Chong and Shang Yu are here! Let’s talk about it! This commanding general is in the end. What are you doing! Every Aiqing can speak freely!"

"Long live! Since they are here! Then, let the minister first talk about it! First, the reason why we appoint a general is to train the imperial capital to deter potential enemies! Therefore, this system Generals can only train soldiers and horses, and cannot direct them out of the city or conduct other military operations!"

"Okay! This one is very important! Jia Aiqing will go on!"

"As for the second article! The minister thought that this time the range of soldiers and horses should also include the Forbidden Army!"

"Long live! This is not feasible! What the imperial army does is to ensure the safety of the royal family! How can it be handed over to the commanding generals! Please also think twice!"

"This, what Li Aiqing said is not unreasonable! I think it is better for Ling Yun to train by himself! What does Jia Aiqing think!"

"Then, that, the minister abide by the order! But the last one is still subject to approval!" At a certain moment, after his opinion was rejected by Li Zhao and Emperor Sima Zhong, that Jia Mi was also a little upset!

Facing Jia Mi's new request, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat also smiled and said: "Jia Aiqing, please tell me! I will seriously consider it!"

"Long live the Lord, the post of commander general is very important, and the two deputy generals, including the commander supervising officer, are very important! However, the Northern Army is already a powerful cavalry force and should not need training! That's the case, General Liu will also have a hundred thousand sergeants! I don't know, what long live master thinks!"

"This, Aiqing wants the Northern Army to train independently!"

"That's right! Long live master, please think twice!"

"Okay! I promise you that the Northern Army does not have to participate in the training! Okay, let's do it! Shang Yu! You have not spoken yet! Let's talk!" During the conversation, Emperor Sima Zhong also threw the topic away. To Jin Shangyu.

"Mother, you are not fighting! Why are you not fighting! Well, since I let Lao Tzu be the supervisor, let's talk about it!" After feeling the emotional change of Emperor Sima Zhong, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart. Uttered.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was thinking wildly in his heart, Shi Chong, who was standing in the front row, finally spoke.

"Long live master! Chen Shi Chong thanked the long live master for his great kindness! You can rest assured that the logistics must be done well! If you need a minister to do it, please long live master!"

"Good good! Shi Aiqing said good! I am assured of you! That, Huayu! You are my deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, and now you are assigned new duties, there should be no difficulty!" This is with Shi Chong. Speaking, but in the end, the emperor Sima Zhong pushed the topic to Wu Huayu, who had been silent.

"Wu Huayu! Long live my questioning!"

"Yes yes yes! Long live the Lord, even though Huayu has gone through untold hardships in the north, it has not stopped the chaos of the overall situation! What a sin!"

"Forget it, the situation in the north has long been chaotic! So, I can't blame you! Let's talk about it, how this deputy general wants to do it!"

"Long live Lord, rest assured, the minister will do his best to assist General Liu to make this deputy general!"

"Good, good! Just have this sentence! What, what do you think! Shang Yu!" Just before Wu Huayu's words fell, the emperor Sima Zhong once again pushed the topic to Jin Shangyu.

Faced with the Emperor Sima Zhong’s question again, Jin Shangyu couldn’t help but say. All of a sudden, I saw Jin Shangyu gently push away the two ministers in front of him, and in a few steps he came to the forefront of the True Dragon Hall.

"Xie Wansui, great kindness! Shang Yu is determined to be the commander and supervisor! However, Shang Yu is not good at this job! I hope Longsui can clarify his authority!"

"Oh, there is such a problem! Then, tell me!"

auzw.com"Yes! Actually, this commander supervising officer is to supervise General Liu and the two deputy generals, so please give the minister the right to walk in and out of the commander general's mansion at will!"

"This, this is fine! Liu Aiqing won't have any opinions, right?"

"Well, if you return to Long live Lord, the minister has no objection! The minister is one mind for the public, not two minds!"

"Good, good! Since Liu Aiqing doesn't have any opinions, I believe Shi Aiqing and Huayu won't have any!"

"All the ministers and everything are arranged by Long Live Lord!" At one point, when Emperor Sima Zhong asked Shi Chong and Wu Huayu, they both said coincidentally.

In this way, because everyone had no objections, the conditions proposed by Jin Shangyu were considered passed.

"You girl, since I let Lao Tzu be the superintendent of the army, then Lao Tzu must have privileges! Otherwise, how to supervise!" Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart after feeling the changes in the state of mind of the ministers.

After all, if you don't make such a request now, it will be impossible to make it in the future.

"Alright! Now that the candidates for the commanding general have been determined, then please invite Liu Aiqing to take office! Of course, the general mansion will be located in Shi Chong's mansion!"

"Yes!" Seeing Emperor Sima Zhong actually said that, Shi Chong was also surprised.

After all, the Shi Mansion Sima Zhong was talking about was Shi Chong's mansion in the Imperial City. Although Shi Daguanren usually does not live here, it does not affect the luxurious atmosphere of this palace at all.

No way, who made the master of this mansion called "Daguan Shi"!

In this way, because of this matter, after a while, the early dynasty also dispersed in the atmosphere.

"Big Brother Shi is going to be famous this time! Even the General Mansion is located in your place!"

"Shang Yu was joking! In fact, as long as he can do something for the court, that's Shi's honour! However, I would like to ask my brother to take care of you!

"It's easy to talk! Brother, everything is easy to talk about!" As soon as he walked out of the True Dragon Hall, Shi Chong started talking with Jin Shangyu.

Of course, Jia Mi at this time also took the initiative to find Liu Kun! A crowd of people also slowly left the palace in this atmosphere.

When the morning sun was slanting, Jin Shangyu had already returned to his home, and Na Shi Chong had returned to his home early.

The reason why I am so eager is that I want to clean up earlier, after all, this will be the General Mansion from tomorrow!

Here, how Shi Chong tidied up his house, not to mention it, just talk about Wu Huayu at this time.

In other words, as soon as the officials dispersed, Emperor Sima Zhong also stopped Wu Huayu.

"Huayu! It seems that you have learned a lot in the north!"

"Long live! The minister does not understand what you mean!"

"Forget it, Jia Mi is in full swing! If you do this, I can understand it! However, I still hope you can think about it! After all, I treated you well before!"

"Yes! The minister knows! The minister will be loyal to Long Live Lord!" At a certain moment, when only Emperor Sima Zhong and Wu Huayu were left in the True Dragon Hall, they also started a not too long exchange.

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