I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 817: Commander General (1)


Chapter 817 apampbp (page 1/1)

Gao Guangyueye used tea instead of wine, but it did not affect each other's emotions. 2yt. org

"Okay! Don't think about it! We are already very good now! After all, they came to three, and two died. This is the best counterattack! As for the things that are in your mind! Most of them will not happen! After all, our strength is still there!"

"Lao Wen, in fact, Shang Yu knows all this! But, sometimes it's an emotion! Forget it, let's talk about Liu Kun! I don't know what Lao Wen knows about him!"

"Is this person! It feels like a gentleman! I heard that there are some rhythms! But the old man hasn't heard it with his own ears!"

"I'm indeed proficient in music, this little brother has already learned it!" At a certain moment, in the courtyard of his home, Jin Shangyu continued to talk with the old man Wen Shuo with the light of the moonlight.

Through the conversation, Jin Shangyu gained another layer of understanding of Liu Kun's personality.

In this way, the two talked together in the middle of the night, and when the starry night slowly dissipated, Jin Shangyu also took the lead to go upstairs to rest.

"My son, take a good rest! Didn't you say that Liu Kun will return to the court tomorrow! Maybe more things are waiting for you!"

"It's okay! Isn't it just a Liu Kun? At least for Lao Tzu, he is not a big man!" It seems to be mumbling, and it seems to be talking to Mr. Wen, in short, when Jin Shangyu said these things , There is already an extra young man in the large bedroom on the third floor.

"You girl, you're such a beauty! Yuyu, Yunyan, how are you all doing these days? Are you thinking about brother? Pooh, pooh, what are you talking about! There will be a battle with Liu Kun tomorrow. What do you think so much! Let's sleep!" Looking at the familiar furnishings, Jin Shangyu also unconsciously thought of the two beautiful women.

There was a dream all night, when the morning sun the next morning once again poured onto the small courtyard of the Jin Mansion, Jin Shangyu had already been called to the True Dragon Palace.

This time, because he received the imperial decree, Jin Shangyu also walked forward swaggeringly. Of course, I also met some officials from North Korea and China along the way, but they were all afraid of Jia Mi's deterrent power, so one by one just said hello to Jin and left in a hurry.

"Mother, it seems that this Jia Mi's position in the court is already extraordinary, so that the officials are scared to such an extent! Forget it, don't think so much, let's enter the palace quickly!" muttered At the same time, a huge palace hall appeared in front of Jin Shangyu.

"It's Lord Jin Shangyu! Come in! The above has already been notified!"

"Oh, you can enter the palace without inspection! Good thing, good thing! Thank you brothers!" Jin Shangyu said the same polite words again, and then he quickly followed a path in the palace to Zhen Zhen. Go to the Dragon Palace. 2yt. org

Speaking of which, because Liu Kun, Shi Chong and others were all present today, it was also very important.

All the ministers arrived in front of the True Dragon Palace early, waiting for the arrival of these great figures.

"Oh, everyone is here! I'm ashamed! However, it's just as bad to come too early! After all, the early dynasty hasn't started yet!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was already standing in front of the True Dragon Hall.

There, at a glance, Jin saw Jia Mi, Shi Chong, Li Zhao, and of course Lu Zhong and others.

However, Liu Kun still didn't get here.

auzw.com"Oh, who should I be! Isn’t this Lord Jin Shangyu! Why, I don’t come over to say hello when I see someone Shi! Is it because someone Shi has somewhere, right? Live brother!"

"It turned out to be Brother Shi! I was joking, really joking! Originally, because there were big people here, the younger brother didn't dare to look around, so that's it! Please forgive me, brother!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense! It seems that Liu Kun is here!" I wanted to say a few more words with Jin Shangyu, but when he heard Jin Shangyu's words, Shi Chong, the rich man, also turned the topic off.

It’s too late to say, then soon, just before Shi Chong’s words fell, there was a man with a helmet and armor, and strode towards the True Dragon Hall. Before he arrived, a heroic spirit was already coming. .

"You girl, you really rely on clothes, horses and saddles! Think of that Liu Kun, although he is handsome, but he was just a scholar back then! How come you have become such a hero! No matter. You really have the power of soldiers, and the waist is hard!" While muttering to himself, Liu Kun had already arrived in front of the True Dragon Hall.

"Brother Liu is back! Jia is polite!"

"Brother Liu is always good! Shi is also polite!"

"Oh, it turned out to be two adults! Liu Kun didn't dare! Disrespect and disrespect! However, it's going to be early now, brother, I won't say much!"

"Well, now that we are back, we brothers will get along well in the future! Say yes!"

"Good talk, good talk! Oh, isn't this brother Shang Yu! Why, today, you are here too!" At a certain moment, when Liu Kuncan rushed to the True Dragon Palace, Jia Mi and Shi Chong also took the initiative Stepped forward to say hello.

After a few simple responses, Liu Kun walked to Jin Shangyu who was standing on the left side in front of the hall.

"You girl, Liu Kun, Liu Kun, you still take me so seriously! I really don't know what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd!" I wanted to say something, but I thought about myself at this time. The position, there is nothing to say.

"Why, brother Shang Yu, I have forgotten my brother after seeing him in a few years! Or the current situation makes you dare not say anything! In fact, there is really no need for that!"

"Brother joked! How could the younger brother forget the older brother! Actually, the younger brother didn’t know what to say! After all, this time, the younger brother’s heart was more stable! Forget it, now you are a general, the younger brother is still Don’t say much! Otherwise, some people will slap hats again!"

"My brother Shang Yu is serious! Now, although I am a commander-in-chief general, my brother is a commander-in-chief, and I am in charge of my errands!" At the end, Liu Kun laughed loudly.

However, just as the atmosphere in front of the True Dragon Hall became more and more weird, the middle door of the hall was slowly opened, followed by a familiar "Early Dynasty Beginning" sound.

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!"

"You Aiqing, please! Early today is more important! Many new faces are also here!"

"The minister Liu Kun sees my emperor! May my emperor long live long live long live long live! This time, it is a blessing for the minister to be able to win the trust of Long live Lord!"

"Liu Kun! You can return to the court so quickly! This is very good! I don't need to talk about the current situation! I believe you already know! But how to train soldiers and how to form combat effectiveness depends on Aiqing is you!"

"Long live, please rest assured! The minister must do his best! Live up to the great grace of Long live!" At the end, Liu Kun also fell to his knees again.

Faced with such a situation, there was no response from others, but Jia Mi looked very unhappy. Of course, this is only a momentary event, and it is difficult to find if you are not paying attention!

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