I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 819: The law of frugality!

Faced with Emperor Sima Zhong’s wake-up call, Wu Huayu also casually said some polite remarks. As for the key points of how he acted in the Northern Lands, he didn't mention a word!

"Okay, it seems that you have become mature! You know how to deal with your immediate affairs! That's fine! So, you can concentrate on assisting General Liu to manage the military mansion from now on! As for the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army I will send someone else! Go on!"

"Here, the minister thanks Lord Longen! The minister retires!" Hearing this news, Wu Huayu was also shocked. Although he wanted to say something, he couldn't say anything in the end.

After all, his current words and deeds have explained everything, how could Sima Zhong put such an important position on him.

In this way, because Wu Huayu and Jia Mi walked closer, maybe because of something else, in short, when Jin Shangyu and others left, Wu Huayu in the Palace of True Dragon also lost what he was proud of. The position of deputy commander of the Forbidden Army.

Here Wu Huayu has lost the benefit, but Jin Shangyu at this time is in a good mood! After all, although the current situation has undergone some changes, it has generally developed in accordance with Jin's ideas.

"Shang Yu! Now the first step is gone! The Commander General Mansion will be officially established tomorrow! What shall we do!"

"Brother Li is not anxious! If you go up early, you can already see that Wu Huayu is Jia Mi's person, and I even suspect that he is not the queen's person!"

"Oh, it turned out to be just Jia Mi's person! Why is there such a judgment!"

"Brother, think about it! What does Jia Mi need most now!"

"Of course it's the military power! It's better to be able to mobilize the army easily!"

"The eldest brother is extremely right! So at this time, he should want to give up Wu Huayu's rights in the palace! But the problem comes again. If Wu Huayu is a queen, it is impossible to give up the important position of deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, because The Imperial Palace is the place where Queen Jia operates!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also suppressed his voice very low.

After listening to Jin Shangyu's analysis, Li Zhao couldn't help nodding his head, and whispered in his mouth: "It seems that Wu Huayu is trying to **** the power of the military mansion a little bit! Finally, a little bit of control of some military backbone!"

"That's not necessarily! Maybe what Jia Mi really seeks is Liu Kun's cavalry team, it's unknown! After all, Liu Kun also received Jia Mi's favor at the earliest, and there is still a possibility that the two of them will come together again! "While speaking, Jin Shangyu also stood up slowly, and his whole body exuded strong confidence.

Gao Yang shot directly, like dense small rockets constantly attacking the earth. At this time, Li Mansion was another world. Sitting in a sit-in, Li Zhao and Jin Shangyu were not only studying the affairs of the Commander General's Mansion, but also judging the situation in the north and the situation of the farm.

"Brother Li, you can rest assured about the northern affairs! I have received a letter from Murong Feihu last night. They have already agreed to my strategy and will not attack Yuwen!"

"Oh, they actually believe you like this! It seems that they really treat you as a king! Fortunately, it is impossible for the Jie people to defeat Ubunbu in a short time! However, there is more Autumn is only a few months away, and there should be many evil wolves in the farm!"

"Yeah! But it's still a bit far to think about this now! The most urgent thing is to get this Commander General's Mansion right! After all, it is only a temporary structure. It will be dissolved for as long as half a year or as few as a few months!" In the end, Jin Shangyu also let out a long breath.

After listening to Jin Shangyu's analysis, Li Zhao didn't say much.

Because as to how long this temporarily established Commander General Mansion can operate, Li Zhao also has no specific date!

The two brothers here are studying the countermeasures for tomorrow, and Shi Chong has already completed his Qing government action.

"My lord, all the valuables in the mansion have been taken away! Do you think this is okay!"

"Okay! Not bad! Order it, just act according to the standard popularized in the Imperial City! Since they think we are rich, let's show them what is thrifty!" At a certain moment, in a huge palace In the middle, Shi Chong also laughed.

auzw.com Looking at it, the entire palace has been changed from before. Not only the rare blood corals of various colors and other valuables have been removed, but also the two emeralds in front of the palace The jade lion was also forcibly transported away by everyone. Replaced by two ordinary stone lions!

"Report, my lord, someone outside wants to see you!"

"who is it!"

"If you go back to the lord, the other party said it was from Jia Mansion!"

"Okay! Let him in! This deity is trying to explore the mind of my big brother!" As he spoke, Shi Chong also strode towards his front hall.

"The villain has seen an adult!"

"Oh, you know me!"

"The villain has seen an adult in the mansion, so I know!"

"Well, let's talk about it, what's the important thing about your adult sending you to the house!" At the end, Shi Chong also showed a weird smile.

Facing such an official Shi, the messenger who looked like a subordinate also said in a deep voice: "My lord, my master said, let you go through the house!"

"Oh, it's so fast! Brother Jia wants me to go straight there!"


"Okay! I get it! Go back!"

"The minion retire!" As he spoke, the subordinate had already left the hall respectfully.

"My lord, you go now, are you in a hurry? If you let Liu Kun and Jin Shangyu know about it, there will be bad results!

"What are you afraid of! After all, I'm in the Imperial City now! Today's Jia Mi is no longer the great literati before! This person's standing position may not be something we can understand! Forget it, we will stand in line sooner or later! Why not just make it clear. position!"

"Yes, but didn't you also want to befriend Liu Kun before! After all, your personal relationships are also good!"

"Lao Shi, you don't understand! Who was Liu Kun before! To put it bluntly, he is the one who came to save us! Now they are powerful figures on the side of the army! I am afraid that we want to befriend them now! Well, people don't necessarily have to sit on an equal footing with us!" At the end, Shi Chong also showed a touch of determination.

The setting sun vomited blood, the dusk fell, and the imperial capital became calm.

But at this time, Jia Mi's mansion was brightly lit, and looked like welcoming distinguished guests.

"Come on, Brother Shi, please come inside!"

"Brother Jia has seen you! Are our brothers a family! Why should we be so grand! That makes the little brother a little flattered!"

"Yes, you should! You are only in the Golden Valley Park on weekdays, and you rarely go to the Imperial Capital City. This time you can come to the Imperial Capital to take up a post. This is my opportunity for my brother! Come and come, we must be drunk tonight!" While talking, that Jia Mi had already let Shi Chong into a very luxurious hall.

There had long been a round table standing on one side, and the ten beauties on the left side of the table made Shi Daguan's smile fly.

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