I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 812: Eloquence in front of the temple (2)


The weird atmosphere is unrestrained in the real dragon hall. Although the hall is full of ministers at this time, no one is enjoying the atmosphere here!

"That, dear Aiqing! Our thoughts are very good! But, the candidate for the commanding general must be carefully considered! What does Jia Mi Aiqing think!"

"Long live master Mingjian! Actually, the minister had already drawn up the candidate for the commander general! I just wanted to hear everyone's opinions! So I didn't rush to report to the long live master!"

"Oh, Jia Aiqing has already drawn up a candidate, then, let me express it quickly! Let me see too!"

"Yes!" At a certain moment, in the True Dragon Palace, that Jia Mi also handed a memorial to a palace official. And that person also walked a few steps forward quickly.

"It turned out to be him! This, is there something wrong with it! Jia Aiqing confirmed that you handed this candidate up yourself!"

"It is the result of the negotiation between the minister and the ministers!"

"Okay! That being the case! Then I will tell you the name!" As he spoke, Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat was also carefully staring at the memorial in front of him.

At a certain moment, when Emperor Sima Zhong said the word "Wu Huayu", the officials were a little surprised!

"Why, how could it be him! Well, it seems that General Wu hasn't returned yet!"

"Yeah! Why is he! Isn't he the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army! Why do you want to be a commander general now!"

"Keep it down, Master Jia is the one to pick!" As the not-so-large discussion sounded gradually, Li Zhao, who was standing in the front row of the hall, was also moved.

After all, he had discussed this candidate with Jin Shangyu, but this time he was directly proposed by Jia Mi, which really made people impatient.

"Well, Aiqing! How are you! Do you have any other opinions on this candidate!"

"The minister Li Zhao has this play!"

"Oh, it's Li Aiqing! Please speak!"

"The minister thinks it is okay for this person to be the commanding general! But after all, this person has not returned from his mission to the north! Even if he is able to return, after all, he is a person from the north! Isn't it a bit risky?"

"This, this! It means that something special may happen to him in the north!"

"Return to Long Live Lord! The minister is just guessing! After all, the safety of our celestial dynasty is the most important thing!" At the end, Li Zhao also cast his eyes slowly at Jia Mi.

Facing Li Zhao's turning eyes, that Jia Mi was also very angry! But seeing that the officials and Emperor Sima Zhong didn't say anything, he didn't have any episodes at all. Just stared at Li Zhao fiercely.

In fact, it is estimated that all the ministers had expected this situation, but he did not expect that Li Zhao could be so calm.

"Well, everybody, Aiqing still keep your voice down! Li Zhao! Since you disagree with Wu Huayu, who can take this important task?"

"The minister thinks Master Jia Mi and Master Shi Chong can do it!"

"Li Zhao, don't talk nonsense! We are all civil officials, so how can we command the troops!"

"Master Jia is bad! The top priority is to command and train the troops, and I didn't say letting go for battle!"


"Yes, but this is no way! Let Wu Huayu be the commander general! Long live, in fact, General Wu has already returned the day before! He should be able to win this task!" At the end, Jia Mi is also Xianglong again. The emperor Sima on the seat gave a heartfelt bow.

Faced with such chaos! Although the ministers were talking quietly, none of them stood up to speak.

Of course, at this time Emperor Sima Zhong was also very cautious, even for a long time, he did not speak. But time slipped by in this embarrassment.

It was not until a certain moment when a minister slowly emerged from the center and back that the strange atmosphere here was interrupted.

"Your Majesty, the minister has this play!"

"Oh yes?"

"Minister Lu Zhong! I have some thoughts in my heart! I want to talk about the previous one! Please long live the Lord's permission!"

"That, it turns out to be! Let's talk about it! Just say what you have!" Seeing that Lu Zhong reported his name, Emperor Sima Zhong seemed to remember something, and casually replied.

"Long live Lord! Actually, this commanding general serves the court! To put it more directly is to serve Lord Long live! So of course we should choose the talents trained by Lord Long live!"

"Oh, there is some truth in this! Then, I don't know who Lu Aiqing's candidate is!"

"In response to Long Live Lord, the candidate for the junior minister is Jin Shangyu, the fourth-rank Fenwu general!" At the end of the talk, that Lu Zhong also lowered his head, showing weakness.

"What, it turned out to be Jin Shangyu! Yeah! This Jin Shangyu was the book boy of Long Live Lord before! It really comes from the line of Long Live Lord!"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can you say such things casually! Didn't you see that Master Jia is already angry!" In fact, when the ministers were very surprised, Jia Mi had already acted and moved forward. A few steps.

"Lu Zhong! What kind of thing! Talking nonsense here! Who gave it the courage!"

"Master Jia! The position of a small minister is small, but the heart of loyalty to the court is the same! Is it the lord still doubting this!"

"! Long live the Lord! The minister thought Jin Shangyu was an unacceptable candidate! After all, he didn't understand military affairs! He is also a very slippery person!"

"Alright! Jia Aiqing doesn't need to be excited! Lu Zhong just made an opinion!"

"That, please think twice!" I wanted to say a few more words, but when he thought of his previous words and deeds, Jia Mi also took two weak steps back.

For a while, the appearance of Lu Zhong also made the originally weird atmosphere even more elusive.

Of course, if there is another person who is sober at this time, it is Li Zhao, because he has already known Lu Zhong's playing time!

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, I saw Li Zhao eagerly said: "Long live, you have seen it, you have heard it! Actually, it is not just the minister who has opinions on the choice of this commander general! I am afraid the people present. There are some opinions, I am afraid that some people do not have the courage of Master Lu!"

"Well, well, we are all my ministers, so why bother with this! Jia Aiqing, so to speak, this time, what should I do!"

"Hey, long live Lord! Jin Shangyu really can't take on this great task! Of course, the minister and Na Shi Chong do not meet the requirements of the generals!" At a certain moment, when Emperor Sima Zhong asked him, Na Jia Mi It was also a little confused, after all, the candidate he mentioned before was refuted by Li Zhao. And then Li Zhao actually praised him and Shi Chong.

In this way, because the selection of the generals was difficult to determine, the atmosphere in the True Dragon Palace became more and more weird.

However, just as the atmosphere was rather embarrassing, Li Zhao, who had spoken before many times, also spoke again: "Long live the master! Since Master Jia is willing to take on this important task, then it is better to call General Liu Kun back! Can it!"

At that time, when Liu Kun's name appeared in the True Dragon Hall, the whole hall became quiet instantly.

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