I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 811: Eloquence in front of the temple (1)

The setting sun, the twilight gradually...

At this time, Lu Zhong's Mansion was still as quiet as before. However, there were still two people talking quietly in the small living room in the middle.

"Shang Yu! It seems that the changes over the years have been relatively great! I think that Li Yin wanted to die for you! To be honest, I just couldn't stand it at that time! It doesn't necessarily have to save you! So I will still pay Please don't mention the four words'savior'!"

"Big brother is here again! How many times have I said this! Whether you intentionally or unintentionally, but the result is that Jin is saved! It's that simple! But again, we are good brothers in the future ! These things really shouldn't be mentioned again! Let's be good brothers together!"

"Okay! Since Shang Yu can think like this! Then, Xiao Ke would be more respectful than his fate! Don't worry, I will recommend you as the commanding general tomorrow morning! Even if you are refuted, I will stick to it to the end. !"

"Then thank you brother! However, it is indeed dangerous to do so, after all, this Jia Mi's influence is too strong! Or, in a few days, you can transfer your family members away!" At some point, see Nalu Zhong is sincerely thinking about himself, and Jin Shangyu also raised the safety issue of Lu Mansion.

After all, in the previous case of Jia's destruction, although the culprit has not been found, one thing is very clear, that is, it must be a vendetta! Otherwise, how could such a horrible situation occur!

"Shang Yu! What do you mean by transfer?"

"It's actually very simple. Just send the wife and the little boy to the younger brother's hometown! After all, there is a high mountain and the emperor is far away, even if they hate it, we might not go so far as revenge!"

"Okay! In that case, let's wait until Buer's body recovers!"

"Um, actually I wanted to ask a long time ago! I don't know what this little guy's name is!" At the end, Jin Shangyu was also a little embarrassed. After all, it was a little embarrassing to ask questions like this.

After all, both of them are now talking about brothers.

"Shang Yu! I'm sorry! It was Lu who was negligent! In fact, the child is called Lu Buyang!"

"Lv Buyang! Lu Bu! I don't want to borrow the luck of Lu Bu, the first warrior of the Three Kingdoms!"

"Um, I'm sorry, that's what I thought!"

"You girl, it turned out to be true! It seems that this Lu Bu is also a super warrior in the eyes of others! But I just don't know what the real history is all about! Forget it, don't study this. Since he is called Lu Buyang, let him call him Buyang!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was also slowly repeating the three words "Lu Buyang"!

After feeling the heaviness and reality of history, Jin Shangyu is also in a heavy mood. After all, he is an authentic traverser!

"Shang Yu! What's wrong with you! There seems to be some emotional changes! It's not that the child's name is too weird! Or something else!"

"Oh, my eldest brother is serious! Actually, there is nothing! Just a bit of emotion! However, if Buer can grow well, he should be a talent!"

"Thank you, brother Shang Yu, for your kind words!" Lu Zhong said with embarrassment when he saw Jin Shangyu praised his son.

In this way, because some things were done especially in Lu Zhong's house, the stay time was a little longer.

However, when the dusk fell completely, Jin Shangyu had already left Lu Zhong's residence. Walking alone on the familiar street of the Imperial Capital is so casual and natural, but at this time Jin Shangyu is very worried, and it is still difficult for outsiders to discover his inner world.

"Forget it, let's write a letter to Li Zhao! After all, this time, Lu Zhong was still moved! I hope that little guy can speak soon!" At one point, Jin Shangyu was alone in the dark. When walking on the street, he was also thinking about something in his heart.


In this way, before too much time, Li Zhao's palace also appeared in Jin's sight. Although it was a little dim, it was not difficult for Jin, who was extremely sensitive.

"Shang Yu, it turned out to be you! The old man still thinks you can't come! How are things going! What's the matter with that little boy!"

"No, I said, brother, can you ask a question one by one! How do you answer you now!"

"Poor mouth, pick the key point, then Lu Zhong has promised to contribute to the early leadership!"

"That's just enough! After all, Lao Tzu's shot this time, it is estimated that he can cure the small problem of his only son!" At the end, Jin Shangyu was also funny in his heart. Speak out.

Of course, if Jin Shangyu didn't heal his family at this time, I'm afraid it would be hard to say that!

In this way, at Li Zhao's house, Jin Shangyu also had a long conversation with him. Of course, this time it was not empty talk.

"Come and come, drink slowly by yourself! The old man will not accompany you! After all, tomorrow morning will be the main battlefield of the old man!"

"Well, if that's the case, then, let me have a drink! However, if you really get that Liu Kun back, is it a little too difficult to deal with! After all, this person, Lao Tzu has been dealing with him, it is still difficult Deal with it!"

"Yes! Actually, the old man also thought about this issue before, but what can be done! If it weren't for Liu Kun, I'm afraid I would fall back to Jia Mi!" At the end, Li Zhao also mentioned no again. Jia Mi can live.

In other words, Jin Shangyu didn't want to be too aggressive, so he had such a plan.

There was no word for a night, and when the next morning arrived as scheduled, Jin Shangyu was already asleep in his house!

Of course, at this time, in the palace hall, the real dragon hall was already full of courtiers of all colors.

Because everyone knows that a general may be elected in the early days today, so everyone's minds are also diverse.

Some gathered in groups, casually and whispered, and some hid alone, observing the changes in the people around them.

However, just when the officials were different, the familiar early morning sound came slowly.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

"All the love is flat!"

"Thank you, long live!" After a familiar and no longer familiar meeting ceremony, one of the ministers stepped forward and said loudly, "Long live the master! The junior has a play!"

"Aiqing, please speak!"

"The minister thinks that today is a good day! And the forces of all sides are changing faster! The most urgent thing is to elect a general! Only by doing this can the goal of deterring all parties be achieved!"

"Yes! Long live master, please think twice!" At a certain moment, when a minister came forward and said the contents of his memorial, the three or four ministers standing in the middle also echoed.

Of course, Jia Mi, Li Zhao, Lu Zhong and others are still standing in the True Dragon Hall at this time. However, these people did not speak, just quietly listening to the voices of the officials, as if none of this had anything to do with them.

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