I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 813: Eloquent in front of the temple (3)

The weird atmosphere permeated inadvertently, as if at this moment, even the aloof emperor did not have the courage to speak casually.

The reason why such a scene occurred was mainly because Li Zhao's selection of generals was too shocking. After all, the current court officials all know who Liu Kun was before! What has become of him now!

"Li Zhao! You let him return to the commander of the court! Are you not afraid of other incidents! Besides, if Liu Kun returns to the commander of the court, what will happen to the cavalry team in his hand!"

"Master Jia! This question seems to be raised by someone Li! Long live, and the adults here, listen carefully! These words are from Master Jia! Are they a little different? Tell the truth, Who doesn't know the relationship between your Master Jia and General Liu Kun! It should be said that if he can have today's status, I am afraid he will leave the help of Master Jia!"

"You, don't talk nonsense! This is the Real Dragon Hall! Long live master is here, so you can't make trouble!"

"Why, I'm afraid, it's still contradictory! Don't always treat others with your own thoughts! In short, I Li Zhao still said that, as long as it is beneficial to the court, I will do it without hesitation! There is no benefit to the court, so Li will not sit idly by!" At the end, Li Zhao also showed a dauntless expression.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise in the whole hall.

"Look at this, Lord Li is really thinking about the situation! It's not easy!"

"Yes! In fact, I'm still observing him these days, thinking that he has also changed, but I didn't expect it to be his previous temperament! Alas, it is easy to offend others!

"Speak down! But I don’t think brother! Look at Master Jia, although on the surface, you don’t agree, but as far as I know, this Liu Kun is really supported by Master Jia!" The Emperor Sima Zhong in the seat was also thinking quickly.

Because Liu Kun is a candidate, I am afraid that even he, the emperor Lao Tzu, did not think of it.

The main reason for this situation is that this candidate does not benefit Li Zhao at all! Not to mention it is good for Jin Shangyu!

"Well, everyone Aiqing, it seems that everyone has expressed their opinions! This is very good! Jia Aiqing, what do you mean!"

"Return to the Lord Long Live! This, I am afraid that it will be difficult to make a break in a moment!"

"Master Jia, why don't you even listen to Long Live Master now!"

"Li Zhao, you, I didn't mean that!"

"It's not that, what does that mean! Let's talk about it, it's you yourself to go to the battle, or let Master Shi Chong, or let Liu Kun return to the court! Of course, if Master Jia is willing, it is also possible to ask General Jin Shangyu to take office! In short, today Long Live Lord’s words are already very clear, that is, an individual must be selected!" At the end of the talk, Li Zhao also became fierce!

Facing the aggressive Li Zhao, even though Jia Mi had the most power in this, after all, there was also Emperor Sima Zhong on the Dragon Seat.

At a certain moment, when all the officials focused on Jia Mi, he finally made up his mind.

auzw.com"Long live the Lord! Since you are eager to choose a general candidate! Then, it is better to let Liu Kun take over! But now let him return to the court, what about his cavalry team? Do! After all, that is a pivotal force!"

"This, this, let Jia Aiqing handle it! Li Aiqing won't have any comments!"

"The minister is only advising the imperial court! As for how to choose this general, the minister has no opinion!"

"Okay! In that case, Jia Aiqing, just talk about it!" As he spoke, Emperor Sima Zhong, who was sitting high in the dragon chair, also slowly turned his eyes on the very irritable Jia Mi.

Facing the choice of Emperor Sima Zhong, Jia Mi is actually a bit difficult to do! After all, the words of Emperor Sima Zhong are already very clear, and that is to give Jia Mi a lot of face.

"Long live the Lord, since my emperor trusts the minister so much, then the minister said it! Liu Kun is indeed a good candidate! But if he is to return to the imperial army, he must enter the city alone! Otherwise, the minister would not dare to many said!"

"This, that's easy to handle! In order to deal with the situation in the north, I ordered Liu Kun to return to the dynasty to command the troops and give him the post of general! Liu Kunzhi's troops and horses stayed in place, and his deputy commanded..." At a certain moment, Just after that Jia Mi expressed all his opinions, Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat also officially ordered Liu Kun to return to the court to take orders!

In this way, after an open and secret fight, the choice of the generals was settled. However, around the choice of the deputy general, the officials in the True Dragon Palace were once again caught in a dispute!

"Long live! This Wu Huayu was originally the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army. Now he is the best candidate to assist General Liu Kun in managing the sergeant!"

"Long live Lord, the minister also has this melodrama! Actually, the minister really has no opinion on this deputy! But, this candidate must be beneficial to the court! So the minister thinks that Lord Shi Chong should be called up!"

"Oh, does Li Aiqing make sense! This Shi Chong should be able to do it, after all, he has better financial resources, so let him do the logistical supplies!" At a certain moment, Li Zhao put Shi Chongti there. After coming out, the entire True Dragon Palace seemed very quiet.

Of course, at this moment, Emperor Sima Zhong on the Dragon Seat still knew Li Zhao's intentions, so he immediately agreed to this formulation.

However, just when the ministers thought that the candidate for the deputy commander general had already been decided, Lu Zhong, who had dared to speak before, stepped forward again and said, "Long live the enlightenment! The young minister thinks this deputy commander general should have three people. One person assists General Liu Kun in the management of the sergeants, one person is responsible for logistics supplies, and one person should also be responsible for supervision. After all, Long live Lord has already made a request, that is, this commander general cannot have command power!"

"This, this does have some truth! What does Jia Aiqing think!"

"Chen, Chen thinks so too!" After hearing the words of Emperor Sima Zhong, Jia Mi was not good to say anything, but just echoed.

Perhaps seeing that Jia Mi is not arguing about this matter, Emperor Sima Zhong also asked, "I don't know if anyone can choose!"

"Chen thinks Master Jin Shangyu is fine! He was originally the book boy of Long Live Lord, and he is relatively loyal to Long Live Lord! This person is the best choice!"

"This, this, Jin Shangyu is a good candidate, but after all he is very busy now! Maybe he can't spare time!"

"Long live the Lord! Li Zhao, the minister! In fact, Jin Shangyu is not very busy now, and Feng Luoyun manages the affairs of the Royal Farm! Therefore, it is really a good candidate to let him be the supervisor! "Seeing that the emperor Sima Zhong was not even prepared to let Jin Shangyu be the superintendent of the army, Li Zhao also stepped forward and tried to persuade him.

In the face of this situation, the ministers also moved to see each other, especially that Jia Mi, whose face had long changed from black and white.

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