I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 593: The emperor summoned!


Although the tragic celestial contest has gone through twists and turns, it finally came to an end in an unacceptable form.

In fact, just when the masked man in Team Murong won by one enemy and three, the entire viewing platform was in chaos, and everyone was talking and muttering.

However, the most upset here is the three of Duan Bu Xianbei. Of course, there is also Duan Yunyan sitting next to Jin Shangyu.

"Mother, it's really maddening, he, he actually won! It's not right! How did I feel that Benlei should be able to win just now!"

"Yeah! The old man felt that way at that moment! But why did it become the current situation! It seems that our mortal enemy in the section is even stronger!" Seeing that Mozha grumbled beside him, Hu Shuo General Bi also couldn't help but said.

Faced with the emotional changes of these two, Jin Shangyu was actually a little embarrassed. After all, there was his handwriting in it. If it hadn’t been for Jin to reach an agreement with someone with a mask early, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng would simply It won't stop there, even if it can't win, it will hurt both sides.

"Brother Yu, it seems that my brother and them will face tremendous pressure again!"

"Girl, there are some things you need to look at, and it's best to look farther away! Standing in the north, your two families are mortal enemies! Then if there is a powerful enemy, you will be wiped out in one fell swoop! When it comes to that point, I'm afraid you won't call them deadly enemies!"

"This, yes, but they actually won the victory of the Celestial Tournament! This is the greatest shame for us!" Faced with Jin Shangyu's comfort, Duan Yunyan had no good reason to answer, but Jin was obviously I can feel that it is impossible for this girl to look so far now.

"Forget it! Nothing can be accepted all at once! Let's use time to test and sharpen it! Hope one day, she can come out of the hatred of clan fighting!" At a certain moment, I saw that I couldn't convince him yet. Duan Yunyan, Jin didn't pay attention to this incident at all, but focused all his attention on the high platform.

"Long live the Lord! After less than two days of contention, more than two hundred teams have been on the stage to fight! Now I announce that the champion team of the Celestial Tournament this time is the Murong team from the north!"

"That, thank you, my lord! And thank you for your love! My Murong team deserves this honor!" It was also standing on a high platform, but when someone announced this result, Murong Feiyu still couldn't hold it. It's also so happy.

In other words, there were only seven people on the high platform at this time. Except for the official who looked like the host, the other six were from the Murong team and the Forbidden Army team.

Of course, because the battle was so fierce, the man in Team Murong was also able to stand up with the support of Murong Feiyu. And the masked man who made great achievements with one win and three wins, but he looked like an ancient well, and his eyes scanned under the high platform from time to time, as if looking for something.

However, Ling Yun and the others at this time looked like a pond, and couldn't tell whether they were happy or sad.

"Well, the runner-up who won the Celestial Tournament this time is our Royal Forbidden Army!" The response from the audience was very strong. The person who looked like the host also paused for a while, and then announced the Celestial Tournament. Second place.

In fact, judging from the previous rules, this second place is really meaningless, almost nothing will be obtained, only a false name.

However, at this moment, Da Sima and Runan Wang Sima Liang on the viewing platform spoke.

auzw.com "Everyone, today’s celestial dynasty is a great comparison! It shows the exquisiteness of martial arts, and it also contributes to the accumulation of my celestial luck! Just now, Long live Lord has The decree, let the veteran to announce one thing, that is, please get the top two of this celestial contest to the observation table! Long live Lord will personally award it!"

"What, Lord Long live actually wants to meet them in person, this, this is the mighty grace of heaven! I didn't expect that these people would have such glory!"

"What are you talking about! Don't look at who these two teams are! One is the Murong Xianbei tribe from the north, and the other is the Forbidden Army team of Long Live Lord!"

"Man, you mean this Murong family has a deep friendship with our Long Live Lord!"

"I don't know whether it is deep or not! However, since they won the championship of the China Grand Tournament, have you seen Long Live unhappy?"

"This, really is like this! It seems that you still have your own eyes, my little brother has been taught!" At the end, an official on the viewing platform also nodded frequently to an elderly man next to him.

In fact, the speaker felt that his voice was very small, but he could not escape Jin Shangyu's monitoring.

In this way, because of the ingenuity of Emperor Sima Zhong, the whole scene became warm again.

After a while, that Murong Feiyu had already come to the viewing platform with his head high.

"Murong Feiyu of the Murong Xianbei department has met the Great Emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty! May the Great Emperor live long live!"

"No gift! Get up, Murong Feiyu, it seems that your team is very powerful! You actually won the championship of the Celestial Tournament! I dare to be very pleased! Come, come, don’t come here, let me take a good look Look!"

"Yes, Feiyu understands! Well, you two come here soon! No, you, don't play your temper, this is not the land of the north!"

"The task has been completed! Murong Feiyu, what you want to do is your own business! Goodbye!" Seeing Murong Feiyu saying this, the mysterious person like a fan looked at Murong Feiyu with disdain. Afterwards, he turned and went down the stage, without even looking at the Emperor Sima Zhong in the center of the viewing platform from beginning to end.

Facing such an embarrassing situation, Na Murong said: "Please calm down the anger of the Emperor of Heaven! Must calm down! This, this is not Murong's! She, because she has never seen the world before, so she did this. , I hope the Emperor will forgive me a lot!"

"Murong Feiyu, what you said is not kind! If you want to come, Long Live Lord wants to reward you, and you should take off your mask no matter how you say it! Otherwise, it will be the crime of deceiving you!"

"Nan Feng, forget it! They are originally foreigners, and they rarely come to the great powers of the heavenly dynasty, so it is normal to lose courtesy! Let him go!"

"Long live master, you do this, although it is the magnanimity of the heavenly court, but it allows these villains to take advantage of the loopholes!"

"Okay, Nanfeng! You have also seen that there are so many people here who want to hear the reward, so let's fulfill their wish!" At one point, the masked man ignored no one. When he turned and left, Emperor Sima Zhong also showed a very generous side.

Of course, not only Murong Feiyu and others were standing on the viewing platform at this time, but Ling Yun, Huifeng, and Ben Lei were also on the spot.

Besides, Murong Feiyu at this time, upon hearing the words of Emperor Sima Zhong, immediately fell to his knees, and the frightened expression on his face instantly turned into a full smile.

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