I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 592: Seamless


Faced with the battle on the high platform, Jin Shangyu was also very surprised. After all, even he did not often see battles like this.

"Mother, stinky girl, it's really good! She got the upper hand without giving her all her strength! Ben Lei did, so why didn't she attack! But right, these three boys all know that she is a daughter. How could it be possible that three people surrounded one person as soon as he came up!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was also watching the changes in the situation.

In fact, at this time, it was not just Jin Shangyu who was paying attention to the war, even the aloof Emperor Sima Zhong was stunned by such a fight.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, tell me, are they fighting! How can they not see clearly? No, it seems that someone is injured, why is there blood flying out!"

"Well, if you go back to Long Live Lord, they are indeed fighting! It should be too fast! So we can only see some shaking figures! However, those **** lights should not be injured! Maybe it's the sunlight. The reflection is also unknown!"

"What, you don't even know! Why is that! Forget it, I won't tell you, I still believe in my commander! The guy named Ben Lei was a little dull, why didn't he go forward and fight? !"

"Well, this minister doesn't even know it!" At a certain moment, when the mysterious masked man was one enemy two, Emperor Sima Zhong on the observatory also had a discussion with the surrounding ministers.

However, through some exchanges, Emperor Sima Zhong also learned one thing, that is, he was not the only one who could not understand the war.

However, just when everyone was paying attention to this life and death battle, the situation of the battle on the high platform also changed.

This wasn't because of anything else, it was mainly because Ben Lei, who had not participated in the battle before, had also joined the battle group.

"Good, good! You are worthy of the warriors of the Forbidden Army! They are indeed not ordinary people! It seems that the deity cannot use any means today!"

"Honorable please! My three brothers think that one-on-one is indeed not your opponent! But for the royal face, I'm sorry!"

"The deity who said this doesn't like to listen to it! Don't worry, this battle will be heartily, otherwise you won't find such a good opponent in the future!" During the conversation, the four people on the stage were already fighting in a stalemate. .

Of course, the reason why Ben Lei chose to join the battle group is very simple, that is, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng have fallen into a disadvantage, and may even be in danger of defeat.

"Shang Yu! You see, even Ben Lei has joined the battle, but it doesn't seem to have gained any obvious advantage! It seems that this Murong clan is really a god-level genius!"

"Uncle Huh, why are you always praising him! This girl doesn't believe it, and the three of them will lose with Ben Lei!"

"Girl, don't be impatient! In fact, the old man really doesn't want to be in such a situation! But now this is the truth!" I wanted to talk to Jin Shangyu about the battle on the high platform, but was interrupted by that paragraph.

Of course, the reason Duan Yunyan couldn't sit still was because the other party was his own enemy.

"Mother, you girl, where is it now! You are in a hurry! This is how I am here, otherwise everyone on the stage will have to lie on the ground! This girl's combat power is really strong! "While talking to himself in my heart, the battle on stage is still very fierce.

Because Ben Lei joined, the masked man of Team Na Murong clearly felt the pressure.

"Your name is Ben Lei! So you are not from the Central Plains! You turned out to be a dead man! No, you are not an ordinary dead man! You should be a super dead man!"

"No need to say more! Let's fight!" Just during the battle, the masked man said such words, and Ben Lei just whispered back, saying nothing at all.

In this way, the three-on-one battle literally lasted more than three hundred rounds.

"Ewha Jianyu!"

"Death to death!"


"Spread everything!"

"Continuously!" Just when a large number of silver sword shadows appeared on the entire high platform, thousands of pear-like sword qi fell in the sky instantly.

However, at this moment, the three of Lingyun, Zhuifeng, and Benlei were also flying around. Each of them seemed to be sacrificing themselves to take each other directly, but they were often saved by another person at the moment of life and death!

"What a powerful combination of strikes! It seems that this must be his masterpiece! You are really a terrible force!"

"Venerable's Pear Flower Sword Rain is even more powerful! It is also much smarter! After all, we are bullying one by three!"

"It's okay, you are already very powerful, you can actually force the deity to use two great tricks! However, after all, this is the Heavenly Contest! This champion, the deity will not give up! Look at me everywhere!" , The masked man is also a sword flower pick, and the whole person is flying straight to the sky!

"No! This trick may be a lore! Disperse!"

"No, don't we really need that ‘seamless clothes’!"

"Chasing the wind, don't say it! Go back!" Seeing that the last move of the chasing wind to use the combined attack, "the world is seamless", then Ling Yun directly chose to quit.

In other words, just as Ling Yun and the other three flew back in different directions, the sword shadows in the sky also fell in vain.

Suddenly, a rush of murderous air also slowly fell!

"Oh no!"

"Ling Yun, are you all right!"

"It's okay! It's just a slight injury!" At a certain moment, when the masked man's ultimate move was about to come out, Ling Yun was also the first to suffer a serious injury. A powerful sword aura also hit his left shoulder, and blood leaked out directly.

However, because of the quicker body skills, the pursuit of wind and Ben Lei still escaped the invisible sword energy.

Of course, at this moment, the mysterious masked man fell from the sky like a fairy, slowly standing among the three.

"Chasing the wind and Ben Lei, you are the only two who escaped from my invisible sword aura!"

"Really! But, you should know that we still have something to come! It's just, forget it! Don't say it!"

"Okay! Just as if you still have a back player! However, you lost this battle!"

"Cough, cough, come here, today's battle is over! It seems that my Royal Forbidden Army team is still inferior to others!" While speaking, Ling Yun also signaled that Zhuifeng and Ben Lei gave up earlier!

"Ling Yun! We really gave up like this!"

"Chasing the wind, don't say it! As I said, the battle is over!" Seeing that chasing the wind was very emotional, Ling Yun and Ben Lei also slowly walked over.

Seeing the three brothers standing together again, the masked man who looked like a maze took a long breath, and then slowly walked towards the gate of the ring that had just been opened.

"Big brother, it's over like that! Why don't you feel like it's not over yet!"

"Luo Yun! Don't say it! The fighting power of others is there! If it weren't for her mercy! It is estimated that the three of them will have casualties!"

"That's right! This trick is too powerful, and it's hard for anyone to avoid it!" I wanted to talk more, but after hearing what Jin Shangyu said, Luo Yun didn't say anything.

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