I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 594: Who is the boss!


After experiencing the two days of ice and fire like a roller coaster, Na Murong Feiyu also knew the fact that it was his team, this time it was a real victory. 2yt.org

"Thanks to the great emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty! After returning, Feiyu will properly discipline this person!"

"Why don't you do anything! You don't need to talk about your own affairs here! It's a surprise that you have lived up to expectations this time and won the championship of the Celestial Tournament in one fell swoop!"

"The great emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty has shown love! In fact, we have also borrowed the light of the great power of the Heavenly Dynasty! If there is no such activity, even if we want to fight, I am afraid there is no chance!" At the end, Murong Feiyu also looked at him. Slowly cast into the audience.

In fact, what Murong Feiyu said is true. If the Da Jin Dynasty just closed the door and made this celestial comparison, I am afraid that people of foreign races would only have the right to watch, and even the qualifications to watch. No!

"Mother, how good you are, Murong Feiyu, your mouth is so good! It seems that your kid wants to do something in Murong Xianbei!" Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart during the question and answer on the viewing platform. Talking to himself.

However, just as Jin Shangyu felt a lot of emotion in his heart, the emperor Sima Zhong on the viewing platform also said again: "Ling Yun! I just ignored you a little bit! But, are you your own family after all! Don't pick these sections! That, yes, it is already my royal glory to win the second place in the Celestial Grand Tournament this time! Come and come, reward the Forbidden Army team with 5,000 silver, 5,000 silk and satin, and 500 maids!"

"Ling Yun thanked Lord Longen on behalf of the Forbidden Army soldiers! Long live our emperor!"

"Get up! Although there are a lot of rewards, after all, this celestial contest is not done every year! You can afford it! I hope your forbidden army will always be loyal to the royal family!"

"The final will follow the decree!" Seeing that the emperor Sima Zhong actually started to sigh, as the commander of the Forbidden Army, Ling Yun also stepped forward again, kneeling and saluting again.

"Mother, I didn't expect it! It was such a big handwriting! What a good thing you are! It seems that I have another small fortune! Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, you think you have some blood, You can buy people's hearts! What a joke!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu felt that Emperor Sima Zhong had given so many benefits to the Imperial Army, and he was also secretly happy in his heart.

After all, he is Ling Yun's boss.

In other words, after the emperor Sima Zhong gave a big reward, Ling Yun and others' moods also improved, and the previous failures seemed to be thrown behind their heads!

"Long live the Lord! You will reward others in a while! If there is nothing serious, the three of us will leave it alone. There are still many things in the Forbidden Army camp!"

"Yes, yes, it is not easy for you to be able to participate in this celestial contest. Now that you have achieved such good results, you can go back! You all, Aiqing, you have seen, this is the commander of our forbidden army, and can always control the royal Your safety is the first priority. You will learn more from them in the future!"

"The ministers will follow the order!"

"Good, good! I am in a good mood today! Murong Feiyu, come forward now. Since you really won the championship of the Celestial Tournament, the widows will never break their promise. Well, this afternoon, you can go to the Royal Farm. Yuan, this is the title deed! Remember, although the land belongs to you, you have to be loyal to me as my courtiers! Do you understand!"

"Murong Feiyu gives thanks!"


"Mother, I really gave them the title deed! It seems that this Sima Zhong really wants to use external forces to do things for himself! Queen and old sister, you are by your side, why don't you say a word!" The Emperor Sima Zhong actually took out the title deed to the Royal Farm, and Jin muttered to himself.

Because of this, he couldn't help but not think about it. After all, the current Royal Farm, to put it bluntly, is his site, Jin Shangyu, how could he give it up to others now!

"Long live Master Qi! Chen Murong Feiyu heard that this land is already managed by someone now! I don't know if it is true!"

"Oh, you mean Jin Shangyu! You are right! It's just that he just manages the land there. Isn't this title deed in your hands! Besides, he only manages for two years. After two years, everything will be fine. Good to say!"

"Yes, but right now, who has the final say!" Seeing his own question, Emperor Sima Zhong did not give a clear answer, so Murong Feiyu asked again.

However, in the face of such a question, Emperor Sima Zhong also changed his expression and did not give an immediate answer for a while.

"Murong Feiyu, you are so courageous! Long live master has said very clearly! You can study and solve the matter of that land by yourself. If long live master decides even such a small matter, then long live What do you want your ministers to do!"

"Here, in reply to the Empress Empress, Murong Feiyu didn't mean that! It's just that there are people running there now! By then..."

"What are you talking about! I really don't know what to do! This is the case, after you get down, can you talk to Jin Shangyu yourself! Do you think it is not, long live master!"

"What the Queen said makes sense! But don't worry, I will not only reward these, but I will reward you with a thousand ounces of silver in the future!"

"The minister thanked the Lord Longen!" Upon hearing the words "Bai Yin Wan Liang", Murong Feiyu directly fell to his knees.

In fact, this is not to say how much money this Murong Feiyu loves, mainly because he did not come by himself, and thousands of sergeants came with him. If there is not enough military expenditure, I am afraid that even eating will become a problem in the end.

"Well, you Sima Zhong! Even the military expenditures were disbursed by the way! It seems that you really want to raise a tiger! I really don't know what you think in your heart!" While muttering, Jin Shangyu I also saw Moza and Duan Yunyan who were very angry.

"Brother Yu, did you hear that they actually got ten thousand taels of silver! This, isn't this cultivating new power! If this Murong Feiyu person grows up, it will be a threat to us!"

"Girl, what you said is the truth, but now we can't change this fact. Why don't we just wait for it to change! You know you are not blessed!" At the end of the day, Jin Shangyu's attention was once again on the observatory on.

In other words, at this time Ling Yun and others had already stepped off the high platform and came to the rest area. Because the entire rest area was too large, Jin Shangyu did not meet them either.

Of course, the masked man who had just walked off the platform alone did not go far, but sat tens of meters away from Jin.

"Mother, I hope you can abide by your promise, otherwise don't blame Laozi for killing!" Jin Shangyu was thinking wildly in his heart while scanning the mysterious masked man with his eyes.

In this way, because the Celestial Tournament had ended, and Emperor Sima Zhong personally rewarded the team that won the top two, the crowd onlookers did not rush away, but were watching some changes here.

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