I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 588: Whisper!

The atmosphere on the high platform became more and more intense, and the seven teams at this time had already been drawn. However, some clues can be seen from their expressions.

"Shang Yu! It seems that the Beiying team has encountered tough problems this time!"

"Why say that!"

"Look at their faces! Can't you still see it! It should have been drawn to the Murong team!" At a certain moment, when the members of the Beiying team cast their eyes on the Murong team, Jin Shangyu and Hu Shuo sitting in the rest area compared with each other. Talking to each other too.

In this way, as the mood of the people on the high platform changed differently, the host also announced the start of the battle.

After observation, everyone found that there was a very ordinary team that went straight to the next round bye. And that Beiying team actually actually matched the Murong team.

Of course, at this time the Royal Forbidden Army team also fought fiercely with their opponents.

"Ling Da commander! You are from the Forbidden Army. What use do you want with these false names! It's better to give us these people on the periphery, or to honor it!"

"Really! If you only think about this, then go back! We are all soldiers, and I Lingyun don't want foreigners to read our jokes!"

"Oh, let's go down! It seems that your forbidden army has the chance to win! But I just like challenges! Don't talk nonsense! Fight if you want to fight!"

"Good, good! This is what you asked for! Chase the wind, don't be polite, as long as it doesn't hurt your life! You can do it anyway!" Seeing that the other party didn't buy his own account at all, Ling Yun was also very angry, and immediately ordered the battle. The command.

It was too late to say, then soon, just before Ling Yun's words were over, the three of the opponents had already launched an attack!

Facing the strong blow of these three people, Ling Yun, Zhuifeng and Ben Lei also faced each other, and the six of the two sides also fought together instantly.

Maybe the previous dialogue angered the three brothers, maybe they just wanted to show their skills to them, in short, at the moment the two sides met, they only heard three bangs, and they hadn’t waited for the people on the stand to watch. It is clear that the three people who just wanted to fight a battle were shot down under the high platform at the same time.

"Smelly boy, what are you trying to do! I don't really want to win the championship of the Tian Dynasty competition! No, wait a while, I must try to stop them!" At one point, the battle on the high platform came to an abrupt end. At the time, Jin Shangyu was also thinking secretly in his heart.

However, at this moment, the high-level officials on the viewing platform also started the discussion mode.

"Long live master! It seems that Ling Yun and the others are really strong! They ended the battle in just one face!"

"Yeah! Even I didn't expect the three of them to be so strong! Maybe they didn't want to be a killer! Otherwise, the three who fell on the platform would have no chance of surviving!

"Well, Long Live Master's eyes are like a torch! However, Team Murong is also very powerful! Almost using two people, they won!"

"Nanfeng! You mean to say that they will win this championship! Don't you!"

"That's not it! After all, Ling Yun and the others are not weak!" Seeing Emperor Sima Zhong said this, Empress Jia Nanfeng also echoed it!

In fact, just as Queen Jian Nanfeng said, just now, another battle ended on the high platform. Of course, the winner was the Murong Xianbei team from the north.

"Mother, you didn't even make a move! It seems you can really calm down! However, the next battle, I am afraid that there will be pressure! After all, it is impossible for my three brothers to give up directly! "Just as the situation on the stage changed, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.


In this way, with the passage of time, the battle on the stage ended a little bit. Of course, during this period, the top four of this celestial competition also emerged.

"Look! The Forbidden Army team and the Murong team won both! The other two teams, one of them seems to be a foreigner! No, they are not like foreigners, they should be sent by a prince!"

"You want to die! Don't be quiet! We can talk about this kind of thing casually!"

"Yes, yes, yes! No matter what, let's just watch the show! As for who won the championship of the Celestial Tournament, it has nothing to do with us!" When there were only two teams left on the high platform, the audience was on the stage The court officials were also muttering quietly.

However, at this moment, Jin Shangyu also slowly stood up, and then shook his right hand, and a piece of mud the size of a finger also flew straight onto the high platform.


"Ling Yun! What are you doing! I haven't seen the people on the stand watching us!"

"No, someone hit me with dirt just now!"

"Oh, there is such a weird thing! No, based on your perception, how can it be impossible to perceive it! If it is a flying knife, then we have already been recruited!" At the end, the chase It is also looking around.

However, at this moment, Ben Lei's words still reminded Ling Yun and Zhuifeng.

"Ling Yun, it's impossible, the boss wants to say something!"

"Yes, right, right, or what Ben Lei said! It should be him! So, there is still a while before the next round, I will go down for a while!" While speaking, Ling Yun didn't say much, just walked off. high tower.

"Big brother, is that you!"

"You kid, it's okay! It really came down! That, there is nothing in fact, it is the next battle, you have to do this..." Just when Ling Yun's figure appeared in the rest area, Jin Shangyu also stood up to welcome him. Go up.

In the next time, these two also began to whisper, making everyone else confused.

"Well, you kid go up! The way to deal with mysterious people must be memorized!"

"Don't worry! Our three brothers must do their best! Goodbye!" As he spoke, Ling Yun had already walked towards the high platform again.

"Mother, it seems that the next battle will be interesting! I just don't know if the masked woman can withstand the attack of this brother three!" Just when Ling Yun's figure had reached the high platform, Jin Shangyu was also there. Muttered to himself.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was thinking wildly in his heart, the man on the high platform also announced the next rules of battle.

"Long live the Lord! The young minister will now announce the rules of the final battle of the Celestial Tournament! First, this battle is different from the previous draw and elimination! The method of focusing on the ring will be adopted to determine the final winner! Second! , The specific rules in the battle remain unchanged, and any tricks can be used! In short, if you want to give up, you can withdraw now. If you enter the arena, life or death is a matter of life and death!"

"What! The fourth team turned out to be on the same battlefield! Isn't this a big melee!"

"Yeah! It's good to do this! But if three teams unite to attack one team, it will be miserable!"

"Who knows! Anyway, we are here to watch the excitement! However, I really don't want them to have too many casualties!" At a certain moment, the man on the high platform announced the rules of the decisive battle, including those on the viewing platform. The court officials all expressed their voices.

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