I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 589: Battle of life and death!


The Tian Dynasty is the capital of the Emperor Yao, the three religions and nine liu gathered in front of the stage;

Once a life and death battle was staged, the invincible fighting spirit rushed to Bixiao!

"Mother, it's really a battle of life and death! Good, good, the better you are, the more you can see the good show! Masked man, this time, it is estimated that you will fight the crowd!" muttered to himself At the same time, the central battle platform above the high platform has been opened, and the four teams have also slowly entered in order.

In the end, with a loud noise, the iron gate of the central battle platform was also suddenly closed.

Of course, everyone can still see the battle through the gaps in the iron net.

"Long live, you really let them fight this kind of life-and-death battle! If someone is cruel here, I guess there will be no chance to quit! Isn't it too cruel!"

"Nanfeng! Actually, what we have already said is very clear. Each team can choose whether to withdraw according to their own strength! So, everything is the result of their own choice!"

"Well, forget it, since Long live Lord is not stuck on this, why should the concubines say more! Look, they are all in!" While talking, the four teams have already arrived at the center of the central battle platform. , Each guarded a corner, no one took the lead in attacking.

The cold wind came slowly, blowing on the rough iron net, making a faintly discordant sound, which made people shudder.

"Ling Yun commander right! My prince admires you very much! I hope we can get along peacefully!"

"Oh, your prince, then I don't know who your prince is! This commander only knows that Long live master is my master!"

"Ling Yun, don't be ignorant of the current affairs! Although I may not be able to defeat them, if our three teams join forces, I believe that the final victory must be ours!"

"It seems that your two teams have already made peace! However, this commander just doesn't know if we participate, the final champion is my Royal Forbidden Army team!"

"This, this is not possible! At that time, let's discuss it three times, can you?" At the end, the captain of the team standing on the east side also suppressed the voice more and more!

"Mother, I really made Lao Tzu's guess right! This formed an alliance right after taking the stage! However, you think that you can win this way, so you really underestimated the team Murong!"

In fact, just as Jin Shangyu was muttering to himself, the two players named Nanying Team and Tianyun Team had already stood together, as if they were a team.

"You guys, you guys really negotiated it! Don't worry, is that a three-point world! My Royal Forbidden Army team will not cooperate with any team, and doing so will lose my Forbidden Army's face!" Ling Yun Yuxifeng, Benlei and others have already firmly occupied the northern land, while the Namurong team is slowly standing in the southwest corner, and they can even hear their comments.

"You have to see the situation clearly! They are all teaming up. If you don't make a move again, I'm afraid that you will only have a failure!"

"No need to say more! This is your business! The deity doesn't care about your nostalgia!"

"You, you are too disregard of the overall situation! Are you not afraid to go back and be reprimanded by the old prince!"

"Noisy!" Seeing that Murong Feiyu said so, the black masked man also stopped paying attention to him, but came to the southernmost side of the team alone.


"Mother, you shit, you still have this kind of virtue! If you don't know this, you really don't care about this competition, but who can think of you like that? Otherwise, I won't visit the Forbidden Army at night!" At a certain moment, when a very puzzling scene appeared in the crowd on the high platform, Jin Shangyu was also thinking indiscriminately in his heart.

The brief confrontation was full of Xiao killing aura. Because this is no other place, here is a battlefield of life and death where you can only enter, not exit.

To put it bluntly, here, if your strength value is not enough, I am afraid you will only be passively beaten.

"Ling Yun, haven't you figured it out yet! They are foreigners! We are our own! Besides, I don't need to say how strong they are. You probably know it too!"

"Don't say it! I still said that Ling Yun, for the royal face, this commander must fight to the end!" At the end, Ling Yun's eyes also deliberately looked at the center of the viewing platform.

"Good boy, worthy of being my commander! Nan Feng, don't you think this boy is okay!"

"Long live the man, of course, is a master! It's just that the concubine's view of Na Murong's team should also be a dark horse! Look at that masked man, like a okay person!" At one point, Emperor Sima Zhong felt it. When Ling Yun's aura was like a rainbow, he was also very happy.

Faced with such a situation, the people of the Nanying Team and the Tianyun Team also knew they could not do anything.

"Brothers, I can't control that much! Since we are going to fight, let's fight to the end! Lingyun, you can fight against foreigners with us! But you can't put a knife behind your back!" The man also took the lead to Murong Feiyu. Fei rushed over.

"Ling Yun, what to do!"

"Chasing the wind and beating Lei Mo eagerly! Let's see the battle between them!"

"Alright, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!" At the end, Chasing the wind also said with a smile.

In this way, because of Ling Yun, the three of them did not immediately choose to participate in the battle, neither helping Team Murong nor helping other teams.

"Smelly boy, it seems that you want a decisive battle with Team Murong! Yes, the plot should be such a way of acting!" Seeing that his three commanders had chosen no one to help, Jin Shangyu was sitting in the rest area secretly. happy.

The reason why he was in a good mood was mainly because of Ling Yun's actions, and no one could fault it. After all, as a Royal team, how can you join forces with others! And this is precisely what Jin Shangyu is more satisfied with.

However, at this moment, the battle situation on the field has reappeared stalemate.

Because the masked man did not participate in the battle, the Murong team at this time was actually two people, and the two faced six energetic masters.

All of a sudden, the six men were armed with weapons and surrounded the two Murong Feiyu in a big circle.

"Your name is Murong Feiyu! I heard that your position in the Murong clan is quite high! However, this is not the land of the north! Don't worry, we will only defeat you and will not kill you!"

"Kid dare you, dare to insult me ​​like this! I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick! Beat it to death!" Seeing that these six people are so confident, then Murong Feiyu is not hiding his strength, and suddenly his body speed is reaching the limit , The full moon scimitar in his hand changed into a light and shadow, and almost instantly two of the six were seriously injured.

"You, you actually killed you! Brothers, we can no longer have reservations! If we fail here, we won't die if we go back!"

"Yes! We were too careless just now! Brothers, make a unique move!" At a certain moment, seeing that Murong Feiyu had injured two of his own, the captain of Team Tianyun also screamed like a cannonball. Generally attacked Murong Feiyu.

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