I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 587: Go on!

The night is like ink, and the cold wind is like silk. While floating, Jin Shangyu's figure has already fallen into his house.

"Mother, I really slept fast enough, and there wasn't a light on! No, it's late at night! If there are lights on, it would be weird!" Just walked into the small building, Jin Shangyu was in his heart. Muttered to himself.

In this way, because he returned to his home, Jin Shangyu also relaxed, and walked slowly to the third floor alone.

However, just before Jin came to his bedroom and was about to push the door in, there was also a glimmer of light inside.

"Brother Yu, you are back! Nothing happened, right!"

"It's okay! What can I do with your brother personally! Why didn't you sleep! It seems that this time it's brother again, so you can't sleep well!"

"It's okay, both of our sisters are used to it! However, you have learned something from them! Is it because their Murong clan still wants to get that celestial comparison!"

"Is this! I said Yunyan Big Beauty! Actually, I really didn't go to them!"

"What, you didn't go to Murong Feiyu, then where did you go!" At a certain moment, seeing that Jin Shangyu didn't even go to Murong Feiyu, Duan Yunyan also said what was in his heart.

The reason why she was so anxious was mainly because of her mother clan, that is, Duan Bu Xianbei and Na Murong's family were not dead enemies, and not much difference.

More recently, just a few months ago, the imperial capital also heard news of a battle between Duan Bu Xianbei and Murong Xianbei.

Therefore, when Duan Yunyan now thinks of Murong's house, he will be very angry.

"Girl, your mind, can I not know your brother! So, there are some things, we have to think about it for a long time! What do you say is the most important thing for us now!"

"It should be our own development! It may also be a change in the overall situation!"

"Yuyi is right! In fact, our biggest thing is not something else, but survival! And if we want to survive well, we must not be eliminated in the overall changes! So, I decided, Let’s let out the champion of the Celestial Tournament this time!” At the end, Jin Shangyu was a little bit embarrassed, but for the sake of the overall situation, he finally told his decision.

For a while, facing Jin Shangyu's decision, the second daughter was also at a loss for words, especially during that period of cloud and smoke, and the whole person was a little dazed.

"Girl, don't think too much! First, we did this to fight against the decision of the True Dragon Palace! If the champion of this competition is won by Ling Yun and the others, it seems that we have won, but the emperor has won! But if we can control this champion, that will be the biggest victory!"

"Brother Yu, what you mean is to let Murong clan occupy that piece of land!"

"Forget it! For some reason, they have already agreed to our request! In the current situation, it is actually impossible for us to stop them! After all, the mysterious black masked man is too powerful! Even if the three of Ling Yun tried their best, they might not be their opponents!" At a certain moment, seeing that Duan Yunyan asked like this, Jin Shangyu also emphasized the fact that the opponent was extremely powerful.

The main reason why he didn't tell the agreement between himself and the masked man was because he didn't want Duan Yunyan to think too much.

"Mother, it's really hard to be a human! It's not inside, and it's not outside! But sometimes white lies are good too!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was also thinking about how to comfort his woman next. .

In this way, I had something to say overnight, but Jin really didn't know how to express it.


Of course, in this Jin mansion, Hushuo still sleeps soundly than the old man. This is also thanks to Jin Xiaoyu's Chinese herbal medicine.

"Shang Yu! I went out for a walk last night, okay! There should be nothing new!"

"That's okay! It's just that that person is too strong! I had a face-to-face with him, and it didn't take any advantage! But don't worry, no matter what, we won't give up easily!"

"That's good! Let's go, this celestial competition is about to begin! We can't be late anyway!" While speaking, General Huo was the first to stand up.

In this way, because of the old general Hu Shuobi, the people of Jin Mansion also walked out of the mansion slowly.

"Well, guys, let's go together today! I guess no one else will grab us in that place! Say yes, old general!"

"It should be! After all, some teams have already been wiped out, and the number of people in the rest area is at least not as many as yesterday!" Seeing Jin Shangyu said this, the old man Hushuobi also said with a smile.

Speaking of, the imperial capital city at this time has already been driven by human heads. Even in the process of walking, Jin Shangyu and others would hear various opinions.

"Brother, it's so strange, the Jie people actually lost to the Xianbei people, this is really a big upset!"

"That's true! It's just that today's battle should be the most intense! After all, there are only seven teams left! However, I am still more optimistic about the Royal Forbidden Army. You see, the battles they won are very loose! That Duanbu Xianbei team is a pity!"

Listening to the comments on the streets, the old man Hu Shuobi also showed a helpless smile.

"Why, the old general is still a little unwilling! That's right, after all, you didn't do your best this time! It is a time to complete Shang Yu!"

"A little bit! But everything is over, I hope Ben Lei and the others can win it!"

"Mother, it seems that Lao Tzu is a bit wrong to others! But the problem is that the biggest problem now is not who wins the championship, but who can promise Lao Tzu that the land will never be taken away!" Feeling Hu Shuobi After her mood changed, Jin Shangyu was also thinking indiscriminately.

After all, I reached some agreements with other masked people last night, and I was still weird in my heart, always feeling like betraying my friends.

"Mother, what's wrong with Lao Tzu! Could it be that Lao Tzu did something wrong and shouldn't reach a compromise with them!"

In this way, with some weird emotions, Jin Shangyu and others also smoothly came to the area where they sat yesterday.

Of course, the viewing platform at this time was already full of people, and familiar voices came from the high platform.

"Everyone, I believe everyone is here! Today we are going to have the final winner of the Tianchao Tournament here! Seven teams will be invited to the stage! The rules of this round will remain the same, and it is still a draw and elimination system!"

"What, there are only seven teams left, and they still use this method of drawing lots! This, doing this, I am afraid that the chance is too great!"

"Yeah! It seems that someone will have a bye to rest again! However, if the Royal Forbidden Army and the Murong team meet up in advance, it will be a good show!"

At a certain moment, when the person on the high platform announced that the celestial dynasty was going on, the viewing platform and even the ordinary people on the periphery were talking quietly.

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