I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 548: Brothers together!

The imperial city after midnight is like a sleeping behemoth, immovable and majestic, making people chill.

"Mother, it's so eerie and terrifying! Fortunately, Lao Tzu is an atheist, otherwise it would be a little scary! However, this atheism should be in modern society, and the Jin Dynasty is a little weird everywhere!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's figure floated gently into the Forbidden Army camp, he was also thinking about some questions in his heart.

Of course, the imperial sergeant who was patrolling did not notice the slightest fault.

"Okay, it seems that Lao Tzu's body style has reached a new level! Since it is hard to find even the soldiers of the Forbidden Army, it is difficult for others to find out!" Jin Shangyu thought to himself as he walked to Lingyun's tent. Some things.

After all, in these days, Jin also clearly felt the power of the future core.

"Who! It turned out to be Big Brother!"

"Boy, it's okay, I was able to spot me! However, I also deliberately revealed some flaws just now! So, don't be proud of you kid!"

"Look at what you said! No! There are days outside the world, and there are people outside the world, brother I still know the truth! However, it is late in the night, if it weren't for the little brother who had just returned from the inspection, it would be a sleepy state!" said In the end, Ling Yun also gave Jin Shangyu to a small ear tent in the account.

"Ling Yun, go call them all! I have something to say!"

"Big brother, wait here!" Seeing Jin Shangyu came in, he said very solemnly. Ling Yun also left the tent without saying a word.

"Mother, it won't work if you don't come. If these guys are all eyeing Laozi's mansion, it will really be a headache!" Just when Ling Yun first came out, Jin Shangyu was also in his heart. Muttered to himself.

In this way, within a quarter of an hour, Ling Yun was also the first to walk in, while Hueifeng and Benlei followed closely.

"Big brother, I didn't expect you to come!"

"Well, sit down! Let's study something! In fact, it's not a big deal! But it's about Lao Tzu's backyard!"

"Brother, is it possible that the young lady is in trouble!" Seeing Jin Shangyu actually talked about the backyard, Ben Lei was the first to ask.

Faced with Ben Lei's eagerness, Jin Shangyu also knew something about it. After all, this section of Yunyan is the owner of Benlei. No matter from which aspect, they have some feelings between them.

"Well, don't guess, they are all fine! It's just that someone actually told all the foreigners the location of Jin's Mansion! What will happen next!"

"Brother, even if they knew where Jin's house is, what can they do! Anyway, we have no direct confrontation with them!"

"Ling Yun! Actually, you don't know anything, just yesterday, I discovered a big problem!"

"Brother, just say it! Don't stop! Brothers are all in a hurry!" Seeing Jin Shangyu speaking slowly, Zhu Feng also added another sentence.

In this way, seeing that the three of them were very anxious, Jin Shangyu was not concealing it, but told what had happened in the past few days. Including how he scared away Guo Feiyi, and how he heard the Jie Ren residence, etc., I said it all!

Of course, Jin still has reservations. For example, he didn't say anything about encountering a masked woman.

auzw.com After listening to Jin Shangyu's account, the three Ling Yun also thought about it separately.

After all, such a rhythm change, they were also unexpected.

"Well, you have all listened to it, and you should also understand what's inside! Let's talk about everything!"

"Brother, that's the case! Otherwise, you will go back to the mansion to live! This way, you can keep the mansion safe!"

"No, this idea, in fact, I thought about it before, but it can't! Because we must manage that piece of land well! Otherwise, the future will be even more difficult!" Seeing Lingyun put forward a suggestion, Jin Shangyu also explained his analysis.

For a time, the four of them were constantly analyzing because of the important matter. In the end, Ben Lei's suggestion was accepted by everyone.

"Brother, as long as I am in the mansion, nothing big will happen!"

"This, but the three of you still have to practice together! The Heavenly Contest is also a big deal!"

"Please don't worry about this! The three of our brothers have already practiced the combined attack you taught us, and now we are waiting for the arrival of the big competition! In other words, the most dangerous period of time in the Jin Mansion, It was in the days before the Great Competition!"

"Okay! Ben Lei said very much! Or else, let's just settle it down like this!" Seeing that Ling Yun and Zhuifeng had no opinion, Jin Shangyu finally agreed to Ben Lei's approach.

In this way, because Ben Lei was to be transferred back to Jin Mansion, Jin Shangyu confessed a few more words. It's nothing more than how to defend and how to protect yourself!

"Big brother, don't worry! With my ability, as long as it is not a crime, Jin Mansion will be fine!"

"Brother, I believe you! But, you have to be careful! After all, these foreigners are not ordinary people, there are still capable people! Remember Brother, at critical moments, we must save our lives and we can not get a share of property. , But one life cannot be less!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strong sense of killing.

Seeing Jin Shangyu's emphasis on human life, Ling Yun, Zhuifeng and Ben Lei were also very moved.

In this way, after staying here for a short while, Jin Shangyu displayed his body skills again, and left the Forbidden Army camp with a few flashes.

"I don't see it, the eldest brother's body skills have improved a lot! What a god! I really don't know what his speed limit is! Is it the speed of the fairy in the end!"

"Perhaps! But the potential of Big Brother is too great! I don't know how he can have such a level of strength against the sky! It seems that we are really beyond the reach!" At a certain moment, in the presence of Jin Shangyu When disappearing into the dark night, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng were also talking to themselves.

The three leaders of "Jin Jun" here sighed the mystery of Jin Shangyu. Let's not talk about it for now, just talk about Jin Shangyu at this time.

Because the sky became a little bit brighter, Jin also returned to the speed of ordinary people. And his goal is his family gate.

"Mother, since I'm in the city, why don't you go home! But speaking of it, Lao Tzu's job is really weird and must be done at night! Alas, it seems that during the day, I have to stay at home. !" While murmuring in his heart, Jin Shangyu had already come to his door.

Bang, bang, and with three knocks, a gap was revealed in the gate of Jin Mansion for the first time.

"Who is it so early! No, that's the lord's back! Hurry up, come in!"

"Well, it's okay, just come back and have a look! You don't need to look, they haven't come back! Close the door!" Just after entering the door, seeing his maid still looking around, Jin Shangyu also said slowly.

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