I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 547: protocol!

Outside the imperial capital city, in the unnamed valley, dozens of small tents are scattered here. The occasional patrol officer seems to tell people that this is a forbidden area.

Of course, Jin Shangyu disagrees with such forbidden land, after all, he is not an ordinary person.

"Mother, I chose here! There are still hundreds of people! It seems that the purpose of the Jie people is not necessarily to win the Heavenly Competition, and there may be more conspiracies! Forget it, Sima Zhong is not in a hurry. Well, what are you so anxious about!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu felt that Jie Ren's purpose was somewhat impure, he was thinking quickly in his heart.

Of course, after some thinking, Jin still came to a conclusion, that is, although the Jie people are not good things, Sima Zhong is not even fun!

With such a judgment, Jin Shangyu also suddenly became more open-minded.

In fact, Jin Shangyu cannot be blamed, after all, he is a modern man who has traveled from the future. He was deeply impressed with history, especially the dark history of the Great Jin Dynasty, where the Eight Kings and the Five Chaos were in chaos.

Perhaps when the word "Jie Ren" first entered Jin's brain, it was already branded with a foreign race, or even an enemy.

But objectively speaking, this kind of thinking is inherently problematic. After all, the Huaxia is not just a single nation.

"Forget it, let Lao Tzu do more work on ethnic integration here!" After making a decision in his heart, Jin Shangyu also showed off his figure, and then firmly stuck on the central tent.

And in the tent at this time, there was already a lot of fun.

"My lord, that, let me say that since we are all here, we can't make them feel better! Or, let's get a vote of him too!"

"Shut up! What are you talking about! All day long, I know killing, killing, looting, this kind of small means, which used to be OK for fun, but now it’s not good! After all, here in Luoyang, even if you give you 10,000 cows and horses, You said, how can you transport it back to your hometown! It's really no brainer!"

"Um, boss, this is not okay, that is not okay, then we can't just do things for that stupid emperor!"

"Shut up, be careful that there are ears in the wall!" Seeing that Man Sora said casually, before Tu Yuncha could speak, Guo Feiyi had already reprimanded loudly.

"Mother, I really let Lao Tzu guess it. I didn't expect that Sima Zhong actually reached some kind of agreement with a foreigner! Alas, Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, aren't you seeking your own death? You think you are evil! A few pieces of wolf meat, people will let you go! What a big joke!" Just after Jin Shangyu confirmed his thoughts from Man Sola, he was also muttering to himself. .

However, just as Mr. Jin tightened his mind and listened carefully to the Jie Ren’s conversation, the six people in the tent mentioned a very important thing.

"Feiyi! You are the right-hand man of this young man! You are really talking about how we should face the current situation!"

"My lord, in fact, the current situation is fairly clear. First, we know the details of Jin Shangyu, and we know that he is not a general. Secondly, if we don't actively fight for that piece of land, we will probably sell it to Jin Shangyu. One favor! And the biggest attraction is how Jin Shangyu will deal with those outsiders!"

"Good, good! Fei Yi really has a keen mind and is good at speaking! Then let's give him a face and don't bother him! It's just that the emperor has a very vague message!"


"My lord, what is the news! Let me tell you! Maybe we still have a new mission, but we don't know it!" Seeing that Tu Yuncha actually mentioned a piece of news, Guo Feiyi also urgently asked.

However, in the face of Guo Feiyi’s eagerness, the Tuyun split was not in a hurry. He just stood up slowly, and then said softly: “Actually, this news is also related to Jin Shangyu! Who could have thought of this emperor? Jin Shangyu was so jealous that he told us the location of his palace!"

"What? He actually did this! Does that mean that all outsiders know where Jin Shangyu's home is! This, in the final analysis, is to harm others!"

"Kill it! This is not our problem! After all, let's not take it! Maybe those Xianbei people will take it. After all, I heard that Jin Shangyu and Duan Bu Xianbei are very close!" At the end, that picture Yun Crack also took a few steps in place.

"Mother, this is true! Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, I thought Jin Shangyu wanted to help you through the difficulties before, but now I treat Lao Tzu like this! Good! It's really maddening!" After Jin Shangyu confirmed what he was thinking, his eyes became fierce.

At this moment, Emperor Sima Zhong was completely at the bottom of Jin Shangyu's heart!

Speaking of it, we can't blame Jin Shangyu for having such a strong reaction, mainly because Sima Zhong's actions were too hurtful.

In this way, because of the news from the emperor, Jie Ren also studied countermeasures on his own territory.

However, after all, they finally made a further compromise with Jin Shangyu.

"Mother, it seems that this Jie person was scared by Lao Tzu! That's okay! As long as you don't mess with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will still recognize you old friends!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu found out what the other party was saying. Later, the purpose of his trip was completely completed.

"Let's go! There is not much progress to stay! Since they didn't want to offend me, why don't Lao Tzu want to make a friend!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu's figure is like a wisp of winter. The cold wind drifted up and down out of the valley.

Because of the peculiar body technique, it took Jin Shangyu almost no time to come out of the valley. After being far away from the Jie people's station, Jin Shangyu also exerted his body technique with all his strength and quickly went inside the imperial capital city.

Because it was past midnight, Jin Shangyu didn't think about anything else anymore, just flew forward with a single mind.

"Mother, I really didn't expect it! Lao Tzu's speed can reach such a sky-defying level! It seems that if you continue to practice, Lao Tzu will become a flying fairy!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu played it without any scruples. After taking the light of the body, his heart also received a huge shock.

After all, such a shenfa is really scary. If someone saw it at this time, he would think it was a **** descending to the earth, otherwise no one would have such a speed.

The night is still the same, but Jin Shangyu's mood is complicated.

Nothing else, just because his house had been sold out a long time ago, and the person who pushed himself to the forefront turned out to be the current emperor Sima Zhong. This is a huge irony!

In this way, without much effort, a huge black outline appeared in front of Jin Shangyu's eyes.

"It's here! No matter, let's go and see my brothers!" After making a decision in his mind, Jin Shangyu's figure was also sliding forward like a rain line. The destination is the Forbidden Army camp.

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