I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 549: Girl go slowly!

In this way, Jin Shangyu, who had been busy all night, returned to his home very early in the morning.

"My son, do you need to call Mr. Wen over!"

"No need! I'll go up and sleep for a while, so I don't need to call me for breakfast!"

"I see, son!" Seeing Jin Shangyu dressed in black, the maid didn't ask much, just nodded gently, and went to work on her own business.

Seeing the familiar mansion, Jin Shangyu also naturally thought of the style of Emperor Sima Zhong.

"Sima Zhong, you bastard, you can't get along with Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu has clearly announced that you will withdraw from your fight, but you still don't let our house go! Forget it, don't want this, let's get a good night's sleep!" On the third floor, Jin Shangyu was thinking about something in his heart, but in the end he was overcome by sleepiness.

In this way, after a whole night of tossing, Jin can be considered to have fallen asleep. Perhaps in this dream, he would still think of those long-lost students in science and engineering, and even the very kind scientist.

After all, without other people's technological inventions, I am afraid there would be no journey of Jin Shangyu.

Of course, it is not clear whether his Jin Shangyu traveled because of the future core.

But one thing is certain, that is, Jin Shangyu has already begun to adapt to this somewhat dark age.

Here, someone in Jin fell asleep soundly, and at this moment, breakfast in Jin's Mansion had already started.

"Old Wen, why don't we let us go out these days! It's so annoying that we are always holding back at home all this day!"

"Xiaoyu! I know you want to see those medicinal materials! But don't you know, the outside is very messy, and we can't protect you anytime and anywhere, so let's stick to it first!"

"Yes! But I really want to go to the mountains to find the legendary medicinal materials!"

"Xiaoyu, don't talk anymore! Actually, Mr. Wen also thinks about everyone! You think, if something happens to us, he will be very sad!"

"Sister Feier, why don't you even say the same thing!" At a certain moment, at Jin's dining table, Jin Xiaoyu was also very puzzled by Wen Shuo's act of closing the mansion.

However, after all, this is not just Jin Xiaoyu alone, but also Jin Feier and the former court lady Xiaoye! They saw that Jin Xiaoyu still wanted to leave the house, so they followed along and persuaded them.

However, at this moment, a maid also slowly walked up to Wen Shuo and whispered a few words in a low voice.

And that old man Wenshuo actually listened to the maid's words and suddenly laughed.

"Good, good! What a good thing! It seems that the son has thought of everything! Not to mention, if that is the case, then we can't leave the house casually!" While muttering to himself, Wen Shuo was also the first to bow his head and start eating breakfast.

Of course, everyone is more concerned about Wen Shuo's emotional changes. But because Wenshuo's status is relatively high, they are too embarrassed to question directly.

In this way, with some doubts, Jin's breakfast was slowly over.

"Girl Mayfair, go slowly!"

"Old Wen, did you call me?"

"Yes, that's you! Well, actually, he's back! He's on it now! It should be very tired! Maybe something will happen in the Imperial Capital in the next few days!"

auzw.com "Oh, he is back! Alone!"

"Yes, it's a person!" Seeing Jin Feier's blushing question, the old man also replied gently.

Of course, in the large living room at this time, only Wen Shuo and Jin Feier were left, so there was the above dialogue.

Facing the news of the old man, Jin Feier's expression was really strange, happy for a while, and nervous for a while. In short, it is very appropriate to describe the beauty at this time in terms of suffering.

"Old Wen! Well, you wouldn't just tell me the news!"

"Little girl, really smart! Actually, you know a little bit about the things between you from Xiaoyu! Well, girl, don’t think too much! Old man, I just want you to take care of it later. He, after all, my old man can't take care of him by himself!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Then, Fei'er, thank you, Mr. Wen, and I'll go up and prepare soon!" After knowing Wen Shuo's intentions, Jin Fei'er didn't say much, just threw a sentence, lightly She owed her body lightly and went upstairs.

"Oh, it's really hard for this girl! I want to come, and there really is no good way! After all, this kid already has a sweetheart!" At a certain moment, when Jin Feier slowly left, the chief butler of Jin's house It was also a man muttering to himself in the living room.

Just like this, because nothing big happened, and time was like this, seemingly boring and passing little by little.

In a blink of an eye, it came to 10 noon.

At a certain moment, when a ray of sunlight gently stirred Jin's eyes, a strong warmth came slowly.

"Mother, it's really warm! No, it's noon! I slept all morning! No, I can get up with anything! That girl should have told Lao Wen!" She slowly crawled out of the big bed. When he got up, Jin Shangyu muttered to himself.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was about to push the door out, a figure slowly stood in front of him.

"you're awake!"

"That, it's Sister Feier! She was really taken aback!"

"Well, there is warm water here, you can wash it yourself!"

"Well, that's okay! Thank you!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing the small face of the other person blushing, Jin Shangyu didn't dare to say more, so he lowered his head and washed his face.

Besides, Jin Feier at this time has a look of passion, and her eyes are watching Jin with affection.

"Mother, what kind of rhythm is this! Why don't you feel irritated all over! You girl, who notified this girl of Laozi's whereabouts!" At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu was washing his face, his I was also thinking about one thing in my heart.

"Um, brother, this face should be finished! Or else, go down and eat a bit! I made some small dishes myself!"

"Oh, yes, yes, it's done! Hard work! So, let's go on!" While a little embarrassed, Jin Shangyu followed Jin Feier step by step to the hall downstairs.

During the period, although Jin Shangyu felt Jin Feier's dramatic emotional changes, he did not say much, for fear that one of his words would hurt others.

"Mother, it's hard to be a human being. It's even harder to be someone who wants to restrain your feelings!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu and Jin Feier had already arrived in the hall downstairs.

There, there was a table of dishes long ago, but there were a lot of dishes covered with a lid, and it was hard to see what the dishes were.

However, for Jin, who has a great sense of perception, these little guys really can't trouble him.

"Mother, there is a dish of Dongpo meat! It seems that I have to find a time to tell them that our family really doesn't like this Dongdong!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also did it in his heart. A decision was made.

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