I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 535: How is she!

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In the imperial capital city, a crowd of people was besieging a middle-aged man. Just when the onlookers were at a loss, the middle-aged man was also pushed to the ground, and the little boy who was only a teenager was lifted up all his life. Although his mouth yelled at the three men in white from time to time, everyone could tell that in the next scene, the little boy might be thrown to death at the end of the street.

"You must die! Let go of my father! Let go of my father!"

"Son, it's because my father is not good and didn't protect you! But don't worry, they will not end well! Don't be afraid, don't cry! It's a man who will stand upright!"

"Father, I know!" I wanted to say a few more words, but after hearing the middle-aged man's advice, the little boy really stopped yelling! As if figured out something all at once.

But everyone at the scene knows that this kind of approach and ending will not work at all.

"Hahaha! Don't you want to call! I haven't heard enough yet! But it's a good thing not to call! Then let Laozi send you this little bunny on the road!"

"No! Don't! You can't do this!"

"Really! Now I know to beg us! Well, quickly hand over your Qigong mentality! Otherwise you know what the ending will be like!"

"You, you must not die!"

"Old guy, I still scold this sentence. It seems that you have no new words! Since you are going to put this secret in the coffin, I will fulfill you! Brothers, send this little baby on the road first!" When the middle-aged man's decisiveness came, maybe he still wanted to use this little boy's life or death to threaten something! In short, just before the white-clothed man's voice was over, a white-clothed man already threw the little boy to the ground fiercely.

"No! Son, it's my father I'm sorry for you!"

"Hold him! Now know that you regret it! It's late! No, this, what is going on! You, who are you!"

"Second, be careful!"

"Ah! It hurts, it really hurts me!" At a certain moment, when the little boy's body was falling quickly, and his head was about to touch the ground, he didn't know where a figure flew out, so thunderous. The situation, miraculously saved the little boy.

In such a scene, let alone the assailant in white, even the middle-aged man who was forcibly pressed on the ground seemed stupid, expressionless, as if these things happened before him were like dreams.

However, when everyone was in a state of surprise, the man in white who had just committed the murder was suddenly swept by a white light. Then a stream of Yin Hong's blood flowed out.

"Second, your hand, your hand was cut off! How can this be good! You, who are you!"

In fact, just when everyone did not react, the murderous man in white was also instantly attacked, and the result was that he was abruptly missing a hand.

For a time, the screams after eating pain became less important in the rushing discussions of the people.

"Look, he, he actually lost a hand! This, what the **** is going on! This is a big deal!"

"Yes! These three are all children of the Sima clan! I am afraid that something big will happen this time!"

"Be quiet, maybe there will be an army coming over in a while, but I don't know!" As he spoke, there was already a masked person in the middle of the crowd.

auzw.com saw his flying figure rescue the little boy, he launched a powerful blow, and the man in white who had just been aggressive, turned into a disabled person in an instant .

Such changes in the world are really embarrassing.

Of course, because it happened suddenly, those people who looked like family members also gave up the middle-aged men performing qigong, but turned around to protect their masters.

"Mother, someone did it first! I still want to show off! It seems that I really dare not look down on the people here! No, why is this guy so familiar! Oh, it turned out to be her! It was really her!"

"Big brother, what are you muttering! Why am I a little confused!"

"Boy, you can't hear clearly! Don't ask, let's continue watching the show!"

"No, I said, Brother, are you ready to attack just now!"

"Why say that!"

"Not why, just feel your emotional changes!"

"Mother, I didn't expect my brother to have such a keenness! That's right, at the moment just now, because I was too focused, I might not have time to restrain my aura!" At a certain moment, it was in Luoyun. Just as the words fell, Jin Shangyu muttered to himself.

Of course, the reason why Jin Shangyu didn't want to show up was because he felt the sound of breaking the wind at that critical moment. The masked person is the person Jin Shangyu wants to know.

"Murong clan! Is she really the top level of Murong clan! No, no one from Murong's family is here today! It seems that this woman is not a simple character too!" Once confirmed, the person who saved the little boy , It was the masked woman who was sitting firmly in front of the Zhenlong Temple, Jin Shangyu kept thinking about it.

Because Jin Shangyu really wanted to know the specific origin of this person.

The problem is that sometimes, the more you want to know, the harder it is to know. The feeling of wanting to know but not knowing is probably the most uncomfortable.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was thinking about it indiscriminately, huge changes took place in the field.

On the one hand, the middle-aged man who made a living by doing art has already put his son in his arms. In front of them, there was a masked man who said nothing.

"You, who the **** are you! Do you know who we are! Speaking out scares you to death!"

"Boss, don't say it! Look at his hand lifted up again! This person is too weird, we can't afford it, let's go back early and deal with the second brother's injury!"

"Never mind! You, you have cleaned up for Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu won't let it go! Just wait! No, don't! Can't it be done if I don't say it!" The man in white is called the boss When I wanted to say a few more words, the masked man on the opposite side also walked forward two steps slowly.

The seemingly insignificant movements have given these three people tremendous psychological pressure. And the man in white who was called the boss spoke softly in shock.

Of course, this kind of scene also made the people present instantaneously hot, and all kinds of discussions were endless.

"This, what's the situation! They, they dare not speak!"

"Don't dare to speak! Look, they got up and ran away!" As they spoke, the three white-clothed men didn't care about their image, and they separated the crowd and fled.

"Mother, although I don't have a good opinion of you Murong! However, you ya ya have some chivalrous heart! It seems that this kind of person can't be summarized in one fell swoop!" At a certain moment, just After Jin Shangyu learned about this matter, he kept muttering to himself.

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