I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 536: Middle-aged man!

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It was still the downtown street and the crowds onlookers, but there were three young people in white clothes missing. Of course, the dozens of green shirts who appeared with them also scattered with their owners.

"Well, this benefactor! Your name is Gao, please stay here, our father and son will pay for the rest of our lives!"

"Let's go!" Facing the middle-aged man's words of gratitude, the masked man just snorted softly, motioning them to go quickly!

"Yes, but you saved our lives! How could we leave without asking the name! This, this is not in line with common sense!"

"I said, hurry up! Okay, you don't go, I'll go!" When only the middle-aged father and son and the masked man were left in the center of the venue, the brief conversation also attracted everyone's attention.

"Mother, I'm obviously a woman, and I have to pretend to be a man. I really don't know what you are thinking about!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu heard the masked man finally speak, His heart is also constantly talking.

Of course, not only Jin Shangyu was talking about others, but Feng Luoyun beside him couldn't bear it.

"Brother, this masked person is really chivalrous! It seems that there are still good people in this world!"

"Why, I was moved! If I told you that this guy is the masked man in front of the True Dragon Palace, would you still think like this!"

"That, no, is he also a foreigner!"

"This can only be known by asking herself! Forget it, everyone is gone!" As he spoke, the masked man had already moved and flew away from the crowd abruptly.

"Big brother, no, his stamina is so weird, let the younger brother say that it seems to be somewhat similar to yours!"

"Okay, don't be silly! Let's go and take a look! However, this middle-aged person should have no problem!" Seeing that Feng Luoyun was very interested in the body style of the masked man, Jin Shangyu didn't care about this, directly It brought the topic to the busker.

Of course, out of sympathy, Jin Shangyu also squeezed forward several meters with Feng Luoyun.

In this way, less than a quarter of an hour later, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun finally squeezed in front of the father and son.

"Well, this big brother, the three of you who came out to embarrass you just now should be the children of some big families!"

"My boy, it's a shame they have that title! In fact, almost everyone of them, rich people, has something shameless!"

"Well, this is not necessarily true! Maybe it's because you didn't analyze the current situation well! Don't rush to oppose it! Think about it, if you were able to use all your abilities at that time, it might be better to defeat a few Xiaojiading Yes!"

"You, you are sarcasm for the villain!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu said this, the middle-aged man also showed an unhappy look.

However, who is Jin Shangyu? How could he not know the focus of contradiction here!

"Well, since you think so, let's talk about who they are!"

"This, this! I heard that it is the son of Prince Sima!" After saying these words, the middle-aged man also let out a long sigh.

After all, I was still late this time. Although the father and son were no longer worried about their lives, Jin Shangyu was still a little embarrassed after all.

auzw.com However, what Jin Shangyu cares about is not these small issues. What he cares about is what is called the Qigong mental method!

Of course, the words come back again, like this secret Qigong mental method, people want to kill their own son, and they haven't taken it out. I'm afraid it is really not necessarily accessible to others.

Faced with such a small embarrassment, Jin Shangyu didn't have much to say, but just helped their father and son clean up some things.

Of course, Feng Luoyun at this time also squeezed in. But he is still more popular than Jin.

"The big brother! You must help my father! Please, they might come back to make trouble!"

"Little guy, you can say such things. It seems that your life is also very hard! Otherwise, you won't have such a mature performance!"

"Big brother laughed! They are all bad guys! If we hadn't been saved by a benefactor, we would have died now!"

"That, it turned out to be like this! That's good! There are too many people here, let's find a place to have a good chat!" At the end of the day, Luo Yun also helped pick up some luggage and other things.

After seeing this scene, the middle-aged man didn't say much, just walked in one direction quietly.

Of course, in order to understand some situations, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun also accompanied the little baby behind the middle-aged man.

"Come, come, let let, let let! Let's not perform today! Are you all gone! Thank you for your help!”

"No, nothing really helped! I said everyone is gone! They are leaving now!"

"Yeah! It's really dangerous! If something really happens, we are really responsible!"

"Forget it! What responsibility is not responsible, who dares to manage! That is from the Sima family!" As the middle-aged man moved forward slowly, the common people in the crowd sighed!

In this way, about a quarter of an hour, the middle-aged man finally stopped in front of a very simple inn.

"Why, you guys want to go in too!"

"Um, this, it's really interesting! It's just that you don't know if you want it."

"Ask me! Of course I disagree!"

"Father, you agree! This big brother looks like a good person!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu was directly pushed back by his father, the teenage boy suddenly said the above.

Facing the little boy's begging, the middle-aged man just looked startled, and then glanced at Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun for a few more times, but never spoke.

"Father, let them in! Besides, they are not bad guys! And this big brother is so good to me!"

"Little guy, brother, thank you! However, since your father disagrees, there must be his reason! Goodbye, I hope you can live happily!" At a certain moment, I saw the middle-aged man still standing silently. The ground did not move, Feng Luoyun lowered his head and said softly.

However, just when Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun turned around and were about to leave, the middle-aged man finally said again: "Well, since the kid likes you, come in and sit down! But you don't want to beat me. Qigong mentality ideas!"

"Qigong, what qigong! I don't know what you are talking about! However, because of the child's face, let's go in and have a look!" Seeing that the situation suddenly changed greatly, Jin Shangyu also dropped a sentence and accompanied him. Walked the little boy towards the house.

This time, the middle-aged man didn't stop them any more, just walked forward with his head down, and he said "baby, pay attention to your feet" from time to time.

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