I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 534: Busker!


In Luoyang, the imperial capital, people still flowed like water, but Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun at this time were like two quicksands in the flowing water, sometimes pushed and rolled up by the current, and sometimes blocked by debris at the bottom of the river.

"Brother, tell me why there are so many people today! Is it because of the arrival of foreigners!"

"There should be such a reason! But the biggest reason should be the arrival of the New Year! Forget it, since you can't pass here quickly, then enjoy the time here! Come on, let's buy something!"

"Big brother, you want to buy things too! It seems that you are really a strange person!" At the end, Feng Luo Yun was also a little embarrassed, after all, this still sounds uncomfortable.

But Jin Shangyu still understands, because since he came to this unfamiliar ancient times, Jin Shangyu has been trying hard to understand the customs here. And men, especially successful men, don’t usually go to the street to buy things, he still knows a little bit.

Maybe it was because I saw Feng Luoyun’s embarrassment, maybe someone Jin wanted to speak out his own heart. In short, at the moment when Feng Luoyun’s face was embarrassed, Jin also laughed and said:" Why, I feel a bit harsher! It doesn’t matter, your brother and I have thick skins, besides, not all men don’t like shopping on the street! Let’s go, let’s feel the new year here too!"

"Brother, you really don't mind!"

"Joke, what is this! In a moment, you see how Lao Tzu bargained with them!"

"No, brother, you still bargain! It seems that you are really a strange person!"

"Okay, don't be surprised! Look at there, there seems to be a lot of people around!" While they were talking, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun already saw a shop that was not too big, and they were caught by hundreds of people. Surrounded.

Because they wanted to see clearly, these two people also squeezed forward vigorously. At a certain moment, when they squeezed into the crowd, they also saw what they were doing here!

"Passing by, passing by, going south, going north, everyone laughed! The villain is a martial artist! No, the new year is not good, the harvest is too bad, if you want to survive, you have to sell a handful Strength!"

"What kind of game are you! Why use a knife to chop yourself!"

"Oh, old man, this is what you asked! In fact, this is called Qigong! When the sharp blade falls for a while, if Xiao Ke's body is still intact, please take a personal offer and reward him with a living money! This is a child, for a while, he Will raise the knife and fall!"

"Smelly beggars, what qigong is not qigong, let Lao Tzu say, you are a deceitful trick! Everyone opened their eyes and saw that he, a big man, actually let a teenage boy get a knife. Of course nothing will happen!” Just as the middle-aged man was preparing to perform qigong, three young men in white clothes were also able to arrive.

"Mother, what's the situation! It's not that this is the ancient busking! Look at this middle-aged man, his eyes are like torches, his muscles are strong, and he looks like he is practicing! But these three dudes are not so good! "At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun were finally able to see exactly what happened, he was constantly thinking about it.

However, just as Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun watched the development of the situation from a distance, the middle-aged man had already taken off his shirt, revealing his tendons!

"Smelly beggar! Have you heard clearly what my young master said!"

"Three masters! The villain is just asking for a living, and don't want to cause trouble here again! Please let the three masters let us go!"

"Let it go, if you dare to perform some qigong here, then there must be two tricks! Or, just like this, you don't have to work with your own baby, just let our brothers do it for you!" Regardless of whether the other party agrees or not, the white-clothed man directly raised a big sword with a ghost.


"You guys, you are deceiving too much! I know you are in the palace, but I am a little common man just want to beg for food! If you do this, you are not afraid that I will sue the government!"

"Sue! We are going to sue you to deceive the people! Come here, clear the place for Laozi!" As he spoke, he didn't know where he rushed out more than a dozen young men in blue shirts.

I saw that these people didn't give the middle-aged man a chance at all, they just took away some things.

"You, you are robbers!"

"Brother, it seems that you still can't do it! A stinky beggar can abuse you!"

"Two, he asked for this! Come here! Give me a fight!" Maybe it was aroused by the two people next to him, in short, in the following time, the court was also a sudden change, more than a dozen people like a family Fully besieged the middle-aged man.

"Damn, what a princely mansion is not a princely mansion! Let Lao Tzu say that these three guys are stinky rascals!" When the two sides in the crowd were fighting, Jin Shangyu was already out of anger.

Had it not been for the reason that Luo Yun was by his side, I'm afraid he would have been fighting.

However, there was nothing. Just when Jin Shangyu was very angry, the middle-aged man was already hit with three punches.

However, because of his resistance, the three celebrities fell to the ground, groaning constantly.

"That's not right! Although this guy seems to have some skill! But I am afraid it is just some fur, which is not suitable for battle! Alas, it seems that this is a world where the weak and the strong eat the weak." When Jin Shangyu sighed with emotion, the busker was thrown to the ground long ago.

Although he was working hard, he was finally pushed to the ground by more than a dozen people.

"Hahaha, you guys have seen it too, didn't he say that he can martial arts! Didn't he say that he is invulnerable to swords and guns! Why is he now a prisoner of Lao Tzu!"

"You, you must not die! Pity our father and son running for so long, not only did not have enough food and clothing, but now they are still being bullied by others!"

"Don't die! You're talking about yourself! Thinking about my Sima family, how could you be deceived by this kind of indiscriminate tactics like you! The two brothers can't go over and catch this little baby! It's impossible, this Do you still use your brother to do something trivial!"

"Boss, don't worry! Little boy, did you kneel here begging for mercy, or were we caught you like your father!"

"Bah, you robbers! Sooner or later, you will have to die!"

"Mother, it turned out to be a bad temper! Okay, well, I will take you first! Say, why do you do business here? Don’t you know that you can’t do business here!” The man who was called the boss The man in white also quickly controlled a teenage boy.

And the little boy who was only a teenager cried loudly.

Of course, there are not as many onlookers around as before. I'm afraid most people know where this man in white came from.

Chapter 535: How is she!

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