I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 533: Li Zhao broke into the camp!


In the training ground of the Forbidden Army garrison, Jin Shangyu tried his best to teach his three commanders the latest combination of strikes.

However, Feng Luoyun, who was standing on the side at this time, really opened his eyes. From his respectful expression, he could tell that he truly convinced the one in front of him. After all, the visual and psychological impact Jin Shangyu gave him during this short period of time was too strong.

"Yeah! Since the eldest brother can create a tactic for us alone, then we have no reason not to exert its power!" Seeing everyone was all excited, then Ben Lei also took his own The idea came out.

Here, Jin Shangyu taught the combination of his newly developed technique to everyone, and outside the Forbidden Army camp, there was someone who was arguing with the Forbidden Army guards.

"Master Li, even if you are an adult from North Korea, this is a forbidden army station. Without the above order, we cannot put you in. Besides, you said Master Jin Shangyu is here, but we don't even know that you are here. Say what!"

"You guys, you are really bullying! Is it possible that I am afraid of you! Come out, Lingyun, come out for me!"

"Master Li, if you shout so loudly, don't blame the villain for being disrespectful!"

"Dare you!"

"Why, they don't dare, don't you dare not!" The person here is not someone else, but Li Zhao, a member of the Korean Central Committee and one of Jin Shangyu's think tanks!

However, just as the Master Li yelled, Jin Shangyu, Ling Yun and others were also able to arrive.

"Jin Shangyu, I didn't expect your kid to be here! If others hadn't seen you here, I wouldn't believe it! Well, if you didn't go farming, what did you do here?"

"Um, I'm sorry, Master Li! How about it! Let's go to the barracks and have a talk together!"

"No! Didn't they keep Lao Tzu from entering!"

"Master Li is going to compete with a few of their guards! Isn't it necessary! Come on, Brother Li, let's go!" For a while, seeing that Li Zhao was still overwhelmed, Jin Shangyu also stepped forward. Pulling Li Zhao in one step, he walked towards Ling Yun's camp.

Of course, during the whole process, including Ling Yun, Zhuifeng and others, no one spoke, but stood on the side watching these two people come and go.

"Okay, it's all in the account, I won't run away! Let's talk! Why are you talking here! Don't you know what place it is!" Just now, Li Zhao asked.

In the face of Li Zhao like this, Jin Shangyu still feels a little guilty. After all, although he regards others as a confidant, there are still many of his own old men who have not told them!

"Why, don't speak! I thought you could solve all problems by not speaking! The old man still said that, don't think about it, let's go with the old man! Maybe after listening to the old man, your kid can still converge!"

"Well, Brother Li, in fact, there are some things that I should have told you a long time ago, but for your safety, I have never said it!"

"You have something to say! But also in front of Ling Yun!"

auzw.com "Yes, just in front of them! Actually, they are my brother Jin Shangyu just like Brother Li!"

"What, you mean that Ling Yun is already yours! This is impossible! If you do this, how could the person in the True Dragon Palace agree!" At the end, Li Zhao's eyes fell slowly. On to Ling Yun, the commander of the Forbidden Army.

Things have already reached this point, and it would be a bit bad for Ling Yun not to speak anymore. So at this moment, he finally spoke.

"Brother Li is shocked! Actually, Brother Jin and I have known each other a long time ago, and have already made an oath to follow forever! This time, you should understand!"

"What, it turned out to be true! Then, some of them should be yours!"

"Brother Li, his name is Zhuifeng. You know this one, Ben Lei, who is also the brother of the younger brother. Of course, you know this one. He is called Feng Luoyun and he is the guard of the Royal Farm!" Seeing that everything was done, Jin Shangyu also introduced Zhuifeng and others to Li Zhao one by one.

This time, Li Zhao, who is usually very serious, also showed a touch of surprise. After all, being able to bring the commander of the Forbidden Army to his own use was an impossible task in itself.

For a while, Li Zhao also fell into a kind of excitement. But it didn't take long before his fist hit Jin Shangyu's shoulder.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have such an ability! It seems that you are really a person sent from heaven! However, there are some things that we have to consider long-term!"

"No, I said, brother, why are you! Isn't it just that you have made more brothers! As for you, do you think of Lao Tzu like that?"

"Okay! Don't be mean! Since they are all their own, the old man will talk about the affairs of the court today!" Seeing that everyone has accepted himself, Li Zhao also started to talk business.

Maybe it was Li Zhao’s words that focused everyone’s attention, or maybe it was the affairs of the court that attracted them. In short, when Li Zhao’s words just fell, everyone stopped talking, just waiting for Li Zhao to tell the story of the early days. thing.

"Actually, it's nothing! It's just that in the early days, the emperor seemed very upset. He also called and blamed the brother Shang Yu! At first, the old man didn't know why! But later, I heard that you actually got into trouble. Wujin brand, even broke into the forbidden area of ​​the palace! I wanted to come, something must have happened in the palace, so the old man wanted to find you, but unexpectedly, you came here!"

"That, it's all Shang Yu's not good! I worry about my brother! In fact, there is nothing to do in the palace, just to accompany those foreigners to eat and drink! You say yes, Luo Yun!"

"This, that, yes, yes, that's it!"

"Oh, it turns out that General Luo Yun went with him too! It seems that you are afraid of eating the emperor, or you are angry!" At the end, Li Zhao also took a breath.

However, the person who felt the most aggrieved at this time was Feng Luoyun, because he didn't eat anything in the palace, let alone drink!

In this way, because of Li Zhao's arrival, this place has become even more lively. However, after all, this is the garrison of the Forbidden Army, and it is the place where the emperor pays the most attention. Therefore, after discussing a few more things, everyone agreed to leave.

Of course, Jin Shangyu took Feng Luoyun on the road, while Li Zhao returned to his home on the same route.

"Brother, you are a mystery! We will never figure out you!"

"What are you talking about! Who is Lao Tzu? Do you still use your research like this? Still the same sentence, I am a brother, and a brother can do it for me!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a triumphant smile.

After all, this time he and Feng Luoyun entered the city still gained a lot. Not only did he teach Ling Yun and the others the method of combined attack he had learned these days, but he also integrated his team. This cannot but be said to be Jin Shangyu's harvest and achievements.

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