I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 532: Three ultimate moves!


Glancing at a training ground not too big for the Imperial Army, Jin Shangyu also had a keen interest in the team in front of him.

After all, this place was in the ancient Jin Dynasty, and it was a miracle that so many unique weapons could be created with the metallurgical level of the time!

"Brother, it seems that you prefer the ordnance here, right? In fact, this is just a small training field, and there is a more complex training field at the end of the Forbidden Army camp. However, it is now returning to Ben Lei. That guy has jurisdiction!"

"Really! There is such a place! It seems that Ben Lei regards this as a training camp for the dead!"

"This is what the elder brother said! However, the younger brother also knows the power of our commander from the wounded sergeants!" When he said this, Ling Yun's eyes also fell on the ben who followed behind. Ray body.

Seeing this scene, Jin Shangyu also understood some things.

"Mother, it seems that my Jin Jun's training mission was contracted by Ben Lei! That's okay, although the elimination rate is a bit higher, the team formed must be overwhelming!" At one point, Jin Shangyu passed Lingyun. After learning a fact in his story, he also cast a grateful look at Ben Lei.

Ben Lei also saw this behavior, but did not speak. After all, his character is there. If he often "fights" with Jin Shangyu like the chasing wind, he probably won't be running into the thunder!

In this way, about a quarter of an hour, five people headed by Jin Shangyu also stepped into the central area of ​​this small training ground.

There, Jin Shangyu saw a very square land. Needless to think about it, he knew that it was a small ring!

"Ling Yun! Could it be that your usual training of the Forbidden Army still has this challenge subject!"

"Brother laughed! This ring was actually made by Ben Lei, who said that anyone can challenge him. If he wins, he can be the leader!"

"Oh, there is such a thing! Ben Lei, you are so courageous! If there really is an incident in which the apprentice starved to death of the master, Lao Tzu will not be responsible!"

"Big brother joked! In fact, it's not as good as Ling Yun said, it's a place for exchanging combat power! Of course, since you want to be in the ring, you must have some bets! So just..."

"That's why you guy has become the master of the ring, right?" Seeing that Ben Lei finally said such words intermittently, Jin Shangyu also answered casually.

But let's talk about it, it's a mess. They came here not to study how to check the training resources here. Their purpose is only one, and that is to learn the real combined attack!

Although the training ground in the winter was not as cold as the north, it also showed a little chill under the cover of various weapons.


"Mother, this is really different! The same weather seems to be all comfortable and quiet in the busy city, but here there is always such a chilling feeling!" At one point, the five stopped. At the time, Jin Shangyu also felt a strong sense of killing.

At this time, the chasing wind, seeing Jin Shangyu scanning the surrounding scenes without saying a word, he was also the first to speak: "Big brother, what are you doing? It's not because you feel the spirit of killing! Don't worry, it's all. It's normal! Well, if nothing else, should you teach us a few great tactics!"

"Poor mouth! But it's time to teach you! In fact, there are only three ultimate moves for this combined attack, and the reason there are only three moves is because there is no more time to launch the fourth move!"

"We know what the eldest brother said! But how do we use these three tricks! It's hardly possible that the three of us each made one trick."

"Ling Yun, you are wrong! The reason why it is called the combined attack technique is that it requires you to use a three-player combined attack! And it is a series of combined attacks regardless of life and death. It is said to be a triple attack, but it is actually one move!" See Ling Yun Still failed to understand his intentions, Jin Shangyu also explained further.

Of course, the three of Lingyun, Zhuifeng, and Benlei were quite excited, after all, a tactic like this was still brand new to them. At this time, Feng Luoyun, who hadn't said a word, stared at Jin Shangyu intently, for fear that he would see it less or hear a word.

"Mother, it seems that Lao Tzu's students are more serious. If so, let's study this combined attack with them!" Just when everyone was very interested in their own combined attack, Jin Shangyu It was also muttering in his heart.

"Brother, you have demonstrated to us many times, can you tell us the names of these three ultimate moves!"

"This, actually, that, okay! Is this the first trick? It's called death!"

"Brother, look at what you mean, is it possible that the name is just picked up now!"

"That, be it! The reason for this is that this trick requires one of the three of you to give up your life and use yourself as a tool to strike the enemy in fear! And this second trick, just It's called continuous!"

"Continuously! I understand! Brother, judging from the actions you demonstrated to us just now, the second trick is to focus on coordinated operations. To put it bluntly, it is based on the first trick to continuously launch a combined attack. Not only can the previous companions who were put to death be rescued, but also on the basis of that trick, they will exert greater pressure on the enemy!"

"No, I said chasing the wind! It's impossible that you have studied this tactic! How can you understand it so thoroughly! You kid, you really have you!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu wanted to name the third trick. When it was also compiled, the pursuit of the wind also gave a very accurate explanation for the second trick, which could not help but surprise Jin.

"Well, big brother laughed! It's actually just a feeling! Well, the big brother went on to say! The little brother is wondering what your third trick is called!"

"Well, in that case, the name of the third trick should be called it perfect!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu's eyes slowly looked towards the sky, and a strong and sharp aura was also instantly from Jin. The top of the person's head rose to the sky.

Such a scene also surprised Ling Yun and the others. Although they all knew that their eldest brother was very powerful, they did not expect that such a vision would appear!

Maybe it was because of the surprise of everyone, maybe Jin himself really didn't feel much. In short, just when everyone was stunned, Jin Shangyu also returned to his usual state, and said slowly: "In fact, these three tricks will only exert their maximum power when they are used continuously. The enemy, I am afraid that you will lose your skin if you die! So the core of Lao Tzu’s combined attack technique is to give me someone else, brother for me, I am brother!"

"Whoever I am, brother for me, I am brother! Big brother said so well! Let us do a good job!" Just before Jin Shangyu's words were over, Ling Yun also muttered unconsciously. Uttered.

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