I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 531: Combination!


In the Great Tent of the Forbidden Army, a group of people are urgently studying some things. It sounds, although the sound is not loud, but everyone here is communicating with heart.

Because if there is such a little distrust between them, there will be a big explosion like the sky and the earth!

"You guys must pay attention to Jin Jun's development speed! In fact, I don't say anything, you all know that in these days, there are actually many people staring at us, maybe they will not think of the connection between us! But if you don't handle some small things properly, it will cause irreparable losses!"

"Big Brother, we really understand this! It's just that the current situation is changing too fast! If there is no real strength, I am afraid that even if you live in the world, can you be considered a master!"

"Big brother, Ben Lei’s words are somewhat radical, but they have some truth! Therefore, my younger brother’s opinion cannot stop the development of the team! However, we must continue to carry out cleaning activities in the developed team! Only strong supervision can It will deter some unnecessary behavior!” In the tent of the imperial army, I saw that Jin Shangyu was very worried about Jin Jun’s team building, and the three major leaders, including Ben Lei, also expressed their hearts.

Of course, when he heard these core secrets, Luo Yun was also emotional, and the agitated mood made him unconsciously reveal a kind of excitement!

"Well, since you all think so, I can't be too careful! Sometimes success is based on countless failures! Come on, let our brothers stir this thick soil!" At a certain moment, look. The three leaders of his own were very excited, and Jin finally made up his mind.

Of course, Jin Shangyu also asked for the specific details of the competition in order to complete this great competition.

In other words, when Jin Shangyu was in the Royal Farm, he already knew the specific rules of the competition.

"You trio team! It should have a good chance of winning! But you can't be careless. After all, the power of foreign races is also very large! Even before, I have also had some dealings with them! So you must pay attention to your opponents from your heart!"

"This point, please rest assured, big brother! It's just that the emperor's rules of the game are still quite messy! Especially the last one, to put it bluntly, is a battle of life and death! You can't even admit defeat halfway!"

"Okay! Actually, I have already prepared for this! Well, I have a combined attack technique here. The three of you learn it, and you can try it at the critical moment!"

"Combined attack! How to fight together! It's impossible, the three of us rush to kill together!" Seeing Jin Shangyu actually proposed something called "Combined attack", the three of them were also very interested.

After all, they still know the fighting power of their boss best. And since this combined attack came from the boss, it must be a shocking technique.

"My mother, I can't control so much now. Teach them to do some calculations! I have thought about it many times in the past few days, and finally I can combine that small heaven and earth three-talent formation with some small fighting techniques. I hope they will all be able to do so Benefit from it!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu felt everyone's enthusiasm for martial arts, he was also thinking about it.

In fact, with Jin Shangyu's ability, he can completely filter out some martial arts techniques through the future core. But there is one thing that Jin Shangyu still doesn't understand. That is how to turn his power into the skill of a martial arts master!


Although the current Jin Shangyu has long been able to come and go, he has come and gone without a trace! There are still very few mortal techniques that can be used to attack.

Of course, just relying on his own speed, Jin Shangyu can completely kill most of the masters.

Jin Shangyu's mood here is very complicated, and after hearing that Jin Shangyu was going to teach them to fight together, Ben Lei, Feng Feng and Ling Yun also quickly stood up, as if the next moment they could learn the martial arts they dream of .

"That eldest brother, or else, you can talk about the essentials of this combined attack first! We should study early!"

"Just worry about you! But forget it, I'm here to tell you about the power of this combined attack! Come on! The so-called combined attack requires multiple people to attack together. The reason why this combined attack is not What all the teams can learn is that everyone who uses the combined attack must be life and death! If one person changes his heart, he will lose his power! There is even the possibility of being hit hard by the opponent!" , Jin Shangyu's voice also became more serious.

At this time, Ling Yun and the others, even Feng Luoyun who was on the side listened very carefully.

I saw Jin Shangyu sitting in the middle position and then said: "This combined attack is a means of attack, but it is a form of formation! Think about it! When it comes to life and death, everyone will kill others. Leave yourself and hurry up! Of course, at this time, whoever is weak and who has few allies, then he is the first batch of people to be dealt with! Therefore, you must learn the art of fighting together and strive to form in times of crisis Join forces and win with one blow! If the combined power of the three of you exceeds the simple addition of the three of your skills, you will be able to practice this combined attack!"

"Big brother said so well! We will try our best to experience the feeling of working together! It's just that we don't know how to make moves if we meet a real master in this style of play!"

"Chasing the wind, what you said is very good! Because you understand it faster! In other words, this combined attack will only succeed when the opponent is unprepared, or when the defense is weak! Do you understand it! Then, next, I will teach you the three ultimate moves of this combined attack!"

While talking, Jin Shangyu also stood up from his seat.

"Brother, it's not that we have to go to the training ground to practice it!"

"Well, let's just say that, how can you understand it quickly! Let's go! I will teach you well today, but this formation is only recently figured out by Lao Tzu, and the actual effect is not yet known!"

"No, I said, boss, what do you mean! After a long time, I haven't practiced it yet!"

"Okay, Zhuifeng, since the eldest brother said that this formation works, it must have its characteristics and spirituality! Our top priority is to learn the three ultimate tricks of combined attack as quickly as possible!" Commenting on Jin Shangyu's combined attack, Ling Yun also said slowly.

Speaking of which, Jin Shangyu said just that. At this time, he didn't care about what the two brothers said.

In a short while, the five had already arrived at a training ground for the Forbidden Army that was not too big. There, Jin Shangyu saw various training materials.

"Mother, it seems that the forbidden army's family is relatively solid! Look at these weapons! Okay! However, these things may be in the bag of Lao Tzu in the future!" Just came to the practice of the forbidden army Jin Shangyu started to sigh with emotion.

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