I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 527: "Borrowing" Jin Mansion!

As a farce-like real dragon lunch came to an end, Jin Shangyu also jumped out of the palace with Feng Luoyun.

However, Jin Shangyu did not anticipate what happened afterwards. According to Mr. Jin's idea, it was to eat something as fast as possible, and then rushed back to the Royal Farm overnight.

After all, there are still three beauties there who are terrified for both of them.

However, just before Jin Shangyu's habitual thinking was over, Feng Luoyun spoke.

"Well, I said, big brother, you put home on your mouth all the time! Have you forgotten one thing!"

"What are you talking about! This noodles are also for you to eat, now you are leaving, but you are in trouble!"

"Well, I said the boss, this is not too troublesome for the younger brother! If I remember correctly, the Jin's mansion of the eldest brother should be nearby! Is it possible that you are planning to cross the house this big night!"

"This, that, really is like this! Yes, I have a place to live here! Yes, yes, what your kid said makes sense! After all, I haven't been home for some time! Go! , Visit Lao Tzu's house!" At a certain moment, seeing that Feng Luo Yun even mentioned the word "Jin Mansion", Jin Shangyu also immediately changed his decision.

"Big Brother, I really want to go to your house, right?"

"Smelly boy, what this home, that home! Remember, you are not allowed to talk and move around at the mansion, after all, there are many beautiful women there!" While talking, Jin Shangyu already brought Feng Luoyun to his Jin mansion. Go.

In other words, it was already night at this time, and the entire street looked dim and dull. If there were no people coming and going, it would be really dark.

"Here, this is Lao Tzu's Jin Mansion! Let's go in!"

"Big brother, you don't want to jump in!"

"Why not!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu grabbed Feng Luoyun's body and easily entered his small courtyard.

Such behavior can be said to be abnormal, and it is incredible.

"Boss, you, you are such a weird person! You still have to come in like this when you get back to your own home! Is it a bit too much!"

"What do you know! What time is it now! If we call the door, others can't sleep anymore! So, let's not disturb them tonight. We should find a place to sleep and leave as soon as the morning is light!"

"Big brother, wouldn't it be true? It would be too bad for you to do this!"

"Which one! Be quiet! It seems that Mr. Wen and the others haven't slept yet!" I wanted to say a few more words, but after hearing Wen Shuo's voice, Jin did not speak again.

In this way, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun came to the third floor of the Jin Mansion very carefully.

When Jin Shangyu pushed the door in, Feng Luo Yun also stared his eyes as big as a lantern.

"Boss, this won't be your room with your sister-in-law!"

"Yeah! Is there a problem! They are not here now! We can just stay here for one night! Why, don't you want to sleep here!"

auzw.com"This, that, forget it, you didn’t say anything, what can I say, brother!" After reluctantly speaking, Feng Luoyun sat down. A chair.

"Mother, that's right! This is Lao Tzu's bedroom with a big bed. How could it be possible for him to come here to sleep too! I was really drunk by these foreigners!" Just after sitting down, Jin Shangyu reacted. .

"Luo Yun! Let's go, you, you should go to another house to sleep! Or, I will take you there! Brother knows you are not used to sleeping with two people!"

"Boss, you're finally getting acquainted! Okay! Then take me there!" Maybe the lurking task on this day is too exhausted, so at this time Feng Luoyun really wants to find a place to sleep earlier.

In this way, Jin Shangyu didn't say much, but took Feng Luoyun and tiptoed to the second floor.

"Brother, why is this room so fragrant! It's not the room where others have slept!"

"Boy, you guessed it right this time! Someone really slept! But you also know this person!"

"I know! Well, it wouldn't be her!"

"Yes, you guessed it! It's her room! This time, you are satisfied! Remember, don't mess with others, this girl is very clean! Well, I'm sleepy too, see you tomorrow!" After simply dropping a sentence, Jin Shangyu went back to the third floor alone, leaving Feng Luoyun alone in a room on the second floor.

"No way! It turned out to be Bi'er's room! It seems that my cheap eldest brother will really arrange it! Okay, if so, then, let's sleep here!" muttered While speaking, Feng Luo Yun also slowly lay on a very beautiful gum.

Here, when Luo Yun was full of emotions and thoughts waved, Jin Shangyu on the third floor had already fallen asleep.

Speaking of it, Jin Shangyu is still very tired for a while. After all, a modern person, living in this dark and ruthless Jin Dynasty, wants to survive, so he can't make half a mistake.

However, shortly after Jin Shangyu slowly fell asleep, the door on the third floor was opened with a click.

"Mother, who is this? Enter this room so late!" Although he fell asleep long ago, Jin Shangyu also knew the changes in the door of the house for the first time because of the future core.

Because his sister lives here, Jin Shangyu has not dared to release his perception since returning to Jin Mansion. That's why the present scene appeared.

"What's wrong today! Why does this door seem to have changed! It's not someone else who came here!" Just when Jin Shangyu was very nervous, a soft female voice came in.

"Mother, it turned out to be Sister Feier! Why is she! What is she doing here at so late! It really doesn't make people sleep well!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu judged from the voice that it was Jin Feier, His heart became more complicated.

Nothing else, just because the relationship between them is too subtle.

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, Jin Shangyu was thinking quickly in his heart.

"Mother, no, if this girl sees this, it will be embarrassing! Let's hide first!" After thinking of this, Jin Shangyu also moved and disappeared on the big bed.

Of course, Jin is not a god, he just slipped and hid under the bed.

Looking at that Jin Feier, after pushing open the door gently, she didn't do much, but slowly poured a small pot of water in her hand into a flowerpot room.

"Mother, it turns out that this girl came to water the flowers! What a weird thing! She came to water the flowers at night! I don’t know what she thinks! But that’s right! If you come here during the day, you will be seen by others. It will be even harder to say at that time!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu knew Jin Feier's purpose, he was also muttering to himself.

Of course, in order to prevent this awkward scene from escalating again, Jin Shangyu did not dare to breathe. But from the dim candlelight, he could still see Jin Feier watering the flowers.

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