I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 528: Mr. Wen's arrangement!

I wanted to stay overnight at my home, but I found a beautiful woman out of thin air. This can't help Jin Shangyu feel the fickle world.

"Mother, the flowers are not so badly watered. If you should leave, don't stay here anymore! You are not sleepy, I'm really sleepy! To this day! There is no other way. Ah!" While grumbling, Jin is also looking forward to the beautiful lady in front of him to leave here as soon as possible.

However, the more Jin Shangyu thought this way, the beauty in front of him stood there blankly as if he was against him, and soon started talking to herself.

"A sweet and charming woman, it is better for you! Although you can't speak, you can always accompany him! It's not like I can only look at him from a distance and guard him!"

"Mother, what a beautiful woman, who is this! No, it turns out that the beautiful woman in her mouth turned out to be this beautiful flower! But, what are you feeling about the flower!" At a certain moment, it was there. While Mayfair was talking to himself in a daze, Jin Shangyu also kept pondering in his heart.

After all, it was already night, and Jin Shangyu really felt a little sleepy, so the irritability in his heart was constantly surging.

However, in the face of Jin Feier, Jin Shangyu had to endure no matter how irritable he was. After all, the relationship between them is sometimes really difficult to clarify.

Just as Jin Shangyu was thinking about it, Jin Feier said to herself again: "A beautiful woman, you must live well. Don't live well just because I'm here to water the water at night! If you have any shortcomings, jade Sister Yu will be sad! Oh, it is their fate that they can meet him early! Miss Jin Feier, although he was born in a troubled place, but he thinks he is also a Qinglian plant, why God treats me like this! While muttering to herself, Jin Feier also let out a long sigh.

"Mother, this girl is sighing with emotion! Jin Shangyu, Jin Shangyu, look at how you hurt people! Alas, what can I do! I can never see one love one, accept one! Doing so is also a kind of harm to Yuyi and Yunyan! It's really hard to handle!" Faced with Jin Feier's emotional vent, Jin Shangyu had a clear heart, but he could only sigh in his heart.

However, just after Jin Shangyu felt the change in Jin Feier's mood, the beautiful woman in front of him finally moved away from the house by Lian Bu.

As the door slammed shut, Jin Shangyu's heart slowly fell in his heart, but a very guilty emotion also surged from the bottom of his heart.

"Mother, is it because I, Jin Shangyu, did something wrong and shouldn't recognize this righteous sister, or I should learn from this ancient person, and see one to win it! Forget it, I don't want to, let's go to sleep!" After Jin Feier's footsteps disappeared, Jin Shangyu also slowly climbed up from under the bed.

But at this time, Jin's mood was also very depressed. After all, Jin Feier showed his emotions, it is impossible not to let him be in a dilemma.

In this way, thinking back to the past with Jin Feier from time to time in his heart, Jin can be considered to have fallen asleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and when the next morning arrived as scheduled, the small courtyard of the Jin Mansion also became lively. Not only is there a figure of work in the small kitchen, but also in the middle of the small courtyard, there is an old man who also keeps moving.

It looks like it's running in place, and it's like imitating the shape of some animal, in short, it's moving. And beside him was an old woman who saw her smile wide and refreshing.

"Master, what are you doing! Other people will laugh when they see it!"

"What do you know! This is called fitness! These days, I have been learning some animal forms, and I have been practicing, let alone, the bones of this body are getting tough again! Good!"

"Really! But, no matter how good you are, you can’t recover as well here! Since Xiaoyu’s acupuncture therapy has been effective, you can now walk! Old man, it’s great to be able to walk by yourself!" At the end, so did the old woman. He sighed long.


Of course, these two are not others, they are Wen Shuo and his wife, the housekeeper of Jin Mansion.

"Mother, these two elders are really affectionate. They started to work out! It seems that this ancient person doesn't know anything!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was slowly standing at the window, he also witnessed the couple. Couple fitness scene.

Such scenes reminded Jin of the early morning square in modern society, those familiar scenes, but they no longer belong to him. This kind of imagination is destined to be sad.

"Jin Shangyu, what do you think! I am from the Great Jin Dynasty now, so what do I still want to do! Come, I am here! Great Jin Dynasty, wait for it!" While feeling relieved, Jin Shangyu also surged. A powerful force of self-confidence.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was deeply moved, Wen Shuo's voice came from the small courtyard.

"Well, since we are all up, let's come down and have breakfast together!"

"No, mother, this guy's perception is too strong! But, yes, since they are the steward of the old general Wen and a part-time general, how can they not have any energy!" After that, Jin Shangyu also coughed softly, expressing cooperation.

"My son, I slept well last night!"

"Let Wen bother! Well, I said, brother, don't stay in the boudoir, leave, and have breakfast!" Seeing Wen Shuo's question, Jin Shangyu also agreed, and called out Feng. Luo Yun.

"Big brother, you, didn't you say that others don't know! Why now everyone knows where we are!"

"Okay, is this useful? Tell you! That old man is the chief steward of our Jin Mansion. Of course, your brother I regard him as a grown-up. You should also call him an old man!"

"Okay, I got it!" After leaving Hu Bi'er's boudoir, Feng Luoyun talked a few words with Jin Shangyu in a low voice.

Through communication, Feng Luoyun also learned that this old man is not easy.

Of course, Jin also briefly talked about the situation here. For example, Wenshuo should have found them in the mansion last night, but they didn't say anything. But the other people in the palace didn't know this.

"The son returned last night and didn't want to disturb everyone. In fact, the old man knows it! No, let them prepare your favorite breakfast early in the morning! Although they don't have the delicious food made by Yuyu and others, it's okay!"

"Let Wen Lao worry about! This is the guard of the Royal Farm, and my good brother. From now on, he will be his own family, so you are welcome!"

"At the end, the general will meet Luo Yun and see Lao Wen!"

"Feng Luoyun, a good name! The heroic look on his face is really a young hero! Think about it, if Wen Luoyu is here, he should be very similar in age!" As soon as he saw Feng Luoyun, Wen Shuo was very natural. Think of Wen Luoyu, the son of General Wen's home.

In this way, after Jin Shangyu's introduction, the two quickly got to know each other. Because they are both martial artists, and because Wenshuo likes them very much, the two are very talkative. Of course, during this period, the old father and son also told Feng Luoyun some things about Wen Luoyu.

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