I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 526: Brother, I'm so hungry!

The Real Dragon Hall, a place where the imperial power has the highest accumulation, but here, today it has become a super large wine shop. Not only did everyone enjoy their drinks, but even later, the palace servants who stood by to serve were a little unhappy.

Nothing else, just because this time span is too long.

"Come and come, what are you doing in a daze? It's not served wine! Also, how can there be such a small amount of this dish? Don't you the emperor have said it, let us have fun! On this table You don’t even have a dish, how can you enjoy yourself!"

"Well, Brother Man is right! Let me say that we shouldn't come over today. If we knew this was the case, we would go elsewhere and have a good drink!"

"Come here, there is no food, let's drink it too!" For a while, when the palace people were very upset, the entire Zhenlong Palace became a noisy big market.

"Mother, Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, this time you know that these people are not easy to deal with! You think you can subdue them by giving them a little advantage! What a joke!" The thought of Emperor Sima Zhong's at this time Feeling, Jin Shangyu was happy in his heart.

After all, judging from the performance just now, this Sima Zhong is really murderous, and it is impossible for Jin to not know this.

In this way, in front of this seemingly chaotic True Dragon Palace, people of all races opened up, and almost everyone was talking gibberish and shaking.

Of course, time also came to the evening in such a disharmonious picture!

"Good guys! Warriors! Look, it's really late! Or, let's go back too! Besides, Long live our family has to rest!"

"Big brother, what are you talking about! Let me tell Sola, we should live here!"

"Shut up! Hurry up and leave here with everyone! You really think this is an ordinary place!" At one point, when Jin Shangyu suggested that everyone leave the True Dragon Palace, Man Sola also proposed to stay here overnight.

Of course, Man Sola's words were hardly understood by everyone, and Guo Feiyi had already pushed them back.

Although the drink was a little unconscious, Na Man Sola knew about Guo Feiyi's methods, so he didn't dare to say anything, but was unwilling to look at the True Dragon Palace, and followed the people to the palace. Layman.

"Um, a few, let's stop here today! I have something to do, see you tomorrow!" Just when the flow of people was about to leave the Palace of True Dragon, Jin also found an excuse and just got in. In the grove.

"Go! Why, I want to spend the night here!"

"Well, big brother, why did you just leave now! You guys, you guys are too such!"

"What are you talking about! Don't you know my son, I ate on the tip of a knife!"

"Big brother, this little brother really hasn't seen this! What the little brother sees is that you keep pushing cups and changing cups!" At the end, Feng Luoyun, who was hiding in the woods, grumbled very much.

Jin Shangyu didn't pay attention to such words at first, but after hearing a few words, Jin also reacted. He smiled and looked at Feng Luoyun, then said softly: "Brother, you, you are not hungry!"

"Well, boss, you can still think of brother! Actually, in fact, I'm really hungry!" At the end, Luo Yun bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Mother, I really can't blame this kid for this! This kid drinks from noon to night, but this kid is watching here, but he can't eat or drink. It's really hard for him to figure it out!" After the appointment, Jin Shangyu didn't say much, and took Feng Luoyun directly to the outside of the palace.


Of course, this time, because of the absence of the Wujin brand, Jin Shangyu also made an exception to perform a superb exercise in front of Feng Luoyun!

"No, I said eldest brother! Is it because the little brother is dazzled by hunger, or you have become a god-man! Why such a high palace wall, you, you can even fly over with me! You say, what is this, Is this the magic spell in the legend!"

"Shut up! Are you not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue! Besides, you want those Ouchi guards to come and play with us!"

"This, that, isn't it a surprise!"

"What's so amazing! Just know it! This is just a specialty of Lao Tzu!" At the end, even Jin Shangyu himself wanted to laugh.

However, in the face of such Feng Luoyun, what can he say. I can't say that I am a superman!

In this way, after Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun jumped out of the palace, they wandered in the imperial capital city. At this time, Feng Luoyun also raised his most urgent question.

"Big brother, let's not mention your god-human act! Everything can be turned over! But the younger brother is really hungry! Or, let's eat something first, and then go back!"

"Well, forget it! Just eat! But it's too late, but it's too good to eat! Or let's have a bowl of noodles!" At the end, Jin Shangyu didn't care whether Feng Luoyun agreed or not. Came to a small noodle restaurant.

"Two guest officers! Please inside! The small shop is not big, but it has everything!"

"That, thanks! Just prepare two bowls of noodles! Hurry up!" After throwing out a few small coins, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun were also sitting in the outer room of the shop.

"No, I said, brother, we really only eat this bowl of noodles! Anyway, we should get some side dishes or something!"

"Brother! Look at the weather, if we don't eat quickly, I'm afraid we won't be able to go home until midnight! Do you want them to worry!"

"Well, that's all right! Eat noodles when you eat noodles!" I wanted to say a few more words, but when he thought of the three big beauties in the Royal Farm, Feng Luo Yun had to weakly agree.

In this way, after a while, Xiao Er brought two bowls of steaming hot noodle soup. And Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun also ate them without saying a word.

"Um, brother, why is the noodles so delicious today!"

"Excuse me, do you still need to talk about it! You bastard, you are a chef yourself, I guess you are really hungry!"

"Perhaps! But I just don't understand, my brother, what are you doing! Why are you eating! My brother thought the two bowls belonged to one person at first!"

"Why, eating bowls of noodles won't work! Your kid is really unreasonable! Don't you see Lao Tzu's performance in front of the True Dragon Palace! Speaking of which, I am really hungry now!" Jin Shangyu smiled while eating the noodles Hehe said.

However, this kind of words still surprised Feng Luoyun. After all, he ate from noon to night, how could he be hungry!

But as Jin Shangyu said, he really didn't eat too much, and the royal spirits didn't drink too much!

In this way, the two of them ate these two bowls of ordinary noodles after a while. However, when Jin Shangyu signaled that Feng Luoyun was ready to leave, Feng Luoyun finally said something that made Jin Shangyu very embarrassed.

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