I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 512: Foreigners!

Royal Pastoral, in the Great Account of the Chinese Army, because of Jin Shangyu's words, it also attracted a little touch. However, through this incident, Jin Shangyu's position can be considered stable here. In other words, Jin Shangyu will truly have absolute power on this royal land.

"Luo Yun! These days, I have suffered you. Brother, the shopkeeper, is really making you laugh!"

"Big brother joked! Since my brothers have decided to follow you, as long as it is your business, it is our business! Besides, with the help of your small inventions, it is not too tired! But it is those The guy who manages the horses will suffer next!"

"It seems that this is the case! After all, the work of sorting the land is almost over! And that horse needs someone to manage it at any time! However, I believe they can manage it!" After mentioning this question , Jin Shangyu also slowly stood up.

Because of this moment, Jin Shangyu truly realized what it was like.

In this way, to welcome the three of Jin Shangyu, Feng Luoyun also prepared a very hearty lunch. Of course, because this is a military camp, a "drink war" is still necessary.

"Big brother, why don't you drink it!"

"Well, you also know that Lao Tzu's drink is too big! So, you should drink some yourself! Don't come to toast one by one! After all, Lao Tzu really doesn't want to drink you badly!"

"This, that, brother, this is what you say we listen to, if someone else says it, no one will take it!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu slowly put the wine glass he just raised on the table. At that time, Luo Yun also said with a slight smile.

Of course, Ran Yuyi and Duan Yunyan, who were sitting beside Jin Shangyu at this time, were still very happy. And the biggest reason is that someone Jin stopped the wine glass in his hand.

I had wine all night, but my dreams continued. When the morning sun came to this royal land again the next morning, Jin Shangyu already took his two daughters for a walk.

"Brother Yu, I didn't expect that this time, their attitude changed so quickly. It seems that they really want to do something with you!"

"I hope! I hope they can all remember their vows! However, this land is not necessarily ours!"

"Why Brother Yu said that!"

"Yuyu, there are some things you don't understand! Just like this land, it is now the emperor's private land! If you change to an emperor, I'm afraid it will be that person's private property!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! But, but, forget it, let's not talk about it!"

"Girl, brother knows what you want to say! However, those things are really not your brother and my true thoughts! If I can choose, I would rather choose this world to be peaceful, and Jin Shangyu can still bring my beloved Women travel the world! Think about it, it feels good!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also unconsciously revealed a smile from his heart.

Seeing that Jin Shangyu actually felt intoxicated, Ran Yuyi and Duan Yunyan did not speak any more, but quietly accompanied Jin's side.

However, just as the three of them were feeling affectionate, a war horse was also rushing.

"My lord, every time the general says I have something important to report to you! Please come back quickly!"

auzw.com "Oh, something big happened! It's not our land that has a problem!"

"Sir, it shouldn't be this kind of thing! It may be something in the Imperial City!"

"In the imperial capital city! Okay, you go back, I will be here!" Seeing that the man said the words'in the imperial capital city', Jin Shangyu also dropped a sentence and quickly rushed to the army's big account with the two daughters. go with.

"Brother Yu, what's the matter, so anxious! It won't be something called the Great Contest of Heaven!"

"Girl, your news is very effective! But it is, it seems that Lao Tzu revealed this news to you! Really!" Jin Shangyu was analyzing what might happen while running towards the military account.

However, when Jin Shangyu didn't know what he was thinking, Feng Luoyun's figure quickly appeared in front of him.

"Eldest brother, younger brother received a secret report saying that there is going to be a ceremony to worship the heavens in the imperial capital city in the near future, and it is said that there will be a heavenly martial arts meeting!"

"Oh, it turned out to be this! Luo Yun, I actually knew about it before I came here!"

"It turns out that Big Brother knew about it a long time ago, but that's not the only thing! I heard that after the imperial court announced this ceremony, people from outsiders actually came to visit!"

"What, they came so soon! Well, that's too fast! Unless, unless they knew our emperor was going to engage in this celestial contest!" At a certain moment, the general Feng Luoyun said When foreigners came, Jin Shangyu also talked to himself unconsciously.

In fact, Jin Shangyu's analysis is not bad at all. Even if the news of this celestial contest is sent to all directions, it will take many days. And it was only two days before Jin Shangyu came out of the Imperial City!

"Big brother, you know everything! But, if it is really a conspiracy! Then, then we in the Central Plains will suffer huge harm!"

"Alright! Luo Yun, let's not worry about them! Let's think about our own farming career! After the new year, the spring flowers will bloom, and then it will be time for us to show our skills!" At that moment, when Luo Yun wanted to say a few more words, Jin Shangyu also expressed his intentions.

Such an expression somewhat disappointed Feng Luoyun. After all, from his words and behavior, Jin Shangyu also felt a sense of war.

"Mother, you girl, it turns out that Luo Yun is also very interested in the Celestial Contest! It's just that I won't send anyone off this time! Let my chiefs show their talents. .

Maybe it's because she's afraid of being cold, or maybe Duan Yunyan has to express her own thoughts. In short, when Luoyun and Jin Shangyu are studying this celestial comparison, the beautiful woman Duan also opened her mouth.

"Well, Brother Yu, in fact, this foreigner is not necessarily a bad person, maybe there are good people! Besides, even if they have a conspiracy, we are not afraid!"

"That, I'm sorry! I didn't mean that! You know, there is also Lao Tzu's home!"

"Brother Yu, you are wrong! Yunyan didn't mean that! Yunyan wanted to tell Brother Yu that maybe, maybe they will come too!" At the end, Duan Yunyan's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Mother, this girl is right! Foreign people, my eldest brother Duan Piquan, aren't they all foreigners! Maybe, maybe this time, they can really rush over, I don't know!" Just before Duan Yunyan's voice was heard, Jin Shangyu fully understood the whole story.

Because of this moment, in Jin Shangyu's mind, the Zuo Xian King Duan Pixi finally appeared, as well as the Xianbei warriors with extraordinary fighting strength!

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