I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 513: Bring soldiers here!

It was a quiet and pleasant winter morning, but the atmosphere became tense in the news of "foreigners" in Feng Luoyun.

The main reason for feeling nervous is that even Jin Shangyu, who has a strong perception, cannot guess what these foreigners want to do.

"Well, I said Luo Yun! I know you are also a martial artist, and this kind of celestial competition also wants to participate, but sometimes, you can't do everything as you like! Do you know what I mean! "

"Brother, brother understand! Please rest assured! This time, we will only be spectators! However, it is reported that there is a group of foreigners from Xianbei in the north who even brought two thousand Jiashi, so I don’t know them. How did you cross the border!"

"Luo Yun, speak slowly, what the **** is going on!" Just as Feng Luoyun mentioned the word "Xianbei" in his mouth, Jin Shangyu's head also buzzed.

"Mother, it won't be my eldest brother, they have already come! No! If they come, there won't be any noise in the court! Anyway, the relationship between the two sides is not so good! No! , Is it impossible, it is them!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was looking forward to meeting Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixi, he also had an idea that made him very upset.

"Brother, you, what are you thinking! Does this person from Xianbei in the north have something to do with you!"

"No, it's okay! Just think about it! Okay, the top priority, you must quickly get someone to check it out to see if this northern Xianbei is from Duan or Murong!"

"Well, okay! I'm going to do it, my brother!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu's expression had changed drastically, he didn't stay much at every Luoyun, and he was directly out of the Chinese Army's account.

Only Jin Shangyu and his two beauties were left in the tent.

"Brother Yu, do you think it's my brother who are here!"

"Yunyan, don't worry! The matter has not been found out yet! If Laozi's analysis is correct, this Xianbei team may be from Murong Xianbei!"

"Murong Xianbei! How could it be possible! They are our mortal enemies! The previous war was caused by fighting between them!" After hearing Jin Shangyu's guess, Duan Yunyan did not say anything, but from her Judging from his expression, he was still surprised.

In this way, because of the new news brought by Feng Luoyun, Jin Shangyu and even Duan Yunyan were very anxious, but they did not rush back to the imperial capital.

Because the more this time, the more people will stare at you, and Jin Shangyu is still very clear about this.

"Okay! Brother Yu, I'm fine! It seems to be really exciting this time! God knows, who are they!"

"Beauty, I'll know at that time! However, since they can bring two thousand Xianbei warriors, it means there must be something in it! Yes, they are preparing to win the championship of the Heavenly Dynasty Competition. The sergeant has arranged to live and train there. At that time, this force will become a fist force in the imperial capital! Sima Zhong, Sima Zhong, you actually used the plan here!"

"Brother Yu, Yunyan just has some troubles! But you, how can you talk like this now! If this is known to people, it's incredible!"

"Don't worry! There are no outsiders here. Even if the sergeant outside heard it, they would not necessarily report us! Let's study the countermeasures!" Seeing that his words and deeds were persuaded by the two women, Jin Shangyu also gave a simple explanation. There is nothing more to say.


"Mother, even Luo Yun can get such news. It seems that my commander will also know this information! Forget it, I should stay here for a while! I want to see it. What do these strange foreigners want to do!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also made a decision.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu didn't want to participate in those disputes, and didn't want the Emperor Sima Zhong to doubt, so he stayed in this not too big barracks.

Of course, because of the company of beautiful women, Jin's life can be considered to be chic and easy, full of affection.

"Brother, you are here! Just now, our secret whistle sent back some news!"

"Really! Tell me! If Lao Tzu didn't guess wrong, this imperial capital city should be gathered by foreigners!"

"What the big brother said! Now not only the Xianbei people are here, but also the Jie people who are cruel by nature!"

"Oh, they are here too! It seems that there is a good show in this celestial competition! However, I don't know when this specific date is set!"

"Is this! Our people inquired that it was on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day of the sacrifice ceremony!" At the end, Luo Yun seemed very excited.

"It turned out to be this day! Good, good! Don't worry, we brothers must go take a good look at that time!"

"Big Brother is really going to watch the Heavenly Competition!"

"Of course! Now the land here has been sorted out! I'm idle and I'm idle, it's better to see how they fight each other!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's body also exudes powerful killings. gas!

For a while, Feng Luoyun also felt the powerful pressure of Jin Shangyu. If it hadn't been for Ran Yuyang to touch someone Jin lightly, I'm afraid the fighting madman would not know how much energy he would emit.

"Mother, it's really here! Chaos, since even your Sima Zhong wants to mess up the overall situation, what are I afraid of! After all, there is less than a month left, let me rest here for some time. Sun! But I just don’t know how Ling Yun and the others are preparing! In addition, I don’t know how the rules of this celestial competition are set!" At a certain moment, at the moment when Luo Yun turned and left, Jin Shangyu was also silent. Thinking of these things in the bottom of my heart.

Here Jin Shangyu took two beautiful women to live in the Royal Farm, not to mention it, just talk about the garrison at this time.

"Chasing the wind! It seems that Big Brother doesn't want to expose something! So there is no need to notify him! We just need to form a team by ourselves!"

"Well, Ling Yun, you'll repeat the rules of this celestial contest. I didn't listen clearly just now!" In the barracks of the imperial army garrison, Ling Yun was studying some things with Chasing Feng and Ben Lei.

Seeing Zhuifeng and wanting to listen again, Ling Yun also said blankly: "Actually, this is not necessarily the final rule! It's just the news I inquired about. Maybe there may be any changes!"

"Ling Yun, no matter what the rules are, you can talk about it first! Let's see how to deal with them!"

"Okay, then you two will listen! In fact, there are three main points of this rule. One is that there are only three participants! The second is better than archery. The third is the most impressive Surprised, it turned out to be a life-and-death battle!" When the words "life-and-death battle" were mentioned, Ling Yun also showed a touch of worry.

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